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Generic Name: isradipine

Brand Name: DynaCirc oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Why are all the reviews the same "this drug is awsome, I like drugs" Check your reviews, found it to be inapropriate with who ever wrote this review. Have experienced muscle, back and joint pains. Space out and deppressed

This drug is awesome. I love drugs.

it works very well to lower b/p but my complaint is that it causes my feet---ankles---and hands to swell very bad-----also a lot of tingling sensations up my legs

This medication lowered my high side 40 points and I have held my new lower pressure for almost a year now. It's the only medication,out of five we tried,that lowered my pressure and gave me very little side effects.

great treatment,why was this drug taken off the market, and why did the med. companies stop making this medication???

This medication succeeded where beta-blockers failed in reducing my blood pressure. I have suffered constipation as a side effect, however, and have recurring nightmares virtually every night, something that was much worse with Norvasc but still is a problem.

Dynacirc has kept my blood pressure well under control with no side effects. I tried 6 different high blood pressure meds before I found this one, and I had bad side effects with all of them. I'm quite sensitive to drugs and if there is a side effect to get, I usually get at least one. I've been taking Dynacirc for over 5 years and am very satisfied with the results, but I sure do miss my grapefruit though!!!!

This medication was effective for lowering my blood pressure, however I began to have terrible sinus infections with pain & pressure that occurred. I have only found that this side effect is not on the information sheet that I get with my medication. I found sinus infections as a side effect on a health site.