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Generic Name: Naproxen for Osteoarthritis (naproxen)

Naproxen for Osteoarthritis Reviews

Aleve (naproxen) "My hip and shoulder have hurt for years and I have always taken Bayer aspirin, and I tried Aleve arthritis gelcap. To my surprise, the pain in my hip and shoulder went away for 8 hours. The only thing I don't know is how long I could take the stuff, the bottle said do not take for longer than 10 days. The warning label about it could cause a stroke or heart attack did raise questions."

"I have been taking two 500 mg naproxen tablets per day for several years due to osteoarthritis, back, and knee pain. I had no side effects for a long time, but in the last 2 years, I have had issues with the skin on the back of my hands. I am a farmer, so daily work with my hands around sharp objects (like barbed wire) is a constant. I began to get cuts and small lesions on the back of my hands that were slow to heal and then left shallow red scarring. I began researching my condition and came across 'Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced pseudoporphyria.' Symptoms of this condition exactly describe my condition. This is listed as 'a relatively rarely reported condition,' and therefore not commonly listed as a side effect of taking naproxen. I have discontinued naproxen and will be meeting with my doctor to determine another anti-inflammatory for my condition. I hope this information helps so that someone who has this problem doesn't suffer for years with it like I have."

"I am 51 years old with advanced osteoarthritis in both hips and on the surgery waitlist to have THR. Naproxen is quite amazing for me at controlling OA pain. So far, I only take it when I have upcoming situations where I will need to walk a lot. For these situations, I'll take Naproxen 1-2 days in advance, 2 x 500 mg tablets daily. It makes a huge difference. If I didn't worry about stomach or intestine damage, I would take it continually. Other days, I try to get by with low doses of ibuprofen."

Aleve (naproxen) "2013/14 took 2 Aleve every a.m. for knees. I found myself feeling weak - like going to pass out. Went to primary next day. Checked blood count and did the rectal blood. Told my SO to get me to emergency now. Blood count 7 and needed transfusion. Had endoscopy. Released after 3 days - blood normal. Told to see gastro upon my release. Over the next week had colonoscopy, intestinal exam, and lastly capsule endoscopy - swallow a small capsule camera to film 8 hours going through my body. Dr. and I reviewed the results. Three places in intestines indicated bleeding - I could see them. He asked me food or meds I was taking - Aleve had caused the bleeding as it is an NSAID. I can't take any NSAID and nothing with aspirin in it or I may bleed. So now I basically live w/o taking anything for pain. ALEVE - Read the package - very small print - may cause BLEEDING."

"These work really well for me, reading these reviews I see they are not working for everyone. If I wasn't taking naproxen I couldn't walk to be honest. I'm waiting to have my spine fused due to my illness. My symptoms are back ache (gone) blood flow loss to legs (gone) severe tingles in legs (gone) numbness in hands and feet (gone) severe sharp pains on most movements (gone). For me this drug is great and I don't have the side effects as others have described. Give them a try it could work for you also, I wish you luck."

"I take this for significant pain caused by osteoarthritis. Before my GP put me on it, I was losing every morning to barely being able to walk on my knee due to the pain. Started seeing results in less than 24 hours. I was prescribed another medicine with it to prevent side effects and some other painkillers, so sometimes a bit ashamed of the combination, but for the first time in years, I am almost entirely pain-free all day every day."

"I take naproxen when my knees hurt from arthritis, but I have to take it every day for at least 3 days for the pain to go away. Now my doctor doesn't want me to take naproxen any longer, he said it's not good for people 65 to take it. I want to find out why?"

"I am young and have been suffering from severe to extreme neck pain resulting in debilitating headaches for as long as I can remember. I have done every natural therapy known to me, including myotherapy, acupuncture, deep tissue massage, Bowen therapy, chiropractic, and osteopathy therapy, etc. The therapy alone was costing me $800 a month, plus pain-killing medications. I started to believe I was addicted to codeine because I associated it with withdrawal-like symptoms. I then went back to my GP and was told to have X-rays, including an MRI, after seeing a rheumatologist specialist. Diagnosed with cervical osteoarthritis and also osteoarthritis in my hip. Last winter, I couldn't even put on my undies. Naprosyn saved me! Simple."

Aleve (naproxen) "For at least 7 years, I have taken one aleve before going to sleep every night for osteoarthritis pain in my lower back. It has worked marvellously. Unfortunately I can no longer take Aleve as I have stage 3 kidney disease which my doctor is attributing to long term usage of Aleve. I now take a low dosage Tylenol but it does not work near as well as the Aleve ..."

Aleve (naproxen) "I have severe Osteoarthritis my fingers twisted, my knees have had 1 replace. The other needs one, my hips, my feet and back. I find a Aleve gel caps work better than my Voltaren. I also use oxycodone to help me with severe pain."

"Actively particepated in physical activities in Army long service. During that time didn't have any ortho problems. little crossing over 60 yrs age I noticed pain with cracking sound in my Rt knee in regular brisk walking. The pain was not subsided with various topical creams from Homoeopath as well as Allopathic NSAIDS.Instead,severely suffered with agrevatred pain in knee and stiffness in ankle Jt in same leg. One day I came accross prominent action of NAPROXEN in OA.Following 500 mgs BD after meals for fortnight, the neproxen proved to be excellent and brushed aside all other subtitutes. It has rejuvenated my previous strength in carrying out day today works. No side affects observed."

"I have been using naproxen 500 mg for a heel spur, and it turns out it is working on my kneecap arthritis. I eat well and then take the pill with milk so as not to kill the lining of my stomach. This pill is a wonder drug for treating arthritis, especially on the kneecap. I will have to tell my doctor when I see him for my last Orthovisc injection. It has made a huge difference for me."

Aleve (naproxen) "Dear Aleve, Your packaging is a total fail. I had to take the pliers to the bottle to get into it (it's very accommodating now) then had to take my contacts out and hunt out some reading glasses to see how many pills to take for a dose. The newly swallowed pills have not yet worked on the pain, so I have no way of deciding - at this point - if your product is worth the bother."

Naprosyn (naproxen) "After 3 years on naprosyn 500 one a day I started to get irritable anxious finding fault all the time about stupid things. As soon as I stopped I was normal again . I don't know what tablet to take now as I am very sensitive to a lot of drugs."

"I took Naproxen for eight months before my doctor associated it with the severe side effect of my throat swelling and the feeling of something stuck in my throat, stomach bleeding and neck pain and enduring an oesophagoscopy."

"I am waiting for hip surgery as osteoarthritis set in due to an accident in my youth. My left leg has always been shorter and I've had Osteopath treatment off an on, though pain has never stopped me leading a very active life. The pain now is appalling, Panadol and Ibobrufen help but I still limp painfully. Have a little indigestion as well. I thought weight-gain i was having was due to lack of mobility but it was bloating side effect due to the Brufen. I can't take codeine so was prescribed Naproxyn as Ibobrufen wasn't cutting it for the pain. Naproxyn took a few days to even work and the pain was not alleviated enough to warrant putting up with extreme queasiness, flatulence, slight depression (Can't afford to start down a negative track before my operation with so much pain ahead!). Back on Ibuprufen despite the bloating."

"I have gout arthritis osteoarthritis , and probably tendinitis I have had a very hectic sporting life , I first went onto diclofenac but was put on naproxen safer drug I found them both brilliant had no side effects but I am concerned of the long term side effects , you can't stop the aging process but this helps , and if you start a fitness regime hopefully theses will help with the pain when getting there ."

"I have been taking Naproxen for 7 months 500mg and it is very effective but does have an impact on the stomach. I recently caught gastroenteritis and what normally lasts for 48 hours lasted 11 days, which may have been down to my weakened stomach lining. I was dehydrated and lost 1.5 stone. I am now going to try and manage the pain with ibuprofen and paracetamol."

"I suffer from severe arthritis due in part to extensive cervical fusion. About 2 months ago my doctor prescribed Naproxen and I am pleasantly surprised with the results so far. While I am not a fan of NSAIDs *any* relief from this pain is worth the risk. It doesn't do much for breakout pain but when I get that nagging pain in my neck it does help, but only in conjunction with a pain killer."

"I call this drug my little miracle. It took years and years of extreme suffering throwing up and crying from period and arthritis pain. I could not uncurl my fingers or carry a grocery bag. I cried so hard in so much pain. I wanted to kill myself. Nobody would prescribe to me until I got a family doctor. One dose when needed it killed the extreme pain and gave me my life back. I re-filled my naproxyn way past the date it saved my life. I do not abuse this drug. The period and arthritis pain-It's gone. This med saved my life. I got my life back!!"

"I was prescribed this to help with an inflamed joint in my foot. Historically, I had taken Aleve, but didn't like the drug because I felt it didn't really work. Last time I took it, it work in the 11th hour of 12 hurt effectiveness time range and was gone by hour 12. But the doctor insisted I take it this time. I took it for a little more than a week and on the 10th day, I woke up to horrible chest pains. I'm 36 years old and don't believe I have a heart condition. I stopped taking the pills and the pain in my chest lessened towards the end of the day. However, my blood pressure was through the roof, when I'm characteristically low, and my resting pulse rate was 114. I also spiked a fever in the same day. Days later, still symptoms"

Aleve (naproxen) "It seems like other OTC pain relief pills work much better, e.g. ibruprofen, aspirin, tylonol. I just try to get by on one aleve taken around 5 a.m. because I take four other pills each day at 5 p.m. I have just experienced several days with dizzyness. Don't know if it's connected to taking Aleve but will address it with my family doctor."

"I have knee and joint ache. I use it once in a week and it gives me relief for five days. First three days, I feel no pain anywhere in the body, then it going aching slowly and grows gradually. If i take it regularly once in a week, I am comfortable and have no side effects felt yet."

"I’ve been taking these naproxen on and off for years relating to joint pain. Most prominent in my back, feet and knees. I’ve finally said enough is enough. I might as well be popping candy. They are a complete waste of time. I get zero benefit from them but am fortunate that I don’t get any side effects with the exception of heartburn. I know several people that take them and no one can say in my circle they are a benefit to them. I’ve now had to resort to Nurofen Plus which financially is crippling but they at least give me some very mild relief."

"I have been taking Naproxen 500mg morning and evening for 2 weeks for advanced hip arthritis that is very painful when walking causing me to limp. I have very limited range of motion in my right hip too. I have tried a number of therapies which haven't really helped but I think exercise, stretching and tissue work as advocated in the FAI Fix programme have helped to some degree. I am currently doing a biomechanics programme that also seems to help and since taking the Naproxen my hip feels much stronger and doesn't give way like it used to. I am wondering what will happen when the Naproxen that has been prescribed for a month is stopped, will the pain to return with all the other symptoms? I really don't want my bones to be sawed through so I really hope the biomechanics programme together with intermittent Naproxen will keep me out of pain and prevent surgery. No side effects so far but taking Lansooprazole to protect my digestive system."

More about naproxen

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  • Reviews (681)
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  • Latest FDA alerts (8)
  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Naproxen drug information
  • Naproxen Modified-Release Tablets
  • Naproxen Suspension
  • Naproxen Tablets and Capsules

Other brands

Aleve, Naprosyn, Anaprox, Flanax Pain Reliever, ... +6 more

Professional resources

  • Naproxen monograph
  • Naproxen (FDA)
  • Naproxen CR Tablets (FDA)
  • Naproxen Capsules (FDA)
  • Naproxen Delayed Release (FDA)
  • Naproxen Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Aleve, Naprosyn, Naprelan, All Day Pain Relief, All Day Relief

Related treatment guides

  • Back Pain
  • Bursitis
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Aseptic Necrosis