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Generic Name: Mirtazapine for Anxiety (mirtazapine)

Mirtazapine for Anxiety Reviews

"I first want to absolutely stress the fact that medication works differently for everyone! I once was someone hastily looking up reviews for mirtazapine because I was stuck in a completely anxious rut, and a different drug wasn’t working as fast as I wanted it to (citalopram). My doctor suggested this because 1) honestly, I was an anxious mess and 2) I had lost a huge amount of weight from anxiety/loss of appetite. I went on this, and it really, really helped me. My anxiety is a lot less than it has been, and I’m able to work through it better. I've also gotten back to a healthy weight. I've been on mirtazapine for over a year now, and it has worked wonders for me. I decided to write a review because I was once that person frantically scrolling, looking at reviews to determine if my meds would “really help,” and the positive comments ease some of my worries. Anyway, I hope you find what works best for you, and I wish you luck!"

"I wanted to leave a review in the hopes of helping someone similar to me. 7 years I suffered with anxiety on and off, the last year has been unbearable! I suffered with extreme anxiety attacks over the silliest of things, I would be physically sick! I went a week without eating and constantly being sick, I was really low to the point of thinking I’d be better off not being here, I went to the doctors and was given sertraline which made me worse, I then tried citalopram which did help with my mood but didn’t help with the extreme anxiety, I was about to give up but my doctor suggested mirtazapine 15mg, I can’t explain the relief I feel! Side effects were drowsy in a morning, sleep like a baby, constipation, which lactulose solves and weight gain, but they soon wore off, for me this drug has given me my life back, I can now cope with any situation, for anyone suffering, please don’t give up, the right medication for you is out there."

"Well, my second day on the increased dosage of Mirtazapine (from 15 to 30 mg). Not much change in sleeping, but I did notice a difference in a reduction of anxiety symptoms. Some of the fear has been reduced, and I am a little more relaxed. The world around me looks like it is coming into focus too. Don't know if anyone has that unreality thing that comes with anxiety."

"Take all these other reviews with a grain of salt. I think you really need to remember everybody is different, and so will your reaction to any medicine. As for the weight gain - if you have an increase in your appetite, you have to really watch what you eat. I've been on 30mg/day for the last month and haven't had any side effects. In fact, I've been losing weight and this weight loss has continued while taking mirtazapine. I'm sleeping better than ever at night and have felt more awake and energetic during the day than ever."

"After reading the comments, I thought I would share my experience of mirtazapine. After suffering from anxiety and panic attacks, I finally went to the doctor and was prescribed antidepressants - I think they were citalopram, not sure of the name, but they made me worse. I was then prescribed mirtazapine, they took a good few weeks to kick in. I've been taking 15mg for nearly 2 years now and feel miles better in myself. I am now able to go to the shops on my own, get a bus alone, and even got a full-time job. Here comes the downside: I've put a stone and a half on, gone from 9 and a half to 11. The actual drug doesn't make you gain weight, it's the food you crave. So I'm determined to try and combat that with a healthier diet. She says haha...also, the dreams are horrendous, and it does take me a good hour to come round when I get up. Saying this but it is all worthwhile as I now feel I have my life back. I hope this helps. Keep at it as it will be worthwhile in the end. Wishing you all well, Paula x"

"I have experienced severe anxiety and extreme panic attacks/disorder for the last 7 years. I have tried a few different antidepressants over the years (sertraline, venlafaxine, and citalopram) these just did not agree with me at all, made my panic 100% worse. The doctor then mentioned mirtazapine. Let me tell you something, for the last 7 years of my life, I have not been myself. I have been extremely depressed, suicidal, could not cope in my own head anymore. I would avoid going to places, it broke down my relationships with friends, partners, and work. I have now been on mirtazapine 15mg for just over a week. I noticed a huge change from the first dose, I finally felt like myself again. No panic, I feel calm throughout the day, boost my mood, and I am smiling enjoying life again, something I have not done in 7 years. Please do not let the negative reviews put you off, this saved my life and could save yours too. I know exactly how you feel going through this. Good luck xx"

"I was terrified of trying this, or anything, because of the horrid comments on this board. For those of us who suffer with depression, anxiety, or insomnia, please be sensitive to the fact that people are reading your comments and not all meds affect everyone the same. It would help tremendously if you could just let us know if it did or didn’t work. With that said, I decided to try it. I’m not one to take meds & I was afraid. I was pleasantly surprised to see the only thing that happened was my anger & anxiety calmed down, sleep was great, and my sex drive is awesome. Hubby is happy too, lol. I’ve always been slim built and food doesn’t excite me, so no changes there. All in all, for those of you terrified by the horrible comments, don’t let it stop you. Everyone’s reaction is different."

"I'm a 35-year-old male with a history of panic and anxiety. I have tried a number of meds, including SSRIs and Benzos. Today is day 14 on this medication, the dose is half a tablet (15mg) of mirtazapine. I have been taking it around 8 pm every night, and it certainly reduces the amount of time it has taken to get to sleep every night. I am also sleeping throughout the night. Some sleepiness and flu-like symptoms during the day. On day 11, I woke up with a desire to clean my house. I haven't had a desire to carry out any activities to completion for a while. On day 12, I went and had coffee with a friend and proceeded to spend the entire day away from the house, seeing a movie, doing some grocery shopping, then having dinner with another friend. This kind of desire to get out and do things, or complete tasks, is a fairly new thing for me. I am also finding that this is having an impact on reducing pain. I have a separate chronic pain issue and have had zero desire to take my opiate medication for pain."

"I was prescribed mirtazapine for GAD and OCD. Over the last 20 or so years, I have tried most of the SSRIs, and they have either stopped working for me after a time or the side effects made them unsuitable for me. My psychiatrist suggested I try mirtazapine as I have issues with sleep as well, and also chronic gastritis, so I needed something that wouldn't make my insomnia worse and also wouldn't cause gastric side effects. I started on 7.5mg before bed, and will increase slowly. The first few days I was very drowsy, but after a week I feel back to normal. I haven't had the munchies yet, that may come at a higher dose, I'm not sure. But overall, I feel great so far, and haven't felt the effects of coming off my previous medication either, which is great. I am really sensitive to medication, so I was really relieved to be feeling like myself again so quickly. Overall a great experience so far."

"Mirtazapine got me out of a suicidal depression/anxious spiral! I was sleeping less than 2 hours a night - my anxiety was escalating and my mood was plummeting at an alarming rate. Mirtazapine stopped my breakdown in its tracks! I took 1 x 15mg tablet & slept through the night for the first time in months. I woke up feeling 40% better but I was sedated until midday - this faded over the next few weeks. I had a big appetite for the first month but that eased off. I started exercising again which was a result of both my boosted mood and energy levels. The sedation still stays with me until 10 or 11 am but my quality of life has improved so much!!! I've put on 5 lbs but I had lost half a stone. You have to weigh up the pros & cons. I'd rather have more of an appetite than be unable to eat because I'm shaking with unbearable anxiety. I've tried all the SSRIs & SNRIs and mirtazapine was the fastest acting plus no gastro or sexual side effects."

"I have been taking mirtazapine 30mg for almost 2 years. This was following anxiety, lack of sleep and finally psychosis from no sleep. This led to hospital admission. The medication has saved my life from the point I was trying to commit suicide. I haven't experienced any weight gain whilst taking it."

"I’m taking 30mg of mirtazapine with 150mg venlafaxine. (Started 11 Jan) Sleep is better, but it has completely set my nerves on edge. Like you jump out of your skin when anyone comes behind you, or the phone rings. Has anyone else experienced this?"

"After a run of horrific life experiences, I had terrible panic attacks and went to the hospital emergency several times thinking I was having a heart attack. Interestingly, I started on 15 mg and could hardly stay awake during the day, missed meetings and appointments as I'd sleep through them. My doctor told me that paradoxically, the drowsiness tends to stop at a higher dose. I started 30 mg and almost immediately my energy in the morning came back. I haven't had any panic attacks and have achieved more in the last 6 months than I had in the 3 years prior. I'm laughing and enjoying life. If you feel tired and low in energy on the low dose, then ask your doctor about a higher dose. Don't give up on this. This medicine has given me my life back."

"I have been on 15mg of Mirtazapine for 8 weeks now with no major side effects. The amount of panic attacks and anxiety I experience has been reduced significantly and I also now have the energy during the day to be active. When I do begin to spiral into anxious thoughts, I am now much more able to pull myself out of these thoughts and distract myself. Before this, it was not possible. However, I should note, I also made significant lifestyle changes such as better diet, more exercise, and reading, which I believe have also had a large effect on my mood and mental health. The medicine enabled me to make and maintain these changes."

"I love Mirtazapine, the best anti-d out. I take it for anxiety/insomnia. I can sleep. I cannot believe it. This drug has been the best sleep aid I've ever had. You won't get a benzo feel, but if you truly have troubles falling asleep and staying asleep, give it a go and I promise you will sleep."

"I was diagnosed with GAD about 10 years ago along with depression and panic attacks. I was prescribed Zoloft, and it helps with depression but not my anxiety. I have a real hard time sleeping too. So I decided to see a new psychiatrist, and she prescribed mirtazapine 7.5 right before sleep. I started taking it and immediately noticed a quiet difference in my sleep. It doesn't knock me out like other medications did, it's like a relaxing feeling. After about a month, I started noticing the want to talk more at work and to do more around the house. I was feeling more like myself. So, it helps with my anxiety too, a bonus. I urge you to try it and see if it helps. I thought I had tried everything out there."

"I have been on this med mirtazapine for 11 days. I have anxiety, panic attacks, and PTSD. I have had very little anxiety and no panic attacks. I am on 7.5mg. I also suffer from health anxiety. It has also taken the edge off that. The only thing I don’t like is I am tired almost all day, but I will take that over panic attacks any day."

"This antidepressant is something else. It has changed my life for the good. I finally found a medication that actually works for me. Anxiety gone within a few days, sleep is blissful, you might gain a few pounds but nothing you can't manage. The hidden reason why this is the best medication = 0 side effects. Literally. No emotional numbness, no sexual side effects, no excessive sweating. It has been a life changer. I take 7.5/15mg before bed and sometimes 30mg in the morning if I need energy. Fantastic medication. Also cheap!"

"I have been on this med for 10 years. I was severely underweight, had severe PTSD and anxiety from the military. I was lucky to sleep 5-7 hours a week. The only side effects I have experienced were weight gain (which I NEEDED) and sleep. I can take it anytime during the day or night, and the sleep doesn't hit me like it did in the beginning. It keeps my mood very even, and I don't have ups and downs. I have gone without it before for several days and other than sleeping, I had no withdrawal symptoms. Please remember that every medicine affects each person differently. After 10 years of taking this med, it still works, and I have no intentions of ever coming off of it. I have recommended this med to several people, and they have had similar experiences. I hope this helps. Get the relief you deserve and need."

"Started taking Mirtazapine December 31st because of my eating disorder that makes me picky with food and lack of appetite. My main goal was to get rid of my major anxiety. First month: nothing major happened with my anxiety. More headaches than usual. I wasn't depressed in the first place, but Mirtazapine made me feel like my life actually got more manageable and that I had more energy to do things, like study. They increased my dose every 3 weeks because I was still having anxiety. I am now on 40mg and my anxiety is better. I do, however, think it's because I have a better outlook on life. My appetite is a lot better, during these 3 months I have gained around 4kg. I never have bad eating days now so I eat regularly. About my sleeping habits: I've always been a night owl. Nowadays, if I take it around 8 PM, then I am asleep by 11:30. On the weekends I wake up around 8-10 AM on my own. I don't feel tired throughout the day."

"Mirtazapine is the only antidepressant I can tolerate (tried all of the others). I need it for GAD, PTSD, and insomnia. My usual effective dose is 30mg, but I can either go up to 45mg or down to 15mg depending on where I’m at. It 'can' make you put on weight, but it doesn’t have to if you watch your diet and exercise. Also, be aware when the carb cravings hit, try to be mindful and have some protein instead. The fog should wear off after a few weeks. I find going to bed an hour earlier most nights helps waking up a bit easier."

"This is a very good antidepressant. It worked for severe anxiety within 3 days initially. Sertraline took a few weeks, Mirtazapine was instant. No side effects except a bit more hunger but only in the few hours after you take it, so take it at night."

"I've had an overwhelmingly positive experience with mirtazapine. I sleep more consistently and have less anxiety. Anxiety used to be constant, and since taking mirtazapine, it's no longer my primary emotion anymore. I still have some anxiety, but it's nowhere near the level it was before taking this medication. I really can't complain, as it's the first maintenance anxiety medication that has worked for me."

"Came off Citalopram, slow taper. Realized quickly that I couldn't survive PTSD, GAD, and OCD without medication. Was put on mirtazapine 15 mg. But I did my research! My fear was weight gain, it almost stopped me from trying it. However, I came across research regarding how mirtazapine crashes your cortisol (which is why it works so well). Apparently, this is what causes the carb cravings. So, I dropped the carbs. It was a tough 2 weeks, but RESULT! Zero craving and rather than gaining weight, I am losing. I gained three stones on the Cit, so that's even better news. I thought that I had to choose between being fat and happy or thin and crazy. Instead, my choice is between carbohydrates or protein. It's important to make sure to get a good multivitamin that includes minerals. Also, eat plenty of green leafy veg (after transition). But apart from that, which is NOTHING compared to cravings, weight gain, or coming off meds, it's a small price to pay. Do your research, it's a total game-changer!"

"Mirtazapine saved my life. I have struggled with severe anxiety and depression for a few years now, and was previously on SSRIs, which seemed to make me a zombie and give me lots of unwanted side effects. I first tried Mirtazapine 15mg 3 years ago after months of misery and no sleep. The first night I took it, I slept like a baby. The positive effects were almost immediate, and the medication worked wonders for me. It truly was my miracle medication. I woke up way less anxious, and within two weeks I was so relaxed, less depressed, and I was getting all the sleep I needed and doing things again. Last month, I upped my dose to 30mg as I wasn't getting the full effects of 15mg anymore, and that's helped me become way less groggy in the mornings as I have way more energy. I find it's less 'sedating' but more calming than 15mg. I had no side effects going up - I felt great and usually I react badly. This medication felt like my last hope and it changed my life. Please don't give up!"

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  • Drug class: tetracyclic antidepressants
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Patient resources

  • Mirtazapine drug information
  • Mirtazapine Orally Disintegrating Tablets
  • Mirtazapine Tablets

Other brands

Remeron, Remeron SolTab

Professional resources

  • Mirtazapine monograph
  • Mirtazapine Orally Disintegrating Tablets (FDA)
  • Mirtazapine Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Remeron, Remeron SolTab

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  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Hot Flashes