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Generic Name: butenafine

Brand Name: Mentax topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have this problem every year at the beginning of summer (started in 1973), blister appear on my feet then the rash, gong in 4 to 6 weeks, till next summer. This year 8 week in to it and still going doctor prescribe this and 2 yeast infection pills. In remission and not driving me crazy with the itching after 3 days.

helped - athletes foot - offered temporary relieve. Change socks every day - bought new shoes and sandals - avoided public areas, barefoot - change shower my mat often. Problem - athlete foot returned - Mentax takes it away then it returns again - I will be changing to another RX - I mean what's the point? At $90 - its suppose to be a strong prescription drug that's touted as one that eliminates the problem in 2 weeks. It didn't for me.

Mentax has been more effective than the previous medications used for my condition. The only negative has been the cost. Even with my insurance plan it costs me $80.00 a month with my other meds (27 of them) it really adds up. I hope this will work as well as for others.

I have recently lost alot of weight, and started to get a red and itchy rash under the hanging skin under my stomach. My Dr. told me it was a fungal problem and prescribed Mentax cream, well it cleared up in about 3 days! Cream is wonderful! He then prescribed a powder to put on once the redness/itchiness was gone, but can't remember the name. Was in a very small container and was hard to get out.

Excellent foot medication, Infection was gone in days with mentax. Best I have found to date.