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Generic Name: clobetasol-emollient

Brand Name: Olux-E topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

This is the only thing that helps me from excessive hair loss to stop shading, however the bottle is complete crap! it works the first 2 or 3 sprays and then it stops working, eithe just liquid comes out instead of a foam and then nothing comes out. For the $250/bottle i expect the container be more user friendly. I get 2 times of use out of 50 ml bottle. That's ridicules! OLUX please fix the bottle!!!

I have been using this foam off and on for almost 10 years. It works great for me, but when I don't use it my scalp returns to the itchy flakiness. I use it only when I wash my hair which is every 1-2 weeks. My problem is only on my scalp. If I use the Olux I can go 2 weeks between washes. However, it doesn't "heal" over time it just clears the issue when you use it. I have think, heavy african american non chemically treated hair. I now live out of the country and I'm not able to get the Olux and I desperately need a generic substitute. would appreciate any recommendations that are not watery, or extremely greasy and that I don't have to apply daily.

I got prescribed this medication for my Eczema. It is apparently a promo medication, because I specifically asked for Desonide. Its extremely expensive compared to the medication I was used to using. And when I got it I didn't realize that it was foam, like hair moose. Its not as discrete as a regular ointment so that is annoying, but it seems to work. It stopped my eczema from itching and now its not swollen.

Didn't work the first time I tried it

My dermmatologist insists that this stuff helps. First time I got Olux-E nozle broke. Later he wrote me rx to try it again. It was such a waste of money. It didnt do anything to help my condition.

Dont spend $370 this stuff doesnt work.

I have used various corticosteroids for seborrheic dermatitis for years with minimal success. At best, I was able to keep it at bay. Recently, I had a patch show up on my scalp that proved very difficult to manage. I tried Olux-E and after one week it was under complete control. This treatment is by far the best I have ever tried.

UNBELIEVABLE! Had terrible scalp psoriasis with embarrassing flaking that nothing helped. After less than one week with Olux-E it had totally disappeared! Try this drug - worth every penny! I kid you not and I am NOT paid by the company.

It has taken YEARS to find something that finally works for me.Expensive yes (with insurance $100.00) but I would pay the FULL amount. It has cleared my condition 100%. I use it once a day instead of twice and one can will easily last 2 months. I use a quarter size amount and it treats two fist size areas. It doesn't take a large amount to be effective!! Effectiveness and amount needed for treatment will vary from person to person I will agree...you just have to see what works best for you.

Of all the prescription medications that I have tried for this condition, this is the only one that will clear up my breakout. I do wish there was something over the counter that would work and was less expensive.

In 2005, I had a blue cross insurance that time and bought a olux foam that cost me $80.00. Now I don't have ins and it cost me $400.00.. I can't afford and don't know why it is very expensive. Where can I afford to pay? I really want olux so very bad because it worked out on my head so well. Any suggestions?

I've had scalp psoriasis for over 20 years. It ranged from mild flaking to severe. Tried every OTC ointment, cream, shampoo, etc with varying and inconsistent results. Olux-E cleared up the condition in less that a week. Started at twice daily as prescribed, then reduced to once every couple days. My Doctor provided a discount card with the Rx to reduce costs to $15 per refill. This is absolutely the best treatment for my condition. I wish it had been available for my Dad who suffered psoriasis (elbows, knees, hands, etc) for many many years for as far back as I can remember - he passed away 3 years ago at 83 years old.

I have Haley Haley and this is the only drug that I found that clears this up. I have had this for 15 years and it has been 15 years of agony. Then I found this drug and it is excellent, even if it is expensive it is well worth it.

Small less than dime sized patch on my shin about 4 years ago grew to encompass entire shin. Several doctors/several treatments - nothing worked. Olux-E cleared it up in less than 2 weeks. My daughter has eczema on back of thighs; not as much luck with that.

It has burned the hairs off my arms and chest.

Too damn expensive. One can provided relief, but the product "ran out" after 5 days so I couldn't continue the treatment--consequently my itchy scalp returned. I can't afford $220 every 5 days. Who can?

I have bad exzema on th eback of my legs and my lower back area. This is the only medication that worked for me.

I have had psoriasis on my feet for 15 years. Have used Olux-E with Vertical ointment for 2 weeks now and have seen no improvement. Have been applying twice daily. Supposed to use for one more week. Disappointed.

I get coin shaped rash on my neck ,back and face, I apply this product 3 or 4 days in row and the rash disappears.