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Generic Name: Metaxalone for Fibromyalgia (metaxalone)

Metaxalone for Fibromyalgia Reviews

Skelaxin (metaxalone) "I have fibromyalgia and more recently have been dealing with severe stenosis in my L5 as well as my L2, 3, and 4 that can only be described as crippling. I have been on Skelaxin for two days and I thought my husband and my teen were going to cry because they got their wife and mom, respectively, back, and I can sleep longer than 4 hours at a time. It is nice."

Skelaxin (metaxalone) "I have had fibro and chronic fatigue for years. I used to take Skelaxin occasionally. When I developed degenerative bone disease and increasing arthritis, I decided to take it regularly and see what happened. Over a period of a few months, I have found that my pain has reduced significantly. It is one of those drugs that seems to work better when taken regularly as opposed to for an acute attack. The downside is that it is expensive, even in generic form."

Skelaxin (metaxalone) "Went to the doctor yesterday due to muscle spasms from fibromyalgia. She put me on Skelaxin and it's WONDERFUL. I actually felt halfway decent for the first time in forever, even able to get some much-needed household chores done."

Skelaxin (metaxalone) "I have fibromyalgia, and it helps with my muscle spasms and my back pains and other pains that I have with my fibromyalgia. My doctor only wants me to take it on an as-needed basis for the muscle spasms, but when they get really bad, it helps a lot..."

Skelaxin (metaxalone) "I take Skelaxin for the coat hanger neck pain associated with my neurocardiogenic syncope, and the severe pain I get from fibromyalgia. I love it! It helps me move more comfortably, and I don't feel exhausted or 'high'. I used to take Neurontin, but that didn't help with pain that much. Being a single mom of 3 kids ages 14, 11, and 2, that wasn't an option."

Skelaxin (metaxalone) "I have fibromyalgia, scleroderma, and polymyositis, all have to do with muscle pain and tendon pain. I must say, I went from shuffling in the morning, not being able to walk, to feeling little pain. It's been a month now. I am also on methadone, which, by itself, did not help. I do feel very fatigued and out of sorts, but I would rather be like this than the way I was in pain."

Skelaxin (metaxalone) "Skelaxin has been wonderful for me. I first tried it 3 years ago when I could no longer tolerate the pain and spasms associated with my fibromyalgia. Like many other people, I needed something that I could function with, and Flexeril had a sedating effect. I have experienced no side effects on Skelaxin."

Skelaxin (metaxalone) "I have found Skelaxin to almost be a wonder drug. No side effects, and my muscle spasms are almost gone, no twitching while I am in an office meeting anymore. I am not foggy and can function normally. This has been great for me."

"I've suffered with fibromyalgia pain for the last seven years. I just started taking this last week and have already been able to cut my pain medicines in half! For the first time in years, I had a full, active weekend! What a relief."

Skelaxin (metaxalone) "I have fibromyalgia and couldn't handle the pain any longer. I went to the doctor today, and they put me on Skelaxin. I took one pill, and it was like a miracle. AWESOME. They also put me on Lyrica, and I haven't taken it yet today. Hoping the two meds together will help."

Skelaxin (metaxalone) "Wonderful, but expensive, muscle relaxant! This is the only type of muscle relaxant that I can take, experience some relief from pain and stiffness, and still be able to drive, stay awake, etc. LOVE Skelaxin!"

Skelaxin (metaxalone) "I was having one of my 'bad' days. I was expected at my mother's 80th birthday party. I took the Skelaxin and felt well enough to go. I am not one for taking medication. I should have brought the next dose with me, I had to leave the party due to the pain."

"Although this medicine is very expensive, I only need 400 mg every couple of days. I am able to purchase 3-5 800 mg pills per pharmacy visit. I only need to take it when in pain, and it works very quickly, so I'm not changing to another medicine. Flexeril makes me dizzy, dry, and doesn't work as well. Lyrica also makes me dizzy and nauseated. So metaxalone is my blessing. I'm very glad and surprised that I also don't have any side effects, as I am very sensitive to most medicines. Good luck, everyone, with metaxalone. It works like a charm for me."

Skelaxin (metaxalone) "I have fibromyalgia, or they say, and have been on everything known to mankind, even experimental drugs. I am now down to just pain medicines, which I am weaning myself off of. I tried Skelaxin, and it has helped relax the tension I have had for years now. I have been doing stretching exercises, and this medicine helps loosen me up, so it's not so painful. It's probably just another band-aid, but it has helped me so far... very expensive though."

"Metaxalone just amazed me. Not only does it relieve muscle tension, it has helped with all my pain including fibro, bulging discs, facet joint arthritis, carpal tunnel, and the excruciating pain of dequervians tenosinovitis. Unlike other meds, it doesn't sedate me, and I've had no side effects except a bit of irritability the first couple days. I only hope it continues to work as effectively for years to come. The BEST thing I've taken, and I've tried A LOT of things!"

"So far no side effects on metaxalone, but I am not taking the full dose as I have to work in an office with patients and am nervous. But I actually feel improvement it's amazing and I don't feel sleepy or loaded. So far so good. My hands feel relief for the first time in a months. This is the best medicine I've tried for me so far and I've been in pain for 11 years."

"I suffer from Muscle and joint pain due to fibro and autoimmune. I took one on the first evening and two more 800mg the next day( schedule was 800mg x3). I got almost every side effect there was and a couple days later I am still not well. Irritability, anxiety, altered mood, complete loss of appetite and gastritis that nothing is fixing much at all so far. I have been on other meds but this is in my top 5 worst! Couldn't pay me to take this again!!"

"I've been using tramadol for my fibro and since it works we don't want it to stop. My Dr gave me this to take at night instead of tram. Sometimes my body just can't calm down, the pain won't calm down. This has worked for me. Just 800mg at night. I do have sciatica, bulging discs in my lumbar. Arthritis in hips, spine, knees and myofacial pain disorder in my upper back. So whether this is working on those areas to calm my body, or whatever, I'm grateful that it has worked. Only side effect I've noticed is constipation. I don't feel anything noticeable when it kicks in."

"I have fibro, OA, cervical stenosis and disc degeneration of cervical. I take LDN nightly and tizanidine as needed. I recently pulled my hamstring really bad and thought the tizanidine wasn’t helping so my doctor had me try metaxalone. I started with the 400mg per her suggestion. It absolutely did not help with the pain and made me feel very restless. I did not like the feeling. I’m really glad I didn’t take 800mg to begin with. The tizanidine helped more than what I thought it was and I have had no reactions to taking it. I will not try metaxalone again."

Skelaxin (metaxalone) "I take Skelaxin for my degenerated disc disease, it's helping with pain a lot. Also, I'm losing weight because it suppresses my appetite, so that's a plus."

Skelaxin (metaxalone) "Helped sleep but caused restless legs syndrome."

Skelaxin (metaxalone) "My doctor put me on Skelaxin to help me get the knots out of my muscles. The only thing that Skelaxin has done for me is make me lose weight."

Skelaxin (metaxalone) "I was given Skelaxin for a herniated disc, and it has also helped tremendously for my fibromyalgia."

Skelaxin (metaxalone) "I take metaxalone when I feel the pain coming on. For at least three days then I stop because I have to still take aspirin for other conditions. It alleviates some of the pain."

Skelaxin (metaxalone) "I have Fibromyalgia and was prescribed this to help with the pain. It didn't work well at all. Carisoprodol is a much better muscle relaxant. I also take Tylenol w/ Codeine #3 which also helps."

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  • Reviews (126)
  • Drug images
  • Side effects
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  • Patient tips
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: skeletal muscle relaxants
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Metaxalone drug information
  • Metaxalone (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Skelaxin, Metaxall

Professional resources

  • Metaxalone monograph
  • Metaxalone (FDA)

Other brands

Skelaxin, Metaxall

Related treatment guides

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Muscle Spasm