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Generic Name: Clonazepam for Burning Mouth Syndrome (clonazepam)

Clonazepam for Burning Mouth Syndrome Reviews

"I have suffered with BMS (burning mouth syndrome) for over forty (40) years, without a cure, perhaps induced by toothpastes meant to treat tooth sensitivity. Most practitioners I visited had no idea of what it was nor how to treat it, but please bear with me. There, this past December (2018), my dermatologist prescribed Clonazepam tablets, dissolved in the mouth for three minutes, then spit, three times daily, as already mentioned on another thread. Additionally, 1-2 drops of Tabasco Sauce (YES! Tabasco Sauce - CAPSAICIN) in four tablespoons. Swish and spit. “Increase the number of drops of Tabasco in the same amount of water slowly as tolerated (one drop at a time).” I now use 12 drops in a cup of water, kept in a flask, just like the neighborhood alky. By now, 6-24-2019, the improvement is hard to believe. Almost miraculous, folks. And soooooo grateful to my dermatologist at the Mayo Clinic. Cheers! Enjoy life, do good deeds, share your blessings and read all you can, especially classical literature. Hopefully this will help cure your burning mouth syndrome."

"I've suffered for 18 months with BMS (burning mouth syndrome), and tried over a dozen potential remedies to no avail, nothing touched it. I stumbled on this website, and during a routine checkup asked my Dr. if I could try clonazepam. I was a bit surprised he agreed given the current climate for these types of drugs. He said because of my anxiety he could justify it. 0.5mg once daily had an immediate effect. A slight dryness and tingle remains, but pain is almost completely vanished. So thankful for a new lease on life; I was about to end it."

Klonopin (clonazepam) "I suffered from burning mouth syndrome (BMS). I was given prescription mouthwash. When that didn't work, the physician treated me for thrush. Nothing worked, and I was miserable. At the time, the trials for Clonazepam (Klonopin) were underway, but the results had not been published. I wrote to one of the people involved in the trial. They wrote me back, and I gave the letter to my physician. He prescribed 1 mg of Clonazepam daily. I have taken this for many years now and have had no further bouts with BMS."

"I have suffered with Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) for almost a year. Tried everything. Nothing helped. It took several months to convince my MD and DDS that it was not fungal related. I stumbled on this article and asked my MD if I could try clonazepam, and she agreed. I take 1/4 mg every 4 hrs by allowing it to dissolve and holding it in my mouth and then swallowing. Relief is truly incredible. Went from a 9 or 10 on bad days to a 1 or 2. Has it cured my BMS? No. Does it make it tolerable? Yes. So glad I found this web page."

"I have had burning mouth for 3 years. I have found little help. Spinal tap is clear but MRI is abnormal (symmetrical diffuse white matter). My tongue tip burns 24/7. I also get ice cream-like headaches that last for hours, worst thing ever. I used every anti-anxiety medication and Neurontin (gabapentin) with about 80% relief. I tried clonazepam in pill form 0.5mg but allowed it to dissolve in my mouth. I had instant relief. I was able to wean myself off all anti-anxiety medicines and Neurontin as well. I am 3 weeks in and the world is new. Let's see if I build a tolerance or what happens from here. But 3 weeks without pain is awesome. If you have burning mouth, give it a shot, nothing to lose."

"Have had Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) for 2 years. Took two ENT doctors to get a diagnosis. I was suicidal. Finally, doctor 3 said he didn’t know what to do but had read about clonazepam. He had to go back and reread dosage. On it for a week and can’t believe the change. Not perfect but darn close. So happy and will be optimistic about a future. So sad doctors don’t understand the pain this causes. One told me I should be happy it wasn’t cancer and just get over it. So sad."

"I have suffered from BMS for almost 9 months. Two doctors and a naturopath could not diagnose me, but I diagnosed myself after reading many articles and posts. I also went to my GP and asked him to prescribe Clonazepam. He had never heard of its use (for this) and I was the first ever in his surgery who complained of such a problem. Anyway, luckily, I got in to see an oral surgeon only today. He confirmed I have BMS and prescribed 0.5mg Clonazepam to start with. It seems we who suffer have a trigger point event which has initiated stress and anxiety in our brains, causing the pathways to be blocked and not causing our nerve endings to work properly. I will check in again in a few weeks and let you know, but do see your GP."

"I have had burning mouth syndrome (BMS) for 28 years, and I have been to every doctor imaginable. For over a year, most doctors thought I was crazy, as they knew nothing about it until I found an older doctor in dental research. He told me back then about Klonopin. I was so excited, as it did help. Then, I took a 1 mg tablet, 3 times a day. That brought my pain level down to about a 2. For the last 10 years, I have been taking only 0.5 mg 3 times a day, and my BM is getting worse. I have a wonderful doctor, and my physical is next month. I'm going to ask her if I can go back to the 3 mg daily. I'm 72 and have lived with this so long. I'm glad I found this website, just to know others are suffering with this too. Does anyone use 'liquid Klonopin/Clonazepam'? Just curious, as I've never heard of that."

"After being on clonazepam for years for GAD, with panic attacks. I had to find a new Dr because my Dr retired because of health reasons. Trying to get a new Dr to prescribe my script is almost impossible. Now that I have been off the clonazepam, I have been having problems with BMS, which at first I thought was a sinus infection. That went away with antibiotics. But now I'm stuck with the BMS, terrible! But with all the new black box warnings, trying to get a Dr to prescribe clonazepam is ridiculous, and I've always taken just as prescribed and went through all the other medications the Drs ordered with no relief. I understand the new laws, but am so tired of knowing what works for me and trying to get a Dr to prescribe it for me. Why Drs can't stand up for their patients and not be so afraid to prescribe a drug that works is beyond me!"

"After suffering with burning mouth syndrome for over a year, my doctor said that he had had good luck with one other patient using orally disintegrating clonazepam. I quickly got his Rx for it. It dissolves easily on my tongue (no bad taste), and I take it twice a day, 12 hours apart. After about 10 days, I can say that I am ecstatic that my burning mouth syndrome seems to have disappeared. I have a little leftover mouth pain, but that I can attribute to my upper denture. I don't know if this will work for everyone, but I certainly think it's worth a try if you can tolerate it. My only side effects were a little dizziness for a couple of days (didn't drive), then daytime drowsiness. I don't work, so this posed no problem for me. Hurray!"

"I find that clonazepam relieves the burning caused by neuropathy better than any other medication. My neurologist also prescribes gabapentin and Lamictal, but honestly, the right dose of clonazepam is all you need."

"Once I found this site, I was willing to try anything as dealing with this issue and no one was helping as they never heard of it, I went to dentist, allergist, and dermatologist. Lucky for me I had both of the top 2 medications recommended. I started taking them both at 9am, 2pm and 11pm within 2 day my pain was 75% better, and 1 week later it was 90% better. I just hope this continues to help"

"Along with BMS, I have terrible GERD. On a strict diet, I think this had something to do with my burning, stinging, annoying, painful tongue only on the right side. I still watch what I eat, but since I have taken clonazepam 1 mg dissolved then spit, I have no pain. This should be more widely announced to folks suffering."

"I’ve had burning mouth syndrome now for over a year. I’d had other weird mouth symptoms just prior to getting it that I’d attributed to my steroid inhalers. One day I cooked an egg in a new saucepan - and my mouth suddenly went numb and I had an intense burning sensation. An oral surgeon diagnosed burning mouth syndrome (but he didn’t know what caused my other mouth symptoms) . He told me to gargle Paxam 2 (Clonazepam 2mg) twice a day to settle down the nerves in my face. I have found that the medication has been a great relief to me.. The added bonus is that it helps me sleep! An interesting thing I discovered about a possible cause of burning mouth syndrome could be an ingredient in some toothpastes, mouthwashes and gums. Some people are allergic to an ingredient in them - a fake cinnamon (cinnamaldehyde) that can cause mouth sores, burning etc."

"Was in pure agony 24/7 with BMS for about 2 1/2 months. Tried 'magic mouthwash,' but it only lasts an hour and was supposed to be used every 4 hours, so I went through the bottle in no time. Went through a bottle of Chloraseptic every 4-5 days. Took extra vitamins, went on Alpha Lipoic Acid, tried everything I could find suggested online. Then finally asked my doctor for clonazepam. I could tell when the first pill dissolved in my mouth it was going to help. Now I'm just trying to get the dosage right. BMS is about 80% better. I get 1 mg up to 3 times a day. I can easily take all 3 just to sleep at night. Should I ask for a higher dosage? Taking them this way leaves me with nothing for the daytime, and nothing for anxiety."

"Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) over 10 months. It started after COVID which probably just exasperated it as I did have occasional bouts before that. Went to PC doc, ENT, gastro doc, and 3 dentists all stating they’d never heard of it. Finally found an Oral pathology doctor who treats BMS. This is my first day of treatment so I can’t really say how well it’s working. I do feel hopeful as he said he will tweak medications until he gets it right. I am on Salagen (for dry mouth) and Klonopin wafer for pain/sleep. My suggestion is don’t waste your money on multiple doctors but rather find a good dental school with good doctors and make sure at least one is experienced in treating BMS which is horrible chronic pain. It typically effects post menopausal women but there are others also suffering! My prayers for you all."

"After suffering with POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) and then all sorts of neuropathies (Burning Mouth Syndrome being the most troublesome), I can actually say that for the first time in 4.5 years, I feel semi-human again! I was taking 1/2 a Xanax 0.5 mg up to 5x a day with some effect, but it was 'snowing' me terribly. I still had to rinse my mouth with oral Lidocaine just to be able to speak! After the very first dose of the liquid clonazepam, I immediately noticed a marked improvement in my symptoms! It took my pain down from a constant 7-9 to a 2-3. I can live with that! I am so, so thrilled to have a doctor who actually listened and cared enough to not write me off!"

"I was on Klonopin for 20 years, and my doctor took me off because I was on Adderall too. So my burning mouth came on within a month. It's very hard to lead a quality life. My primary doctor put me back on for another year, then told me I was quitting it too-cold turkey. It has been the worst years of my life. With the opioid crisis, I cannot be on Klonopin and Norco at the same time. After being on both for over twenty years and not having any trouble, why do I think I would suddenly now? Anyway, burning tongue is ruining my life..."

"I was perfectly normal until March of 2019 when I had a molar tooth prepped for a crown to replace a PFM crown that was 25 years old. I then had to have a root canal on the tooth, which is when all my symptoms began. Severe plastic/metallic taste in my mouth with severe burning tongue sensation. After that I went through a series of attempts to have the final crown made and placed, and with each attempt, my symptoms became worse until I almost went into shock from a severe allergic reaction. I found this site and my doctor was kind enough to prescribe dissolving clonazepam tablets, but they have cherry flavoring, which cannot have. At this time I am using a plain tablet dissolved in water and swishing in my mouth, hoping that this will finally give me some relief from this torment of metallic taste and burning mouth. Hoping this will work somehow."

"Been suffering with this Burning Mouth Syndrome BMS issue for over a year now. I’ve been to every doctor possible and no one could find a solution. I have the Clonazepam drops but don’t know the right dosage to help. If anyone has tried the drops please share."

"Withdrawal from clonazepam was the worst and lasted over 5 years with burning mouth, stinging raw tongue feeling and deep cracks in tongue after stopping. That is if you can get past the first month off of it. After many searches and asking doctors with getting no answer I had given up and accepted this is life now off the meds and I have to live in pain for ever. GOOD NEWS!!! The feeling in my mouth has went away and hasn't returned in over 2 weeks. I believe it was due to me homebrewing a german hefewiezen with large amounts of yeast in suspension while consuming it green or fresh. Too bad there isn't a study on this because I am sure I wasn't the only one to suffer after stopping this medication."

"I have tried clonazepam and had no luck. I have had BMS for over 3 years now and absolutely nothing has helped agonizing pain. Have been to both Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins. Mayo recommended the dissolving clonazepam but even after telling them muiltiplte times during my interview that I could not tolerate any kind of sweetner, they gave me tablet with aspertine in it! Have also tried just regular clonazepam left in my mouth for 3 minutes and then spit but no help either. Have tried all other remedies and meds to no avail. Take 1 mg xanax 3 x day to help manage anxiety from overwhelming pain."

"I have suffered Burning Mouth Syndrome for almost seven years now. I tried Clonazepam (Paxam) 4 years ago (slowly crossing over from Xanax) but it didn't help. I had seen an oral pathologist who suggested this. Today, I asked my GP for another prescription of Clonazepam (Rivotril, this time) as this thing is causing me to resort to taking more painkillers etc. I have taken one dose of .25mg this evening and am to take this twice per day, increasing to .5mg if necessary. My GP is not keen as I take 1mg Xanax twice per day and have done so for about 24 years (and it still works, contrary to what the benzo haters say). My attempt to get off it using a Valium taper was a year of hell. I got down to 1mg Valium but life was terrible so I quit. Fingers crossed. Can't bear to think I have this for life. Along with Fibromyalgia. Life is difficult. I just read the long list of side effects. A bit scary!"

"I am on clonazepam 0.5mg twice a day with lyrica twice a day. I am still trying to find a doctor to test and swab for hsv12 and Vzv. Neurologist that gave my rxs does not do it. Have an appointment with ear nose and throat and dermatologist. Any suggestion near west palm beach Florida. A dental school wouldn’t even return my calls."

"Hello I have been suffering from BMS for almost a year. I've tried all the medications the doctor suggested, nothing helped. Now finally I get clonazepam. However, I swallow it because sucking it is kind of painful. I don't know the right dose yet. I'm afraid of becoming addicted and that at some point it will help me more. Yesterday morning I was in pain despite taking it, which threw me back. How is your experience? Is an occasional flare up normal? I've only been taking it for 1 week"

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  • Clonazepam drug information
  • Clonazepam Orally Disintegrating Tablets
  • Clonazepam Tablets

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Klonopin, Klonopin Wafer

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  • Clonazepam monograph
  • Clonazepam (FDA)
  • Clonazepam Tablet Orally Disintegrating (FDA)

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