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Generic Name: codeine-guaifenesin

Brand Name: Robitussin A-C oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Not effective for stopping my cough. tastes awful

I've been coughing so much that my lungs are irritated. Dr. Prescribed Robitussin w/ codeine. It's going on hour three of coughing. Not even sleepy.

This medicine not only tastes horrible, but it is not very effective. I took the prescribed dosage of 10 milligrams before I went to bed and I coughed most of the night. I was able to get about 3 hours of sleep. Disappointing.

This medicine is wonderful for helping me. It mellows the cough just enough to allow me to sleep. the only problem I have is with the prescribed dosage. 2tsp every 4 hours is NOT enough. So I find myself "over" dosing myself to get the effect I need. I would assume that it is because any time a bug comes into my house it turns into bronchitis for me and has for years. (since I was a child) Back to the task at hand, this medication does the job and does it well.

This medicine neither made me drousy , did not supress a cough and I still had a very intense sore throat. I threw it away and took alka seltzer cold and it did the trick.

The new Robitussin DM is nothing like the old stuff. Why did they have to fix something that wasn't broken? You have to shake this new stuff, it doesn't last as long, it doesn't ease the congestion in the chest like it used to, and it doesn't taste as well as the ole stuff. Shame on you.

Awesome drug, besides how nasty it is! I finally got to sleep after a week of being awake!

I have had a horrible cough/cold for a week now went in to the dr and he prescribed me this. well it does surpress my cough however it doesnt relieve any of my other pain(sinus, headache, sore throat) and my tongue swells and is painful when i take this medication. which is a side effect i read on the warning.

Excellent cough suppression.I dont know if it was the medicine that made me a little sleepy or if i finally just stopped coughing long enough to sleep, but i recommend only taking it at bedtime.

Before I started taking this medicine, I was coughing like crazy. This medicine helped a great deal.

I'm being treated for a bad cold and it really is a good drug, minus the taste but I can overlook that =) As long as I can get to sleep and not have coughing fits I am good to go, thanks Robitussin A-C =)

This worked wonders, suppressed the cough and helped me sleep, only problem was the taste. The alcohol taste was VERY strong when taking, that was the only downside of the med. Will suffer through it though as the results outway the initial bad taste in your mouth!

It really helps to tame my cough and let me sleep :) Good stuff and works wonders!

Very Good Medicene. Thanks Tim....