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Generic Name: Sofosbuvir and Velpatasvir Fixed-dose Combination Tablets

Brand Name: Epclusa

Epclusa Drug and Medication User Reviews

Nearly died from genotype 3, Alt was over 2,000 a few times. Started taking Epclusa and it is some adjusting the first week but became easy after that. I can tell my liver enzymes are good ...and am waiting for results. I am on week 8. Cant wait for life after Hep C

Hi everyone, my name is Justin. I have 100% completed Epclusa as of 5 months ago. Here is my complete testimony summarized. Prior to the treatment I was depressed. I never had energy and wasn't ever able to get excited. Urine was tea colored and very foamy. Stool was black and very defined which seemed due to hardness. During treatment I had bad and good days. Good days were better than my good days prior to treatment. My bad days were worse than my bad days prior to treatment due to terrible mood swings (anger&depression) also no energy on those days. After treatment I wasn't happy again and was furious and didn't care to live any longer. I had test ran and found out that epclusa had indeed worked to cure my Hep c but demolished my testosterone levels (1st test 301 - 2nd test 350).. Today I am on TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) 100mg testosterone cypionate every 14 days. AND IM SO HAPPY. I haven't felt this happy and excited about life in over 20 yrs. My urine is normal color with normal suds not foam. Stool is normal color (brown, lite brown) not compressed.

I just completed the 12 week treatment. I went for my blood tests 3 weeks after I started taking it and it was already not detected. I had no side effects from this medication.

Just took my first pill today,I took it 3hrs ago,and have no side effects.

I am entering my second week on Epclusa and I can already see the silver lining of my new life. I caught the disease early with no liver scarring. I a 27 years old, have geneotype 1A, and had a 1,500,000 viral load at start of treatment. I was terrified to begin treatment regardless of the positive reviews because I am very sensitive to medication and tend to get the worst side effects of any medication. The first week was rough, but is nothing compared to the free life I am headed towards. Day one held nothing noticeable. Days two and three I had such unbearable fatigue and weakness I could hardly walk and required help from my family to get through the day. At that point I was very concerned that would be my life for the duration of the treatment and I caught the grunt of the side effects almost no one else gets. Day four I made a near-miraculous turn-around and actually felt like going out, although I was still weak, slow, and not mentally alert. I was beginning to feel different and had no idea the extent to which the hepatitis c virus had affected me mentally until then. After day four until now I steadily improved and yesterday I felt better than even before I had started the medication, absolutely zero side effects OR symptoms. I have hope again. I do have night sweats which are also gradually disappearing. I have thankfully not had any nausea or headaches and have had minimal, manageable diarrhea. I truly believe I am on the up and up, and those two days of despair were a small price to pay for the freedom I will soon have. Do not fret about starting this medication. The first pill is your ticket to your new beginning.

I had hep C genotype 3 for about 17 years,I Took epclusa for 3 months 1.5 years ago, what I remember the side affects on me were very mild, gassy tummy, fatigue

I am on day 14 of Epclusa and all had gone well with allot of water consumption. I have had severe brain fog and am now on Lactalose to bind the Ammonia and expel THROUGH pooping. I did the research my self as no one let me know of Ammonia Leves could cause brain to feel incoherent and unable to think straight. It should be about 20- 60 and mine was 162...I will post more especially if a major change.My heart rate has become in low 50's but not hindering me. God Bless

I had bad headaches once or twice a week. Other than that there are no complaints here! I took it for 3 months. Blood tests came back with no hep c detected and liver function was normal. :) Highly recommended, especially if you have type 3 like I did. This is for all 6 types...pretty remarkable.

Rough experience. Ear ringing, dizziness, hearing loss, insomnia, vomiting, Gerd. Doctor said I'd experience headache and fatigue. Problems persist after meds stopped.