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Generic Name: Zonisamide

Brand Name: Zonegran

Zonegran Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had one of the rare side effects called metabolic acidosis. Everything just felt wrong after a month or two. Massive anxiety attacks that sent me to seek help at the ER where I got MRI's and CT;s because I was convinced I was having a stroke. Spent days laying on the ground trying to control my breathing rate and calm down. I had headache and waves of weird sensations through my brain. It didn't work out for me at all.

Prescribed for weight loss. The side effects were terrible. Extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, loss of taste. I spent the whole day sleeping and I couldn’t concentrate. It took me a month to figure out why I felt so bad, because I was so cognitively slow. I immediately turned around after tapering off the meds, although I’m still working through some lingering effects. The e perience was a huge mistake.

I began taking Zonegran 100mg twice daily for migraine prevention when I was 44-45. I am now 67 and still on same dosage. I don't recall any significant side effects, could possibly be a result of already taking Zoloft and Klonopin for panic/anxiety attacks. At the beginning the migraines occurred once or twice a week. Due to the affect on my eyesight, driving became stupid dangerous when they happened. Slowly it developed to where the migraines would occur once or twice a month, then every three months or so, six months, to eventually the current time. I have not had a migraine in over four years. Is this because of the Zonegran...the combination of drugs....or my age? You tell me.

I took zonisamide for 30 days; 50mg/day, for vestibular migraine. The first thing to go was my appetite. I am female 5'4", and I quickly went from 118lbs to 107. It is alarming not to want food, and have to force yourself to eat. Then came the insomnia, panic attacks and severe agitation. I stopped this drug 4 days ago and am being patient while my body slowly recovers. I am weak, low muscle strength, underweight, but thankfully already seeing an improvement with the panic and insomnia. The damage to my body will take time to fix. This stuff is poison.

Started 25 mg for a week and was to increase by 25 weekly thereafter until I reached 100 mg. I became angry, sad, jittery. We just got a cat 6 weeks ago that I just loved and for the past 3 weeks of being on it don't care about the cat, can't concentrate on work, can't sleep and my eyes hurt all the time. Very similar reaction I got to topramax. However, I lost weight. I still had terrible pressure in my head, especially if I cough or sneeze and if I bend over I get very dizzy and in some cases cannot get up on my own. My doctor is weaning me off of this drug.

Started taking Zonegran for migraine prevention last month; am now on twice the dose I started with. Only issue so far is having trouble waking up in the morning, so I'm changing the time of day I take it....from 8 pm to 6 pm. I might back it up further if I still have trouble waking up in the morning. So far I've had only one migraine in the time frame I would have had about 4-5, so I think it's working :) The migraine I had was less severe with no hangover the next day. Hoping the morning sleepiness goes away soon.

Prescribed for severe episodic migraines and daily chronic headaches with neck pain. I have only been on this medication for 1 week and already have seen a drastic improvement in my headaches and neck pain. As in its gone completely! And my mood is so much better, I don't feel depressed and tired anymore. I feel like this is a miracle and I hope it lasts.

Was prescribed this medication for generalized seizures. First six months I felt anxiety and nausea. Once that subsided I like myself again and no seizures.

I took 50 mg once and right away noticed unpleasant side effects to include: sore throat, dry burning eyes, couldn't sleep as it took me 3 hours to get to sleep, my sinuses felt swollen and numb. The next day I woke up in a stupor, had a weird dream, slept walked and throughout the day things smelled weird and funny.

This medication was prescribed for Migraine treatment . The two years I was taking it was a holy hell. I immediately began losing muscular strength and had tremors in my arms and legs. At 41 and very healthy that was weird. My memory and cognitive abilities dropped like a stone.( I was PHD in Math)They tested me for things like MS etc, and psych tests. Finally I got a good neurologist and after a month off of the drug I was thinking and spelling and reading, doing complex math at my pre zonegran state, without tremors etc.I'd rather have a migraine then lose my brain- this drug should be off the market.

I've been taking this medication for almost 2 weeks now for intractable migraine. I have not had a migraine since beginning therapy with it. My neurologist did suggest to take it at bedtime because it would/might make me drowsy, but had the opposite effect so I now take it in the morning. It also has caused me to have dry mouth. Other than that, I'm very grateful to be free from the migraines which caused me so much pain and suffering.

This medicine was given to me for migraines, It was the last ditch effort as all traditional migraine medicines failed. I was on it for 6 months. I lost 30 pounds and now have ulcers. I couldn't eat. I had no appetite. And if I forced myself to eat the pain was intense. The only change in my life at that time was the Zonegran. I stopped it and am feeling better. The damage will take months to fix. And yes I still had the migraines...

I have been on this medicine for over 10 years. I have not had a seizure since beginning this medication. I am very happy with this medicine. The only downfall i would say, it have to drink plenty of water. If i don't i get kidney stones. Luckily, I love water so it has only been an issue about 3 times in 10 years.

Initially made me very tired. Now worried about hair loss -wondering if it is a side effect. Had weight loss. Works great for my seizures.

had to stop taking dut to depression , suicidal thoughts, decress in appetite , sleep deprivation , nausea & diarrhea .

This medication was prescribed for chronic pain. It makes me very unsteady on my feet & makes my fingers slower, when I play the guitar. I am in a world of pain & do not think this medication helps me.

To date, this is the only anticonvulsant I've been on that hasn't had side effects. That, in and of itself, is wonderful...I take 400 mgs in the evening.

Dr.prescribed Zonegran for chronic migraine, didn't help my migraines at all and seven years later still dealing with side effect- Parosmia.

Zonisimide was prescribed as an "off label"drug to help with anxiety/depression.Although initially it did seem to calm me a bit after a month or so I began to become very moody ans jittery,irritable.I believe it almost changed my personality and my husband would attest to this.It was frightening to be so changed by a drug. I am off of it about 5 weeks now and feel so much better. My psychiatrist says my experience was not typical but I just wanted to throw this out there. I was beginning to think I was crazy but it was the drug.