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Generic Name: Talicia (amoxicillin-omeprazole-rifabutin)

Talicia Reviews

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Only on day 5 but already having significant improvements with nausea reduction, less diarrhea, less brain fog and much more energy. First few days were tough but now feeling better each day. Hydrate a ton, eat an h. Pylori friendly diet and rest up when taking Talicia. Fingers crossed this works; 2nd Tx after clarithromycin resistant. God bless everyone dealing with an H. Pylori infection"

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I would give a higher rating but I'm on day 12 of a 14 day treatment. My main symptom is burning in my throat, tongue, and mouth. It still burns as badly as day one. I've been like this for four months! This is my second treatment as the first one didn't eradicate H Pylori. I'm hoping and praying for good results on my test next month. I've had difficulty sleeping, bizarre dreams, and I've been irritable to say the least. I'm not sure if that's a result of the med or if it's anxiety. I'm just really tired of this painful mouth and wondering if ANYONE else relates to my story."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "It been 2 months since taking this meds. It was ok taking it. No problems. I have multiple Scerlosis. Started after stomach problems 2 months after taking it. GI doctor looking my tummy. My tummy is really irritated. She took biopsy and waiting on the results. I been dealing with hyplori for 14 years. I will give a update when biopsy comeback. Got real baby acid reflux now."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I've completed my 14 days with Talicia. It wasn't too bad while taking, the nausea is gone. The side effects now for me are horrible yeast infection and my teeth are stained orange (I pray its not permanent) and I have braces so that makes it even more difficult. I am so anxious and hopeful that this medication eradicated the H. Pylori. Have to wait for 2 more weeks for Py testing."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I’m on day 4 of the 14 day treatment. It’s been a terrible experience so far. I’ve experienced a really bad headache since starting it. I’m very irritable and agitated. I have had trouble sleeping and sweating, almost like hot flashes all night. I’m already experiencing symptoms of a yeast infection. This is going to be a long 14 days!"

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "On day 11 of this 14 day course. I have swollen glands burning throat nervousness tons of anxiety but I’m to believe that’s from the H pylori as I had that before I started the meds, Trouble sleeping heartburn all of this is manageable I just hope it eradicates this bug I won’t know for a month if it has done it’s job just wanted to share some of my side effects"

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I am on the 5th day, but the 3rd was the worst. Horrible headache and vomit. Feeling better now, just some hot flashes at night and discolored urine. I hope this treatment works, as I have been dealing with HP for more than 5 years."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Update I took this a while back Biopsy came back and h pylori is gone. I have gastritis really bad now. I drink alkaline water a few days a weeks and I eat very health. So I’m working to heal my tummy now. So the pills work if u follow it as directed"

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Day 14 first round burning throat red sore bumpy tongue and belly pain. I won’t know if it worked for another 30 days but some of my side effects rated as a 6 bc I’m not sure if it worked yet will update"

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I have had Helicobacter Pylori for over 5 years and nothing has treated it effectively. So when my doctor suggested taking Talicia I was nervous. Over the last 10 days, I have had a headache, stomach cramps, loose stools, and dark-colored urine but that is all. Overall I’m happy with it and have no complaints. Today is my last day and I hope it has done the job."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Finished treatment last week. I only had minor side effects while taking treatment (mild headache, bloating, occasional night sweats). However, things have deteriorated since finishing treatment. Hot flashes and night sweats are keeping me up and come all day too. It isn’t menopause as I went through all that 20 years ago… also some nausea and acid reflux returning. I hope this treatment worked since I do not plan to give it another try!"

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Well, I finished the treatment and took the breath test, and it is NEGATIVE. I'm so happy and feel so good that I recommend this medication. Even though it was very hard to complete, just follow the doctor's directions. The first week was tough, and the second week I was desperate to finish, but I just got another headache like in the first week, but it was mild. I hope that everybody has the opportunity to try this medicine and can be healed."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Day 4 of taking this drug, only side affect I'm struggling with is stomach and intestinal cramps. I don't know if its working or not just not. I am still bloated as I was before taking it. I do hope it is doing something."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I feel quite odd giving a Rx drug a review. I was diagnosed with H. pylori and had quite a few uncomfortable symptoms. While researching which treatment I was going to suggest to my Dr., I came across Talicia. I added Talicia to the drugs I already have on the interactions checker at Drugs.com (It's free and everyone should be using it) and found that of all the treatments, this mix had the least interactions with the Rx drugs I currently take. The first week was a challenge with GI issues, but the second week was very manageable. I also took probiotics and ate about 1/2 cup of yogurt in between doses to help keep my microbiome from taking such a big hit. I am a type two diabetic, and I did not know that H. pylori is known as a cause for diabetes and perhaps making it worse if you already are. Well, after a few days on Talicia, my glucose numbers improved remarkably. I hope this trend continues. $170.00 with coupon and my insurance."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I have taken Talicia for two weeks now. Today is my last day. It’s very important to know how to take this drug. Don't eat anything citrusy, no watermelon, no caffeine, especially not coffee, and not milk products because it interferes with this antibiotic and it won't work. Make sure to take Florastor probiotic with it. I did it twice a day. You have to drink a lot of water. I drank one liter of water with each dose. The only side effect I had was tiredness. Also, I got nausea when I ate watermelon so after that happening twice I stopped eating it. It’s really not bad if you take good care of yourself. It just feels like forever the 2 weeks. Oh well. I've been trying to get rid of this for 26 years, hopefully, it works with Talicia. I'm looking forward to my results in two weeks. I will also eat the same diet for the next two weeks since I know that the antibiotics are still working two weeks after you finish taking them. Just to make sure it does its job."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I’m very surprised but I had no side effects at all. I’m very satisfied with this medication"

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Took Talicia after taking the other 3 drug combination that did not work. I feel horrible;I hope this goes away soon. Finished the two week course and still feel horrid."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Best medication and only one that will eradicate infection, failed two prior treatment algorithms and everything else is costly Talicia is covered well with insurance!"

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Took this med hoping for the best and it actually made me worse. My gut has not been the same, I have anxiety, stomach fluttering, spasms etc.. and did not eradicate the h pylori."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Took this med hoping for the best.. it actually made me worse. My gut has not been the same… have anxiety, stomach fluttering, spasms etc.. and did not eradicate the h pylori."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I took Talicia and it has now been 2 months since finishing. I have not been the same I’ve been very weak, have headaches and developed a Candida overgrowth"

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Anybody that has taken Talicia go to primary doctor to check level of liver. Talicia has side effects but still effective for h pylori, it does work"

More about Talicia (amoxicillin / omeprazole / rifabutin)

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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: H. pylori eradication agents
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Talicia drug information
  • Talicia (Advanced Reading)

Professional resources

  • Talicia prescribing information

Related treatment guides

  • Helicobacter Pylori Infection