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Generic Name: Paxil for Depression (paroxetine)

Paxil for Depression Reviews

"I have always felt like something was wrong for as long as I can remember. I think my depression is just normal to me, and I've probably been depressed for many years without even knowing, just a feeling that something isn't right. A failed relationship a while back heightened my realization that something is wrong, and the pain of losing someone close was like a final straw for me. I guess it might be true that everyone comes into your life for a reason, even if it is only meant to be for a short time. After countless months and days googling and doing tests online, trying to figure out what might be wrong with me, I finally got the courage to go see my doctor. After a few visits, he prescribed me Paxil and thinks this might help get me on the right track. You see, my depression isn't the usual in that I try to go about my daily life as normal as I can, it's called walking or smiling depression. Behind it all, though, I'm crippled with self-doubt, negative thoughts, anxiety, and a constant feeling of sadness. I feel guilty a lot, distance myself from my family and friends regularly, and sometimes feel so down I cry for what seems like no reason at all. I put on a brave face to people and go about daily life as best I can, but behind the mask, I am suffering. I never really felt like I fit in, and it's like I have to try to act to be happy in everyday situations. It's hard to describe, but it's almost like I'm standing behind my shadow. I always look at other people and wonder what it's like to be just happy. I could never bring myself to telling anyone how I really felt, I guess it's only the last year or so that I became more aware and really accepting that something isn't right. It's been so long that I have felt this way, I really don't know what normal is anymore. I have lost 2 girlfriends largely due to my low self-esteem and low confidence finally taking their toll on the relationship. It's like I just expected them to leave, who would want to stay with a loser like me is how I portrayed myself to them.. That's probably the hardest pill to swallow through all this. I know if I was mentally stronger, I could have held on to something good. I know I have it in me to go change my life around. Everybody sees it in me, but I feel trapped in my body and mind. I have a lot of trouble concentrating, and I seem to always be so indecisive about what action to take. I guess I'm wondering what I can expect from taking Paxil. I know I'm the only one who can physically make changes, but can I expect to regain some self-confidence and motivation, energy, etc.? I really don't know what to expect from this drug and am apprehensive about what it can actually do for me. I guess part of me just wants to try to do everything by myself, but I really don't want to waste another second of my life. I feel like I haven't properly lived for at least the last 5 years of my life. Thank you for reading."

"This medication has been very potent to improve my anxiety/depression disorders. No more suicidal thoughts, fear, mood swings, shaking, sweating, anxiety (SAD & GAD), and the list goes on. If you're suffering from severe anxiety and depression, then take Paxil. I am taking 40mg max dose with no side effects. I added BuSpar on top of Paxil and my anxiety has reduced tremendously. Some people do have problems with BuSpar but I have great results and I’m loving it. I take 20mg a day. Life is so great, don’t let your anxiety/depression ruin your life. You’re strong and brave. Please get help. ❤️"

"In the sea of negative reviews which I read before starting Paxil, I saw few positive ones even though I know that there are many, many people for whom this drug has worked wonders. I am one of those people. Diagnosed with severe depression and generalized anxiety disorder, my doctor started me on 10 mg/day, and despite minor, minor nausea for the initial 2 weeks, I have not had side effects. My anxiety and depression were vastly improved within that 2-4 week window, and I began to feel like my old self. I have experienced no discernible effects on my sex drive, which is a big negative side effect for many reviewers. This drug seems to have been tailor-made for me, I am thankful for its availability, and hope this review helps someone!"

"First off, I just want to say, please don't be alarmed or afraid when you read that you're going to gain a tremendous amount of weight while taking Paxil. Not saying by any means anybody is lying nor the information they provide about this medicine is false. Everybody is different and will receive different results. I almost contacted my physician right away, in demands I obtain a different medication after hearing about the weight gain, however, I gave it a fair chance. I did NOT want to eat a thing while on Paxil and my friends already noticed I've dropped a significant amount of weight. Please don't avoid this medication because of fright about weight gain because it might very well not happen! My social anxiety also vanished."

"Everyone's experience is different. I was prescribed Paxil 20mg for depression/social anxiety. I have been taking it for over a month. I was incredibly afraid to take it, but now that I have been taking it, I'm really happy I did. This is the best I have been mentally my entire life. I read a lot of negative things on the internet, but that was not my experience. I have more clarity now. I LOST WEIGHT! I'm happy waking up. I sleep amazing. I feel like I don't even have depression anymore. It has helped some with anxiety. I did have negative side effects for the first week, but that passed quickly. If you're like me, you looked up things on the internet and got scared. Please listen to your doctor and not the whiny people on the internet."

"I rate Paxil 10 out of 10 because it saved my life. I was on the verge of ending it all after years and years of anxiety and depression. Every day had become a nightmare. I now have virtually no anxiety, and my depression is much improved. I am 67 years old, and I have suffered from anxiety and depression all my life. I have been told repeatedly to take medication, but I had a policy never to take any medication on principle. There have been a few side effects, such as some weight gain and low libido. But these side effects are microscopic when compared to the joy of being able to sleep again and to just sit quietly and enjoy what is around me. I am currently looking over my lovely garden and listening to beautiful music, not a note of anxiety in my mind. Please at least give this a try and do not wait three decades like I did. This is the first review I have ever written, but if it helps even one sufferer, I will rejoice. Thank you, Paxil."

"Paxil saved my life!! After marriage breakup and 3 children, a newborn and loss of home I went from 60kg to 44kg in 3 months. I couldn't eat or function. Started Paxil, 1 month later woke up and felt fantastic, like I could conquer the world, got a job, had the baby in daycare, sold my car which I used for a house deposit, went for a loan, success!! The kids are happy, studied achieved a Bachelor's degree, ALL WITH THE HELP OF PAXIL!! Please give this wonder drug time to work, took me 1 month and changed my life. Still on Paxil 10 years later and doing well in life. What a miracle drug, where would I have ended up without Paxil..."

"I have been on Paxil now for about 10 years. My dosage was 20 milligrams for a long time. Within the last two months, I was feeling emotionless. I finally went to my doctor today and described my feelings to her. She changed my dosage to 40 milligrams. I feel better already! If it wasn't for Paxil, I would be a basket case like I was before I went on it. I no longer have panic attacks and very little anxiety now. For those who are having a bad experience with Paxil...don't give up. You may need a different dosage or an entirely different antidepressant. Mental fragility is nothing to take lightly. Keep asking for help until you get it. Good luck to all of you."

"Where to start, after losing two family members in a month, I went into a deep off-the-charts depression according to my doctor. I was close to suicide because I felt so horrible. I lost 50 lbs in just a few months, could not sleep, or sit still. My mind raced from morning till night and I couldn't control it. I was a perfectly normal person prior to this. My doctor gave me Lexapro, which was HORRIBLE. I had a psychotic episode with that. I found a new doctor who specialized in Depression. He gave me 60mg of Paxil along with 10mg of Valium if needed. It took about 1 week to start feeling better and 3 months until I was my old self. I am still on 45mg 3 years later but am symptom-free. I highly recommend Paxil. DON'T LET IT GET TOO BAD. SEEK HELP!"

"Seems like a lot of people have a good experience with Paxil, and I really wish I could say the same. I took it for about 2.5 months and had chronic diarrhea the whole time, which only seemed to get worse as time went on. And, of course, the usual sexual side effects that come with SSRIs. I couldn't handle it anymore, having diarrhea for that long just left me feeling very sick all the time. So I tapered off, which is where things have gone from bad to worse. I've never had a problem coming off of any type of medication in my life, but this is HORRIBLE. Brain zaps, nightmares, highly increased depression, and crying spells. This stuff is freaking poison to my body. I would never recommend this to anyone."

"I have been taking this for 6-7 months. It works well for me, but when I miss 1 or 2 days, my mood becomes really high. I get easily agitated or irritable, but when I take it to calm down, it works. I was 147 lbs when I started it, and now I'm 127 lbs. I have lost a lot of weight, but I'm happy. I eat a lot, but when I do, it's just a little. Sometimes I even forget to drink or eat anything on this pill, but I like it as long as I take it every day, I'm happy."

"Paxil has saved my life. After my father's death, I was in a major depression and suffered from panic attacks for 6 years. I used alcohol and drugs to numb the reality. I finally decided to get my head straight and started using Paxil 30mg. I feel like a million bucks, every day I wake up, I'm happy and excited for what the day may bring. It does bother me that I have to rely on a drug to feel normal, but it is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I plan on staying on it for the rest of my life. I see it as I have a problem with my brain so I need a pill to fix it, just as a diabetic needs insulin. Thank you Paxil for giving me my life back. I highly recommend this medicine to anyone suffering from severe depression & anxiety."

"I have been on this medication for less than a week and already feel so much better than I did a week ago. Before I was having crying spells multiple times a day, major anxiety, depression, the works. Now I am able to get up, go back to work, and function normally again. I have only been on this medication a few days, but I am extremely thankful for it so far."

"It's week three. Let me start by saying this is my third try at a different depression/anxiety med. And it actually seems to be working. Also, I've gone from 290 at the doctor's office to 276 in 3 weeks. I'm 6'2'', so it's noticeable. I used to stress eat, now I don't have the urge to constantly eat. I feel not full, just not hungry, and fine with it? Overall, I give it a 9/10. The 1 is because it's only been 3 weeks. Kicks in quick (two weeks for me), go all day with no need for Xanax or Ativan. I'm also a lot less angry. Hope this helps, explore all options. Everyone's different! Never lose faith and force a smile :)"

"When I started Paxil 7 months ago, I was clinically depressed. I had panic attacks that would come several times a day, and my body was always tense. I had Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. I was wrecked after an emotional trauma. My brain was on overdrive. Within the first 2 months on Paxil, I kept a journal blogging symptoms and changes, and after a while, I realized I stopped writing altogether. I would always write when I was sad. The medicine kept being more effective as time went on, but I eventually got a dosage upage from 20mg to 30mg. I have never felt so happy, ever."

"I wish I could say more. 'Your comment is too long (3933 characters; maximum 1000 allowed).' I’m so very sorry others experienced less fortunate results, and wish them well. Would very much like to post my full and very real experience. PAXIL and/or generic PAROXETINE saved my life and continues to do so. I just turned 60 and have been taking it since 1994, and it was miraculous. I never ever ever want to feel how I did previously."

"Excellent for depression. I took 20mg daily for 14 years but wanted to see if I could handle life without it. It took me three attempts to wean myself off of Paxil (with my physician's help). The last time I tried (successfully) by cutting the dosage in half for 4 weeks, then every other day for another month, then finally quit taking it. It's been 4 months now and I feel fine. But definitely DO NOT stop taking Paxil all at once - do it gradually. Paxil withdrawal problems are well documented!"

"I've been taking paroxetine for a week. I haven't felt like this in years! I feel like myself again! The first few days I experienced nausea, dizzy spells, and dry mouth. But now the only side effect is dry mouth. This is a miracle drug!"

"I was on this Paxil for 11 years, it didn't help my depression, but it managed to ruin my life when I came off it too quickly under the advice of my doctor. Fast forward to present day. I now use a mobility scooter/electric bike due to suffering horrible physical symptoms of CFS/M.E., which were triggered by coming off this drug 11 years ago. My circadian rhythm is utterly destroyed, as is my stamina. I constantly live in a heightened state of hyper-arousal. I have no energy and constantly have to meditate 2 hours to get back 20% of the health I used to have. (That is only until the symptoms slowly return with any activity.) These drugs are dangerous and wreck lives. I am a real person, and the above story is true."

"Before I was on Paxil, I just felt sad all the time. I felt like crying a lot, I could hardly get through work, I had a loss of interest in activities, I lacked energy, plus most of the other symptoms for major depression (except for thoughts of suicide). This went on for almost a few years until I finally had enough and sought out the help of a doctor. The doctor prescribed Paxil 20mg once a day, and I swear I have never felt better in my life. I feel like I finally have my life back, and I don't feel sad all the time. Most importantly, I feel like myself again."

"In 1993, I found a doctor that saved my life by prescribing Paxil, without it, I would be dead now. I suffered from anxiety and depression, which I learned was inherited from my grandfather, who killed himself by jumping off an apartment building. When I grew up in the 50s, doctors did not know much. They know so much more now, so just ask for help like I did."

"A miracle drug for me! After taking this med, it gave me the courage and strength to get up and do things. It made me see things in a different way. I've been off and on with this med for four years now, it's the only antidepressant that works for me. My anxiety completely went away, and I feel like I can go through this thing called life."

"I've just started on Paxil. Doctor said take in the morning, but I've been horribly groggy and depressed. So, I switched to taking it at night, and there's an amazing difference! I'm energetic, and I feel good this far. I can organize my thoughts, and anxiety seems to be down a bit, but like I said, just the beginning. Weight loss - Paxil curbs my appetite!! It's great because I need to lose a lot of weight. I've lost about 6 pounds so far, but I am also dieting, exercising, and actively trying to lose weight, the appetite suppressant effect just helps me a lot!"

"I have been on Paxil for 3 weeks. Previously, I was on Lexapro and it worked well, however, I wanted to quit smoking, so I was switched to Paxil. I have noticed I am sleeping all night through without getting up at 2 or 3 am and staying up the rest of the night. I do, however, have vertigo, but I have suffered from vertigo for 20 years, so I cannot actually attribute that to the Paxil. I also have appetite loss. I can only eat 1/3 of what I ate previously. So far, so good. I have no problem taking a med for my depression, no different than a heart condition, just much harder to treat! Hoping it keeps going good!"

"Before taking Paxil, I was on several different antidepressants which didn't work. At one point, I had to be hospitalized, but since being on Paxil, I am no longer depressed. The only side effect that I have experienced is dry mouth. It has been 17 years that I have been symptom-free!"

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  • Drug class: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
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Patient resources

  • Paxil drug information
  • Paxil (Paroxetine Suspension)
  • Paxil (Paroxetine Tablets)

Other brands

Brisdelle, Pexeva

Professional resources

  • Paxil prescribing information
  • PARoxetine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Brisdelle, Pexeva

Other formulations

  • Paxil CR

Related treatment guides

  • Anxiety
  • Dysautonomia
  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Depression