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Generic Name: Parlodel (bromocriptine)

Parlodel Reviews

For Hyperprolactinemia "This medication has helped me with my battle with infertility. With it, I have had two successful pregnancies, though with minimal side effects. So much happy to become a parent after six years of infertility. It had also helped me with a benign tumor in my brain, and I think I'm a normal woman now. I was initially placed on half the tablet a day but later increased to 1 and 1/2 a day, with series of blood tests and MRI scans. It really helped and I'm still using it with routine checkups."

For Hyperprolactinemia "I have been on this medication for 30 years to control a prolactin-secreting pituitary macroadenoma. I chose medication over surgery, and today I take a maintenance dose of 2.5 mg twice a day. In the beginning, I had severe headaches and nausea, but the side effects stopped after a couple of months. After two months of treatment, my tumor had shrunk from 13 mm to undetectable on a CT scan. Parlodel can be a game changer for those that can tolerate it."

For Hyperprolactinemia "After three months on Parlodel, my doctor took me off. I experienced very little symptoms now, and my prolactin levels are normal. My cycle returned to 28 days for the first time in years. Hopefully, things will get better."

For Hyperprolactinemia "In 1993 I was put on this medication and told to take 4 tablets daily. 3 days later I had the worst headache of my life. The following day with the headache I couldn't stop throwing up. Called DR-said I had the flu take 1/2 a tablet 6 times a day. I got worse;called DR again, he told me to take 1/2 tablet 4 times a day. Continuing to get worse on the 7th day I crawled up the stairs and pounded on neighbor's door and said "please take me to the hospital, I am dying" The last thing I remember was getting in the car. 5 days later I woke up in the hospital, I was told I was lucky to be alive. When I looked in the mirror and my eyes were pure blood. I was told the pressure in my head burst all the blood vessels in my eyes."

For Hyperprolactinemia "I have been using 7.5 mg Parlodel for 4 months now, and my menstrual cycle is back to normal. I will have blood tests done in June to see if my prolactin levels have decreased, but I am sure they have. I don't have any known side effects from it either."

For Hyperprolactinemia "I have been taking this medication for 1 month, and prolactin levels dropped from over 3000 to 1500, still high though, and I only take 2.5 mg a day. Side effects are bad. I can't work due to dizziness and fatigue. Doctor wants to stop this medication and start with another because I can't, unfortunately, cope with it."

For Hyperprolactinemia "My menstrual cycle also returned after just one month on Parlodel, however the side effects of migraines, dizziness, shifts between drowsiness and over-alertness were problematic. When my vision became distorted, unfortunately, I had to stop the medication. "

"I started this drug in 1990 for a brain tumor/adenoma and had to stop because I threw it up. My OB/GYN doctor suggested I take it vaginally and I began mensing for the first time since puberty. I was 26 years old and had undergone the prerequisite micro-surgery and radiation therapy in my teens. I wanted to be fertile as my husband and I wanted to start a family. In January of 1991 my son was born, in January of 1993 my daughter was born. Now at the age of 57 I have realized I experience many of the manifestations this drug must be capable of causing. Early menopause stopped my child-bearing ability. Incontinence and muscle aches have plagued me for years now and I believe some of this could be a direct consequence from the treatment I followed that allowed me to be a grandma."

For Hyperprolactinemia "I've been taking this medication for two weeks now. At first a half dose of the lowest dose of 2.5 mg. I've experienced side effects immediately. The most troublesome is the overall fatigue and extreme nausea. I just moved to a full dose of 2.5 mg last night. Today my nausea has increased horribly. Last night extreme and violent vomiting. I'm sick to my stomach, weak and some shortness of breath occurred last night and still remains. I noticed improvement in my symptoms in a few days and now they seem a bit escalated for my breast milk reduced and now seem I'm producing more than ever. I also experienced blurred vision this morning in my peripheral vision. Not a fan of this medication. #feeling horrible"

For Hyperprolactinemia "I have been taking Parlodel now for 2 months. At first dizzness and headaches then they passed. I have also noticed changes in my cycle it has become more normal 28 days from 35/40 days. I now notice my ankles and feet swelling now after 2 months on Parlodel..but what is funny about it occurs during my cycle."

For Hyperprolactinemia "My fist day of parlodel, I started the side effects, my mouth was dry, itchy, vomiting, insomnia, blocked nose and back pain. I don't know if I should try one more day or just give up because I am still feeling sick."

"I was prescribed Parlodel on a few different occasions by my former gynecologist after being diagnosed with idiopathic galactorrhea. Parlodel never helped the condition, so it was worthless. I eventually stopped the medication completely. A few years later, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and an underactive thyroid can cause galactorrhea."

"I was prescribed Parlodel for amenorrhea. A gynecologist theorized my condition was due to a slightly higher than normal level of prolactin. I had a physical exam and blood work, but no CT scan for a possible tumor. I developed a heart arrhythmia within a few days of taking the prescribed dosage. I couldn't walk up stairs without fainting on the last step. Everything would suddenly go dark and my legs would collapse. My heart thumped and jumped when I tried to sleep. I couldn't take a few steps to the mailbox without feeling exhausted. The doctor didn't seem concerned. He said PACs (premature atrial contractions) are common side effects with the drug. The heart arrhythmia ended when I stopped taking the drug. I sought help from another gynecologist. I was told I never should've been prescribed Parolodel, since my prolactin levels weren't outside of the normal range. I also learned the drug dilates blood vessels throughout the body."

For Hyperprolactinemia "My prolactin level went very high after my ovarian cyst surgery, I was prescribed bromocriptine, for the very first time in years, I experienced the ovulation discharge. But the side effects were awful, confusion, anxiety, shakiness, headache, weight loss, nausea/vomiting. Could barely eat anything. Gave me high blood pressure and panic attacks. It's very effective but they could work on the side effects"

For Hyperprolactinemia "I've been using Parlodel for many years to treat high prolactin levels, and it has been a success! My levels dropped. I feel normal again."

For Hyperprolactinemia "In just 1 year my Prolactonoma tumor has shrunk 2mm. I did experience nasal stuffiness for the 1st 6 months of taking this medication."

More about Parlodel (bromocriptine)

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  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: dopaminergic antiparkinsonism agents
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Parlodel drug information
  • Parlodel (Advanced Reading)

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Professional resources

  • Parlodel prescribing information
  • Bromocriptine (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Hyperprolactinemia
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Acromegaly