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Generic Name: PEG-3350 with Electolytes (polyethylene-glycol-3350-with-electrolytes)

PEG-3350 with Electolytes Reviews

For Bowel Preparation "Drinking with a straw helps as well as chilling the liquid. Started feeling full/bloated until it started working, about 60 minutes after first 8 oz. Also would recommend wearing a panty liner (yes, men too!) Because you don't always have the control you need getting to the toilet on time."

For Bowel Preparation "I took a generic form of this PEG-3350 bowel prep, the lemon-lime it was already flavored so no flavor packets to deal with. (Polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution) for my colonoscopy prep, Its taste is very palatable, imagine drinking a 7 up that has gone flat, it's a mild lemon-lime flavor that's a little bit salty. Easy to drink, no gag, no holding the nose. I took an anti nausea pill at 6am (just in case, don't need to be expelling from both ends at the same time LOL), started drinking the prep at 6.30pm and by 8pm it was working well. At 10.30pm I was able to go to bed and actually sleep. 2nd dose started at 5.30M and was expelling every 10/20 mins up until 10am.I had to be at the surgery center by 11am so was getting concerned. Just wish you didn't have to drink a gallon of it since I also had to get down an additional 64oz water throughout the day, plus the liquid only diet, that's just too much liquid! I'd choose this prep again but I'd start drinking it 2 hrs earlier than recommended."

For Bowel Preparation "Started at 5p, drank 5 glasses. Started working within 1st hour. 2 more at midnight, and now working on the other half at 3am. Bowel keep bubbling and now I have green poop. Im sure Im cleaned out, but I dont want to have to repeat this... So Im gonna make it below 3/4 of a gallon. Worst is the heartburn feeling. And I havent had soilds for 2 days.. So at this point I'm exhausted."

For Gastrointestinal Decontamination "Not that bad, all my friends and family told me their experiences and now I am going through it myself. half gallon at night, and half gallon in the morning. Occupying the restroom every 5 minutes. I am just following through the direction... hope the screening is a smooth one too."

For Bowel Preparation "It's really hard for me to drink it. I had only finished 4 1/2 glasses of water and I started at 6:00 am and right now on 9:31 am still not drinking the half because I have to stop because I needed rest. It did make me nauseous. I'm currently waiting for myself to drink it again. I don't know if I can still do it. I hope I can."

For Bowel Preparation "Almost as bad as when I had septic pneumonia, total failure. I’ve had several of these procedures and never had a preparation experience this bad. I’m prepared for the usual problems you will encounter with bowel prep. This was different. Took it at 6:00 to 7:45. Then it started working, but by 9 to 10 pm I was practically convulsing and having total body aches and fever which went on until about 4 am. Then I threw it all up and had to cancel my appointment and slept for another agonizing 9 hours hallucinating and aching all over. Like I’ve said, I’m no stranger to bowel preps and their effects, but this brand was a total failure for me."

For Bowel Preparation "This worked well, but it was SO GROSS! Why no added flavoring?! "Drink one 8oz glass every 15 minutes until you have completed 3 liters." I couldn't do it. Drinking 3 liters of anything that fast is hard, but this tasted so disgusting, I could hardly get it done. It took 2 extra hours and prayer to complete. I would describe the taste as salty liquefied chicken fat. If you have been prescribed this, good luck."

For Bowel Preparation "I think if you prepare your diet well the week leading up to your prep you should be fine, make sure you are hydrated and somewhat regular in the days prior. I found the taste fine when put in the fridge, yeah it's not my choice of beverage but certainly is not repulsive as a lot of these comments suggest. I had no issues taking the whole solution while chasing with sips of Gatorade. I mixed the sachet into a 700ml mixer bottle so there was less to drink overall and chased it with little sips of Gatorade. Since I'm a slow drinker I started maybe an hour early and finished it over 1.5-2 hours while watching TV. Didn't feel bloated or have any cramping but everyone is different I guess. Felt some bubble guts after about 40 minutes and started to poop. Don't trust any farts after drinking bowel prep lol. My stool was pretty much clear after the first prep and only ended up using about 2/3 of the second one later. Not scary at all, would recommend it."

For Bowel Preparation "By far the best bowel prep I've ever used . Almost went to emergency the last time using another product due to severe cramping and pain . This time I used Bi-Peglyte 2 liter . The day prior ate a soft diet only . Only took one of the pre night pills due to the fact I always have a bowel movement in the mornings anyway . Tastes awful but just quickly guzzled it every 20 minutes . Very gentle with zero pain discomfort . Was dreading it but turned out to be a breeze . A+"

"Filled the jug with water and put it in the refrigerator overnight. This stuff tastes terrible. My instruction sheet said that I could add a packet of crystal light lemon flavor to it to make it palatable. It didn't. I downed the first half of it in two hours, taking doses every 15 minutes. By the time the 8th glass came, I was ready to gag. The second half, which I started at 3 a.m. in the morning. I got as far as the 5th glass and I was ready to barf and said to myself that enough was enough. Luckily for me my movements were all clear and just yellow. The one thing about it was that it did what it was intended for, and I got the urge to go a lot but with no cramping whatsoever. If I have to do this over again in the future I will refuse to do it. The aftertaste that it left on my tongue was barf inducing."

For Bowel Preparation "The bottle / jar is too big to mix the powder with water which does not mix well. The opening of jar is too small to use any long spoon to mix sticky powder from the bottom. They should have a big lid to open the jar to mix the powder. Sticky powder cause the solution not work for preparation of colonoscopy procedure."

For Bowel Preparation "Honestly, it did the job for my colonoscopy prep even though it is very difficult to gulp down. This is not because of the taste, at least not for me, but because your mouth will start to reject drinking it for some reason. Maybe not everyone has this experience, but for me it worked to hold my nose while drinking the last few cups the morning before the procedure. Ask the physician if you can mix with clear Gatorade, that probably would have been better for me than water and they said it would have been fine! MOST IMPORTANTLY!!! Your butt is going to HURT! if you do not prepare with vasoline and baby wipes or a bidet ahead of time! I really wish I had my bidet installed before this bowel preparation and really regret not putting vasoline on my bum after every thorough cleaning- and I wish I had bought some baby wipes as well! Seriously good advice someone else on here gave, I implore anyone reading this to do so!"

For Bowel Preparation "2nd time having a colonoscopy first time a breeze from beginning to end, even drinking the prep (TRILYTE) NO PROBLEM. Flush lasted only hours. This time the prep was PEG-3350 with Electolytes, horrible. Why? Flavored unnecessary, very heavy the combination made me nauseous, bloating, distended belly. I was RUNNING 2 the bathroom 2 days later, my stomach has never stop rumbling and growling. I have little to no appetite. Took the prep on Tuesday today is Friday and I still feel ill."

For Bowel Preparation "I’m sure that it will do the job as intended but, first drink made me gag so much. It’s VILE. Chilling it and drinking it through a straw are NOT helping, not sure how I am going to get through this. Would rather take the PURGO DAN & CITRO MAG. Giving it a 1 rating based on taste alone. DISGUSTING"

For Bowel Preparation "My first glass was a shocker kind of salty but after that it was it was okay.It did the job if you know what I mean."

For Bowel Preparation "Used this twice. It wasn't as bad as I heard from others. I used Crystal Light, and I had no trouble drinking it in 2 sessions."

More about PEG-3350 with Electolytes (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes)

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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: laxatives

Patient resources

  • PEG-3350 with Electolytes drug information

Other brands

GoLYTELY, GaviLyte-G, Plenvu, GaviLyte-C, ... +6 more

Professional resources

  • Polyethylene Glycol prescribing information

Other brands

GoLYTELY, GaviLyte-G, Plenvu, GaviLyte-C, ... +6 more

Related treatment guides

  • Bowel Preparation
  • Constipation, Chronic
  • Gastrointestinal Decontamination