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Generic Name: Pimavanserin Tablets

Brand Name: Nuplazid

Nuplazid Drug and Medication User Reviews

Took a month to start working.2 weeks of wonderful results.Then confusion,hallucinations and psychosis again.Plus my co pay is 1000$.don't know if its worth it for less effectiveness

confused, light headed dizzy, hallucjnations still there

Extreme confusion after starting Nuplazid 17 mg. 2 pills per day. Also waking at night every couple of hours. Switched to taking pills in morning but confusion continued to get worse. Slept sitting on couch most of day or stared off into space. Stopped taking after seven weeks and don't plan on going back on the drug.

Worsened the condition horribly. Initial dose made him a vegetable for 12 hours. Subsequent doses made him mean with "alternate personalities". We took him off the drug (this was all with only 17mg - 1 pill), and the personalities and horrible meanness reduced, but the increase in psychosis remained and he also has OCD now that he never had before.

works as prescribed, no ill side effects.

This medicine is a true blessing. It has allowed me to spend more meaningful time with my dad. The doctor was happy to prescribe it and it seems very safe. We even got a free 30 day does. The company does a lot of outreach to make sure we get the pills and works with the insurance.

worsen condition