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Generic Name: polyethylene glycol 3350

Brand Name: Miralax oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

This stuff is absolute poison. Insomnia, cramps, stomach pain, nausea, and a sense of confusion are just SOME of the side effects I've experienced after taking Miralax.

This was prescribed for colonoscopy prep. Shortly after taking I began to vomit profusely. I also became light headed, got the chills and felt very weak. I will NEVER take again. I vomited the night before and the day of colon prep. In the end I had to cancel colonoscopy because I vomited all the medicine and my colon was not prepped. It was terrible. I noticed other similar responses to mine as well.

Miralax is hit-or-miss for me. Sometimes I take 1 full dose and get relief within several hours. Sometimes I take a dose once a day for 5 days and have no result at all. If you take more than the recommended dose, it tends to work much better, but also can cause nausea and cramping. For occasional mild constipation this stuff works great. For colonoscopy prep, the super high dose works great. For moderate-severe constipation, this doesn't seem to be quite strong enough for me. The upside is that it is MUCH better than the alternatives for cramping and nausea. Unless I take more than a dose, it doesn't cause me issues at all. Senakot and other stimulant laxatives make me feel like I'm dying.

Helps but makes me feel kinda sick

I take it everyday on an empty stomach and get no side effects. It works great. Im a 74 year old man on the Atkins Keto diet. August 25,2021.

This is a synthetic substance not meant for humans. It kills dogs, cats and other animals!? The symptoms and side effects are what people claim proves it works. As for me, it nearly killed me with minimal use (3 days)! Severe abdominal pain, distension so severe I looked like I was 8 months pregnant. Horrible headache and dizziness! PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT!!!!!!

just another untested dangerous drug. Severe stomach pain, bleeding rectal, no bowel movement period. dizzy.THEY REQUIRE A CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT TO BE FILED FOR THEIR SALE OF DEADLY UNTESTED DRUG

Had a fissure and Dr. told to take iot daily to soften stools. Works wonderfull.

It causes me to have hot flashes, cramps,and narrow stools. I stopped and started it on three different occasions to be sure it was the Miralax and it was.

I love Miralax. I'm 17 weeks pregnant and hadn't gone in 5 days. Trying made me cry, sweat, and bleed. I thought nothing could help and resigned myself to an ER visit. But, this morning, Miralax worked! (I took it for three days at 2.5x the recommended dose.) Today, I went to work like usual and used the bathroom a few times over the course of the day. No urgency, no pain, no cramping. I feel great! Miralax just became a staple in our household... and a gift I'll give to friends and family when they announce their pregnancies. Seriously, this stuff is amazing.

I started out on high fiber many years ago ( I'm 93 now ) which stopped working after a few years. Went to Kondremuhl, Citrucel, and others, then Senna and lastly Magnesium Citrate. Finally went to a Gastroenterologist to get a CAT scan for obstruction, found none and am now on Miralax which seems to be doing better than anything else. I'm using it daily along with Magnesium Citrate and trying to adjust the dosage to preclude constipation using the minimum of each.

I will not use this product again. I took one dose & the following day I had severe cramping, felt faint and had to lie down. I felt nauseous and my back ached, too. I ended up in the ER that evening, CT scan & blood tests found nothing wrong. Then I read some of these reviews where people experienced the same thing.I will look for an alternative for constipation.

I like the product my complaint is that the container, especially the 45 dose one, is extremely difficult to hold and to pour into the cap for the measured dosage.

My doctor prescribed this for me and I took it for a few days. Yes, I went to the bathroom but noticed I had very bad lower abdominal pains after taking the medication. I will not take it again. I'll look for something else, since I have chronic constipation, I am over 70.

I have chronic constipation. This worked for that but gave me the worst back pain in my life. Stopped taking and will never take again.

I took this once for prep for a colonoscopy. I got violently ill. Extreme vomiting. I felt like I was dying. Passed out, hit my head, was unconscious for hours. One year later, (today) I tried half a dosage this morning. I've been so very nauseous all day and feel very very out of sorts. Never ever again will I take this.

Cramped for three days and longer. Weak and dizzy. This stuff nearly killed me.

I used to have hard stools and not go to the restroom on some days. I would drink a lot of water and take probiotics after lunch and dinner. Since taking Miralax every night before going to bed for the last 3 months, I go to the restroom daily with ease.

I struggle daily with constipation due to a physical disability that I've had for years. Sick of hospital visits, I was told by the ER doc and my GP to start taking Miralax, daily. For me, it causes a lot of gas which is fine because I have issues with that as well. It doesn't always produce a bowl movement right away/hours later, but it will the next day. I recently recommended it to someone who had been constipated for days-she had a bowl movement 2 hours after taking it and now swears by it. The only con is that I get nauseated every time I take it, but I think that's due to all the water consumption (I drink 1 to 2 full glasses of water afterwards to prevent the thickness it can leave in my throat). I do recommend it, though. It's gentle on your system. I can drink it and go out, not stay home with horrid cramps that other laxatives cause.

After constipation experienced, this medication cleared my system after two days of treatment. I experienced moderate to severe nausea, especially the day(s) following medication use.