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Generic Name: Fluoridex Daily Defense ()

Fluoridex Daily Defense Reviews

For Prevention of Dental Caries "I was given this (Fluoridex Daily Defense) by my dentist and reluctantly used it starting a couple years ago (early 2017). I was told to use it, spit out the toothpaste, but not rinse. While using this toothpaste, I had some stomach/GI issues occur. I thought it was my diet and I even went to the doctor to investigate, but could not locate any issue. The symptoms showed up gradually, but I would have sharp pains in my lower right abdomen/stomach area, along with bloating. Generally, these would occur in the middle of the night/morning and get better as the day went on, but still persisted. I had a light bulb moment at the beginning of 2019 wondering if this was causing my persistent issues. In 2017 (shortly after I started using it) I had muscle issues/tendonitis/sensitivity in both elbows and numbness in my fingers in the night, along with loss of grip strength. Since ceasing utilizing the toothpaste, my tendonitis and other symptoms are basically non-existent."

For Prevention of Dental Caries "I have been using Fluoridex prescription toothpaste for about 5 years as recommended by my dentist. It works great as I have not had a cavity in those 5 years. I just started using the daily defence rinse as well and it is also a wonderful product. As long as I can go to the dentist and only need cleanings it is worth my while to keep using it. I've had zero side effects, and have had no problems opening the tube"

More about Fluoridex Daily Defense (fluoride topical)

  • Compare alternatives
  • Reviews (2)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: mouth and throat products

Patient resources

  • Fluoridex Daily Defense advanced reading

Other brands

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Professional resources

  • Stannous Fluoride Oral Rinse prescribing information

Other brands

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Other formulations

  • Fluoridex
  • Fluoridex Daily Defense Enhanced Whitening

Related treatment guides

  • Prevention of Dental Caries