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Generic Name: testosterone enanthate

Brand Name: Delatestryl intramuscular

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been on Delatestryl for about 8 months now. At first there was a rapid improvement in my energy levels and a diminishing of an overall muscle soreness. Since then, I've been more active and am working on weight loss, to the point where I'm able to reduce my daily insulin injections by more than 30 units. I get an injection at my local pharmacy every 2 weeks and have been very happy with this treatment. My testosterone blood test readings are in the midrange and will continue at this rate. I consider it a successful ongoing medication.

I've been on Delatestryl for 5 days now and it has already turned my life around. In 5 days it has already boosted my libido to amazing levels and has already cured my light arthritis all over my body. My extreme fatigue is already half gone. My paranoid fear and extreme stress is 100% gone. My doctor put me on 200mg injection ever 14 days of Delatestryl, I'm a 6 foot 6 inches tall 23.5 year old male and my weight is currently at 260 pounds. This drug is a lifesaver! Imagine in a year the transformation!

Overall the therapy has been effective but I am concerned about long term usage.

I felt more energy the next day waking up at 5:30 full of energy. The only problem is not being shown in detail how to inject it. i believe i wasted some of the hormone.

i=I am a 35 year old female and have been using this drug since i was 28 i was on other hrt treatment but with no testostrone in my system i had NO sex drive and was slipping in to menopause my doctor reccomened this and i was 200 ml/g once every 4 weeks and it has done wonders for me. my skin has cleared and my drive is back in full swing. i have only had one small side effect a slight darking of facial hair but i am not certian that is only cause by the drug as many other woemen i have spoken to are experincing the same thing at our age and they are not taking the drug. i love it it has inproved my life so much

at the beginning painful errection but later became normal and no pain,improves my sex dive,fluid sperm increases,active,strenght,develpoment of male hair,im taking from 50 to 150mg every two weeks,3 months trials as doctors prescription,erection as mens normally inteact esp.morning and best at night with someone with you,its Great......

I am a female,I went to my gyno to get a shot because my sex drive wasn't like it used to be. He gave me 200 mg. and I had a reaction to it. My face and neck was really red and hot like it was on fire and it was very uncomfortable. Also it is making my face really oily. I won't never get another one. I got the shot to help with my sex drive which has not been the same the older I get and since I had my hysterectomy about 5 years ago. Also a friend of my had the cream and it said it broke her out and made her skin really oily as well.