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Generic Name: Vibramycin (doxycycline)

Vibramycin Reviews

For Bacterial Infection "I was diagnosed with a bacterial sinus infection and was prescribed this antibiotic, due to being allergic to amoxicillin. The pills are 100 mg each. I am to take twice daily. At this time, many of my sinus symptoms have dissipated, which is an excellent sign that I'm finally on the mend. I haven't had any side effects with this and have taken as directed. Avoiding dairy products, not laying down 30 minutes after ingesting, and making sure to take it with food and a large glass of water."

For Acne "I got off minocycline a month and a half ago after 6 months of successful treatment with it for my acne, and no side effects (mild to moderate inflamed acne here). Acne started coming back, so my derm put me on doxycycline (I use azelaic acid 15% once a day topically too). I've been only 4 days on doxy 100 mg twice daily, and my skin is completely clear again. Zero side effects with this as well. The inflammation subsided in just 2 days. It has saved my skin once again. Tetracyclines work so well for me, it's hard to get off of them."

For Urinary Tract Infection "Prescribed for both my urinary tract infection and sinus infection at the same time. I am a vegan and am finding it a bit difficult to time my dosage (2 a day) around other medicines and meals. I believe it is causing headaches and nausea. I have not vomited but feel as if I could. In the middle of the cycle of prescription-hope I can tolerate the remainder."

For Bronchitis "Was prescribed doxycycline HCL for bronchitis. Have been taking for 3 days now and no change in symptoms. I still cough so hard my head throbs so bad I want to pull it off. My daughter was just diagnosed with viral pneumonia in both lobes of her right lung, so maybe I don't actually have bronchitis."

For Bacterial Infection "I took a very heavy dose of this drug via intravenous drip over four days during a nine day hospital stay to fight off an infection in the cervical spine after surgery. It seems to induce nausea, loose bowels and it also seemed to interfere with the sense of taste to the extent that nothing I attempted to eat was palatable, even hospital favorite Ginger Ale and several foods I otherwise love that were bootlegged into the hospital for me. This lasted for an additional three days after I came off it and I lost about ten pounds as well. The effectiveness of the drug was apparently less that dramatic, as the infection was sluggish in going away, but hopefully has."

For Urinary Tract Infection "Much more effective than Cipro."

For Skin or Soft Tissue Infection "After ten days my open wound is slowly healing"

For Acne "My 15 year old son has been using this to treat his acne because just the topical treatment was not working. I see a BIg improvement after using the Vibramycin for a month. It works."

For Acne "Worked for a short amount of time when use with Retin-A"

More about Vibramycin (doxycycline)

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  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: miscellaneous antimalarials
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Vibramycin Calcium advanced reading
  • Vibramycin (Doxycycline Syrup)
  • Vibramycin (Doxycycline Tablets and Capsules)

Other brands

Monodox, Doxy 100, Vibra-Tabs, Doryx, ... +7 more

Professional resources

  • Vibramycin prescribing information
  • Doxycycline Hyclate (EENT) (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Monodox, Doxy 100, Doryx, Oracea, ... +6 more

Related treatment guides

  • Actinomycosis
  • Ocular Rosacea
  • Gonococcal Infection, Uncomplicated
  • Acne