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Generic Name: sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine

Brand Name: Fansidar oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Many years ago after returning to Australia after driving overland from London to India I became very ill - very tired (sleeping a minimum of 12 hours), feeling sick, headaches, sore eyes, no energy, and generally lousy. I was tested for many things but could find no source for the problem. I was put on Fansidar to treat toxoplasmosis it worked well but toxoplasmosis was not the problem. I have been taking Fansidar since the mid-1970s and it has kept me well. I stopped taking Fansiadt because it went out of production. Early in 2020, I was very ill again after a trip to Indonesia. I was checked again but no source of a problem was found. after several months of feeling ill, I used some very old Fansidar tablets, and within 3-4 weeks I was well again. Fansidar has allowed me to compete in sport internationally and have a normal life. Without it, I was virtually incapacitated. I can only speak highly of Fansidar.

Dear All, In 1984, when I was 24, my university sent me to Kenya. At the University Clinic, I remember being told that I had to take Fansidar along with chloroquin. I was staying in Kenya for 3 months and visiting around the interior. I distictively remember in the clinic as I had to sign a long paper from the Manufacturer of Fansidar - Roche. Two nurses witnessed me signing this paper. the paper was saying that I was waiving Roche from being accountable for any side effects I may have. They told me at the clinic that I had no choice but to take this drug or I may die. I did what I was told. I was not warned about any side effects being very dangerous to me at that time. I had blurred vision, and felt vey very off, tired and dizzy on the once a week days I was to take them. These symptoms I am now reading are very dangerous signs. I consider myself one of the lucky ones as I dont think I got damaged but who knows? Whilst there are wonderful things about modern medicine, to me its BEWARE in general. Too much money in this business. I would NEVER TAKE FANSIDAR AGAIN AND RECOMMEND AGAINST IT. TODAY THERE ARE OPTIONS. And by the way, I think I was one of the test cases as the university gave it to me free in the clinic which is not normal protocol. AVOID THIS DRUG, THere are better options now.

I broke out with an awful rash a few days after taking this drug. My face was puffy and I had tiny bumps and itching on my face and torso for several days.

This medication killed my significant other. Literally. He died of TEN (toxic epidermal necrolysis), after only 3 weekly doses. His doctor failed to take him off it even after he told the dr. he had a skin rash. Be warned.


It worked for me but it left me with bruised lips, not knowing that I bruise easily.