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Generic Name: Baclofen for Alcohol Withdrawal (baclofen)

Baclofen for Alcohol Withdrawal Reviews

"I was prescribed 20 mg baclofen as needed 2 years ago for back pain (muscle spasms) and it works great for me for that purpose. I only needed it occasionally when my back pain would flare up. Here’s the amazing part - I stopped drinking (again) 10 days ago. I started exercising more. I experienced some back pain. So, I took baclofen once a day for 2-3 days. I realized with no prompting whatsoever that my alcohol cravings mellowed substantially! I had never heard of that wonderful reaction until I googled it today. I am thrilled! I personally don’t need large doses. 20 mg once a day (at most) is effective for me. With the exception of a few breaks, I was consuming anywhere from 4-20 beers a day for 15 years, binging for 2-3 days at a time, and drinking vodka for breakfast. Maybe you will have a good result with a small dosage. It is certainly worth trying."

"Baclofen saved my life and helped me successfully withdraw from benzodiazepines, opiates, and gabapentin. I am now 23 days clean from a 14-month 2 mg/day clonazepam habit. I rapidly tapered down to 0.5 mg for a few days and made the jump cold turkey. I think the more prudent thing to do here is a slow, longer taper, but I wanted to rip the band-aid off and start healing. For 2 weeks, I experienced a lot of bad symptoms. It was scary. But during this time, I took very high doses of Baclofen (up to 200 mg/day), and believe it or not, I actually got some sleep. In the beginning, it was just catnaps, but gradually I slept more and more, and now I am sleeping 6-7 hours per night and have energy throughout the day. As a matter of fact, I'm exercising at the gym and even started martial arts! I am not going to say it was fun, but the Baclofen somehow kept the physical withdrawals in check long enough until the clouds broke...and the sun began to shine again. You can do it too!!!"

"After reading about the use of Baclofen to treat alcoholism, I asked my CPN if I could be treated with this drug. She referred me to the only psychiatrist/doctor in my county who was allowed to prescribe Baclofen for alcohol. After being an alcoholic for sixteen years, and having tried everything available to stop drinking, I can tell you that I have now been alcohol-free for five and a half years. This is a miracle drug. What I find inexplicable is the fact that only people who do their research find out about this drug, and have to ask for it. With alcoholism such a massive problem worldwide, why is this drug not the standard treatment? I fear the government stands to lose too much in taxes if people could stop drinking so easily."

"Having acquired brain injury (ABI) and P.T.S.D. made my drinking behavior very destructive to self and others. Booze made my depression go away for a few hours and made me feel happy again, but it's short-lived. Because in the morning when you are dehydrated, the paranoia and agitation, twitching, and moods are very bad. Then I would drink again to fix it. But this is all wrong for me and others. I think if that doctor had not given me Baclofen for my ABI problems ten years ago, I would be dead by now. Now if I stop taking baclofen, the alcohol cravings return in a week, they are very overpowering. If I crave alcohol now, it means that I've forgotten to take my baclofen. Endnote, Baclofen helped me stay a functional individual in society and a healthier war pensioner and veteran. What a blessing. Luckily, the War Pension pays for the medication too. ACE"

"After several trips to rehab and AA over 18 years, I discovered Baclofen for alcohol withdrawal and it works - it's changed my life. I had some success through traditional means but I always fell back because I never stopped craving alcohol. Thinking about drinking still made my brain 'tickle' and anxiety kick in. After a short time taking baclofen I can say that it changed my brain, and I now have ZERO reaction to alcohol stimuli. I'm a free man, thanks to baclofen and my doctor being willing to give it a chance!"

"I am in my late 30s and have struggled with alcohol since I was in high school. In one way or another, I can connect alcohol to every major problem I have had in my adult life. Whether it has been interpersonal, financial, legal, or health-related - alcohol has been the source of my troubles all throughout my adult life. About one year ago, I was prescribed Baclofen to help with my sciatica. Little did I know that this medicine is also prescribed for alcohol withdrawal. Without even being conscious of it, or putting in any effort into quitting drinking, I just stopped. The cravings just vanished, and before I knew it, I had gone a few weeks without a drop. I have been on it since and have never had a craving in all that time."

"Baclofen saved my life. I had been drinking and drugging and other addictions for thirty-five years, and after a few months getting dosage correct with occasional relapse, I am now booze-free. It is a miracle. You must fight through the side effects (sleepiness, lethargy, etc.) as it will eventually work. I now take it five times a day, totaling 225mg, but will slowly reduce now that I have reached the 'threshold' (Amiesen). I had tried years of AA, rehab, moving to alcohol-free countries, yoga, meditation, extreme fitness routines, years of therapy; nothing worked. Several DUIs, lost jobs, marriages, relationships... And then, Baclofen! Thank you Dr. Amiesen, I love you!"

"Baclofen has saved my life. I take 80mg per day at intervals. I still have a lot of bridges to mend, and that will take time. I am a 48-year-old woman who self-medicated with alcohol for depression and anxiety. This is the first time in over 15 years that I can feel comfortable in myself without having to numb off with alcohol. I am so looking forward to getting to know the real me. No binges and no cravings."

"I binge drank every night for 10 years. After 3 years of obsessive research into something that would help me in sobriety, and trying to convince doctors that baclofen would work for me (I was at one point prescribed a small dose) - I had all but given up. I finally met a psychiatrist that specializes in addiction. Without me even mentioning anything, he told me he could cure me and wrote me a prescription for Baclofen and B1 shots. Needless to say, here I am a month and a half without a drink, and I feel enjoyment in things again. My anxiety is gone, my senses are back to normal, my circulation is normal, and my constant 'fight or flight' mechanism that I've had my entire life is turned off. I can hold a conversation with people without feeling the need to run away. I'm friendlier and more patient, happier and calmer. To call Baclofen a miracle drug would be an understatement. I am currently on 100mg taken throughout the day."

"I've not drunk alcohol for 4 days. I have been drinking between 1.5 bottles to 2 bottles of wine for the past 1-2 years and finally decided to stop. I stopped three days ago and was worried I would have severe withdrawals, however, since taking Baclofen, I have been absolutely fine (started on a dose of 10mg and gone up to 30mg but this depends on your dependency on alcohol). I have been thinking of alcohol lots, which is expected, but I've been sleeping better than when I do drink (as I normally wake up at 3 am with extreme anxiety or worries in my life) and now don't feel any anxiety. I'm determined to stay on this path and feel proud of myself already. I would recommend studying on the web and looking at all sorts of alternative remedies."

"I had worked with Veterans who used to have back problems and had been on muscle relaxants. They had been using alcohol for years. I used to substitute the much stronger muscle relaxants with Baclofen with their Primary Care Doctor's approval. Results were great! My patients had double benefits: back pain/spasm control and alcohol consumption control. Some of them stopped drinking, others continued to use alcohol socially without problems, discovering life again. I am happy hearing that people find Baclofen being helpful. Good luck to you guys. Merry Christmas and Happy 2015!"

"I have been fighting alcoholism since my early teens, detoxed by myself, and was dry for 12 years until last March. After two months of serious binge drinking, I ended up in A&E when I decided to detox once again without any suitable medication support. They provided me Diazepam and I cleaned up again, but it only lasted for three months. The vicious circle is much harder to break as you get older. However, now, on Baclofen, I feel a tremendous improvement and do not feel the urge to drink. Indeed, the medicine worked amazingly well from the very beginning of the treatment. However, do address underlying psychological issues, as the medicine is not a magic bullet."

"I had been alcohol-free for 4 months since I started taking baclofen. I have degenerative lumbar scoliosis and have other obsessions (shopping, etc.). I increased the dosage quite quickly to 90 mg but got euphoria, even hypomania, and enuresis (bedwetting) on 2 occasions, which disturbed me. I have now reduced to 62.5 mg. I am still alcohol-free (attending 4 AA meetings a week). My thoughts have slowed down, no enuresis now, and absolutely NO anxiety, no back pain, no shopping. Still only sleeping 5 hours but very calm and alert."

"Immediately took away those out-of-control thoughts of must have a drink now. I am on 30mg only at night. It has stopped me from drinking 1-2 bottles of white wine every second day. I can choose to drink occasionally socially if I want. I have a clearer, calmer mind and fewer general body aches and pains. No more need for daily Panadol. My doctor is monitoring my progress closely, and I am generally happier, calmer, and more confident in achieving a healthier lifestyle over time. It is amazing not to have to fight that craving which I always gave in to calm my mind. Giving in to it would make me sick every day. No more drunk means no more sick hangover. Baclofen has released me from the 'drink, repent, repeat' horrible cycle alcohol had me in. Grateful."

"A slow descent into alcohol and cigarette addiction over twenty years finally had me in its grip last year. With too many near disasters to contemplate over the years and a denial system verging on insanity, I was given less than a year to live. From a bright, middle-class male to an unshaven, stinking 8-stone mess, retching, panic attacks, barely able to stand up, hiding bottles, then not caring about hiding anything, alcohol had me. I had multiple seizures before Christmas and in front of my 'friends', was bundled off into an ambulance. I was told very firmly that these were the 'end days'. I had seen others around me die. I bought the book by Amiesen and took his advice. I am now teetotal, healthy, and have no cravings. I am made new."

"I have been a chronic alcoholic for 40 years, eventually drinking 1 litre of bourbon every day for the last 4 years. It took my wife of 14 years to leave me before I saw a psychiatrist who prescribed me baclofen. Now, after just 4 months, I am no longer craving alcohol, my wife and I are reconciling, and my whole life has seen a huge turnaround. I feel extremely confident about not needing alcohol anymore in my life and have baclofen and my psychiatrist to thank for saving not only my marriage but also my life. Thank you baclofen, 'THE WONDER DRUG'."

"I was suffering from alcohol addiction all my adult life (I'm now 47) and in the last few years, alcohol abuse increased to a bottle of Scotch every day. It cost me my family (divorce) which I deeply regret every single day now. Finally, I went to First Step Drug & Alcohol clinic with a little hope, and Dr. J.G. prescribed me Baclofen 10mg tablets once or twice a day. When I looked up in the dictionary, it said this medicine is used for sclerosis treatment only. But Baclofen created a miracle: I went through the pain of withdrawal with great ease, didn't have cravings, and stopped drinking. After a few months, I started drinking beer. I went to my GP, and he refused to prescribe Baclofen for me because he knows nothing about Baclofen to help alcoholics."

"I have been on baclofen for 2 months now to help me stop drinking and started at 5 mg and slowly titrated up. I’m now on 60 mg and have no desire to drink. If I’m at a social event, I’ll have a glass of wine, but I drink it very slowly, and most of the time don’t finish it, which was highly unusual for me. If I started a glass of wine, I would always end up drinking 4 glasses. Baclofen is the best thing that ever happened to me."

"I am taking baclofen, have stopped craving alcohol for some time now. I have side effects: feeling tired, shortness of breath, seeing things, twitching, etc. I’m so happy with the change in my life, thanks to baclofen, the side effects don’t even come close to the side effects of drinking. I am happy, and life is amazing, the best thing I’ve ever done, and I am in control of my life now. Amazing and life-changing."

"I have an alcohol habit since 17 years old (now I am 57). Each day, I used to drink two liters of beer or equivalent (wine, whiskey, vodka, etc.). Each morning when I wake up, I regret myself for the night that I abused alcohol. Alcohol was always my close friend and major staff in my whole life. I didn't think a life without alcohol was possible. I want to be sober at least one week before I become a grandpa :)). In the end, I started to take baclofen at 20 or 30 mg. After one week, I am still thinking about alcohol but don't want to drink like the old days. I believe it works."

"It's a very strange feeling getting rid of cravings so easily. For the last 5 years, I've tried different techniques to stop drinking. I used to drink 2 to 4 strong beers a day, and I couldn't stop for more than a few days. I still think about having a beer, but I just don't feel the need to! I'm taking a minimal dose of 5mg three times a day, and it's working. ONE IMPORTANT THING: You have to be willing to stop drinking."

"This medication is just a wonder. I suffered from depression plus alcohol abuse, 1L vodka a day for a long time. My doc was willing to give me a very high dose of baclofen. This is just a miracle... craving almost done... not even willing to get one tiny shot of vodka just for the buzz. Depression gone too, mood increases a lot and sociability has never been so high. I do ponder why this drug is not used more for psychiatric disorders too..."

"Severe alcoholism for over a decade. Tried everything to stop. Started to take this in the morning instead of the first drink. Reduced w/d symptoms: sweating, anxiety, obsessive thoughts about drinking, tachycardia. It took a year or so of using baclofen while working hard to reduce drinking, but when I was ready, it gave me the ability to stop. It treated a host of related problems: panic, tremors from drinking for so long and the embarrassment that comes from that, balancing mood since it helped calm the mind, neuropathy from likely nerve damage, spasms, PTSD. Very dangerous to mix this with alcohol, so if you are not able to control yourself from mixing them to get an exaggerated alcohol effect, don't use it. I think the desire to quit or reduce was essential to its effectiveness. It worked for me the way naltrexone is supposed to. But without the anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure in normally pleasurable activities). I still get anhedonia occasionally, but on naltrexone, it was constant."

"Wow! Is the only word to describe my experience to date. I have read the side effects but my experiences have been very benign. I have had no thoughts of drinking after a multi-month period of increasing usage. My side effects have been an increase in self-esteem, better sleep (although my sleep cycle has changed, and I actually sleep less but have deeper, more restful sleep), waking more refreshed, better mood, focus, and clarity. I don’t see many of these mood-altering properties listed in side effects, but they are real experiences for me."

"I started taking baclofen 7 years ago after being diagnosed with dystonia. After 6 months, I lost all cravings for alcohol, having been a bad alcoholic for over 20 years. I remain alcohol-free to this day."

More about baclofen

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  • Reviews (437)
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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • Patient tips
  • During pregnancy
  • Support group
  • Drug class: skeletal muscle relaxants
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Baclofen drug information
  • Baclofen (Intrathecal) (Advanced Reading)
  • Baclofen Intrathecal Injection
  • Baclofen Oral Solution
  • Baclofen Tablets

Other brands

Lioresal, Fleqsuvy, Ozobax, Gablofen, ... +2 more

Professional resources

  • Baclofen monograph
  • Baclofen (FDA)
  • Baclofen Injection (FDA)
  • Baclofen Oral Solution (FDA)
  • Baclofen Suspension (FDA)

Other brands

Lioresal, Fleqsuvy, Ozobax, Lioresal Intrathecal, ... +2 more

Related treatment guides

  • Cervical Dystonia
  • Alcohol Withdrawal
  • Chronic Spasticity
  • Cerebral Spasticity