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Generic Name: Factive (gemifloxacin)

Factive Reviews

For Bronchitis "8 days on Factive - cured the bronchitis - worsened everything else. On the 8th day I got an allergic reaction that got even worse on the next day, swollen lips, unbelievably itchy rash covering head to toe. Took nearly a week of treatment. Had to get injections to calm it down. A quick look on the internet shows that this reaction is common after having finished taking the medicine."

For Pneumonia "I took Factive for 7 days and at the end of these days, I woke up with a rash from head to foot. That was horrible for me, I went to emergency and I saw a dermatologist for this rash. She prescribed Prednol 40mg for 3 days. I was sick because of pneumonia for 5 days and I suffered from factive side effects for 15 days! My face, my neck, my hands, all over my body... terrible experience for me! I do not suggest anybody to use Factive under any circumstances! Thank you."

For Pneumonia "Given 5 day trial from treating physician. Experienced a delayed reaction after taking final dose and broke out in full body hives, literally from head to toes. Had to be treated then for pneumonia and the reaction with 3 follow up visits."

For Pneumonia "I took Factive for 6 days. The label says that you can take it with or without food, but in my case, if I didn't eat a very large meal before taking it, I would feel sick to my stomach and spend most of the day vomiting. I was only able to successfully keep it down for one of the days, but when I did vomit, it brought up a lot of the sputum that was in my lungs. At the end of the day, the medication seems to be working for me, but it definitely made me feel horrible that entire time I took it. ***Be sure to ask your doctor for a coupon for this stuff. It costs over $100, but my doctor gave me a copay free coupon and I wound up paying nothing for this medication."

For Bronchitis "I have used the drug Factive on two separate occasions to treat bronchitis. Not only is it expensive but it's useless."

For Bronchitis "Antibiotics are useless against viruses. They only work on bacteria."

For Strep Throat "I was given Factive for a bad strep infection. After the 1st dose, I felt 100 times better."

For Pneumonia "Just started today and know the first day you feel terrible, so hope it works. Highly recommended by doctor."

For Bronchitis "So far I have taken two doses and I feel worse today than yesterday."

More about Factive (gemifloxacin)

  • Check interactions
  • Compare alternatives
  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: quinolones and fluoroquinolones
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Factive advanced reading
  • Factive

Professional resources

  • Factive prescribing information
  • Gemifloxacin (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Bronchitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Strep Throat