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Generic Name: Clarithromycin for Bronchitis (clarithromycin)

Clarithromycin for Bronchitis Reviews

"You people are obviously not sick enough to be grateful you have a medicine that works. It's not even close to that bad. Take it with food. And you won't even have side effects. Take pain meds. And brush your teeth. This medicine is the best and does what it needs to do. Stop complaining it could be worse you could die."

"I have just finished a 7-day course of 500mg tablets, twice a day for a chest infection which two other antibiotics failed to clear. This antibiotic worked much faster than others I have tried, with symptoms improving rapidly after just one day. I had no side effects at all, not even the strange taste. My wife has also had a course of the same drug in the past, again with no side effects. Reading through these comments, you would think that practically everyone has adverse side effects from this drug, but in actual fact, it is a low percentage (under 10% according to the packet). I think more people tend to report bad side effects than none, hence the large number here. Don't be put off by this."

Biaxin (clarithromycin) "I had to leave a review for this medicine because I consider it to be a wonder drug. I am prone to bronchitis and I've tried everything: amoxicillin, augmentin, ampicillin, z-pack, omnicef, etc. Biaxin is the only--and I mean ONLY--drug that will work on my bronchitis. The worst side effect for me is hunger to the point where I feel like my stomach is eating itself, but I'll gladly temporarily put up with that rather than cough myself to death! This is an amazing medication--it gets the job done when nothing else will."

Biaxin (clarithromycin) "I was full of itises: bronchitis, sinusitis, and pharyngitis, and I felt miserable. The doctor prescribed Biaxin, and I started to be on the mend a couple of days after starting treatment. On day three of taking it, I felt good enough to exercise (not super intense, but enough to at least get the blood flowing and feel like a human being again). Biaxin has been hard on my gut. It helps to eat a lot of food before taking it. If my stomach starts hurting or cramping, I eat more food, and it helps relieve it. Unexpected side effect: Biaxin gave me energy and increased aggression/agitation. It did what it was supposed to do and knocked out my infection. All in all, worth it for me."

"I have bronchitis, and they prescribed clarithromycin. I have been taking it for 4 days now (I need to take it for 10 days). I often feel dizzy, have headaches, and feel very nauseous. My mouth always tastes gross, like a metallic taste. I often have to rinse my mouth with water because of the bad taste (even at night, I have to get up and rinse my mouth because the taste makes me nauseous). I just wanted to share."

"It is efficient for bronchitis and does the work better than any other antibiotic, it is fast, but it made me sleepy, weak, dizzy, drowsy, vomitous because of the metallic taste, and you get some bloating and diarrhea sometimes. You also get very weak from it that you want just to lie down, perhaps it's from the big fight between the medicine and the virus/bacteria! I want just to mention that tea with mint helped with the bad taste, 2 tablets of Panadol/Tylenol daily for the drowsiness, and vitamin C daily to get some energy."

"I was prescribed clarithromycin and prednisone for my sinus infection and bronchitis. I was told by my pharmacist to take the clarithromycin with food. Then she told me to eat something like Activa yogurt about 2 hours after taking the clarithromycin because clarithromycin will tend to kill the good bacteria in your stomach, which is what brings on the diarrhea many complain of. The Activa then helps rebuild the good bacteria in your stomach. On my third day and feeling a little better, and never any diarrhea. I attribute the good experience to good pharmacist suggestions. I make sure to eat food and the Activa yogurt 2 hours later, and no side effects yet, and I am feeling on the mend."

"I had a horrible sore throat and pain in all my body. After using the first tablet, I noticed the difference. By night, I had no sore throat and no muscle pain. It worked amazingly fast, but the side effect I experienced was extreme bitterness in my mouth, which caused me to wake up in the middle of the night, wash my mouth, eat some fruit, wash again, and go back to sleep. But the next morning, I woke up with the same taste in my mouth, and it continues the same way all along. I also experienced some nausea."

"Was prescribed this after a 5-day, then a 7-day course of a different antibiotic each time led to bronchial symptoms (with increased body temperatures) never fully going away and strongly reasserting themselves in a few days. The 500 mg tablets are a pain to swallow (you need lots of water to flush them all the way down) and, as most respondents report, cause a permanent nasty bitter taste in the mouth. However, by Day 3, I was feeling much better, and now mid-way through Day 4, coughing nearly gone and phlegm much reduced. Temperature also back to normal. In short, feel practically ready to resume working."

"My ailment wasn't actually bronchitis, but tracheal irritation - it wasn't in my lungs. I started taking it after being exhausted from coughing. I had diarrhea after the first day because I took the first dose too late after breakfast. Since then, I took it in the middle of breakfast and haven't had any GI symptoms since. My cough and chest showed an almost immediate improvement! What a difference! I have also been limiting my sugar intake (to prevent a yeast infection), eating yogurt every day and taking acidophilus to prevent further bowel irritation. So far, so good. I have 4 days left. I noticed a bitter taste in my mouth about 2 days ago. I felt reassured after reading some of the comments here that it is a side effect."

Biaxin (clarithromycin) "After suffering what seemed like a never-ending flu, I was put on Biaxin. I have always been sensitive to medications and suffered severe allergic reactions that put me in the ER. So I have never been a fan of antibiotics and avoid them unless on the verge of death...which I definitely was this time around. Biaxin gave me a horrible, bitter taste that was constant and could not be eliminated or masked by any food. I did religiously eat yogurt while taking it so I did not have any stomach upset. I noticed a steady improvement within 48 hours. The horrible, bitter taste lasted the entire 10 days, but nothing I couldn't put up with knowing I was improving and death was no longer imminent. My specialist said I had a bacteria related to Legionnaires, so I pretty much owe my life to this antibiotic. It is now my 'go-to' antibiotic if it is determined I need treatment for any bacterial infection. Biaxin pulled me through and I am so thankful they made this medicine!"

Biaxin (clarithromycin) "Doc told me I had bronchitis. First time on Biaxin. After two days, still have the bitter taste in the mouth, sleeping like crazy, increased heart rate. But overall, the medicine seems to be working great after two days. Good alternative to amoxicillin."

"Throwing these clarithromycin in the garbage!!! Got extremely hungry, sweating and anxiety like I have never felt before. Felt really weak and like I was going insane. Lasted about 7 minutes and was so relieved when it was over. You couldn't pay me a million dollars to take another pill again."

"I recently started on Biaxin. My doctor prescribed it for my bronchitis and sinus infection. The antibiotic works great, after about a day of taking it, I felt a million times better. It's a really strong antibiotic, though, which has caused some awful side effects, including a bad taste in my mouth, nervousness, and upset stomach/nausea. If you have to take this, I suggest eating before taking it and carrying around mints for the taste in my mouth. Good luck!"

"After an 8-week cold, 3 weeks of a bad cough, and generally feeling under the weather and out of breath even on the gentlest of slopes, I went to the doctor, who diagnosed bronchitis. I was put on a 5-day course of Clarithromycin 500 mg pills and a 10-day burst of Prednisolone starting at 30 mg. Even after one antibiotic, I felt relief. I had no side effects whatsoever. I maybe should mention I have an autoimmune disease, PMR, and take a very low dose of steroids and also Omeprazole (a gastric resistant capsule prescribed for people taking steroids). I live in Scotland where all prescriptions are free."

Biaxin (clarithromycin) "Stomach pains and bad taste. Drink plenty of water, it helps the taste and stomach. I've had different reactions with Biaxin. Don't drink caffeine and take it. It will keep you awake, and don't lay down in bed for 1 hour after taking. This all seems to help keep stimulation down so you can sleep."

"This seems to be dealing with the bronchitis after 2 days, so I feel better with only a residual phlegmy cough. The side effects have been constipation at first, then very loose, mucus-laden stools. Much stomach gurgling and vicious wind. Bitter, metallic taste in my mouth, especially in the mornings. Dreadful nightmares since taking this medication."

Biaxin XL (clarithromycin) "I have gotten bronchitis a few times. I have tried many other antibiotics, and none worked. Biaxin is the only antibiotic I can take that actually works. Personally, the only side effects I ever experienced are a mild metallic taste in my mouth, but it is not much of a big deal."

"I have always been vulnerable to bronchitis and pneumonia. This antibiotic is the only thing that works. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth yes but I know that after 10 days I will be done and better. Before I was prescribed this, I would often have to take more then 10 days of antibiotics in order to get better."

Biaxin XL (clarithromycin) "Took it as soon as I got home from the doctor, 2 pills a day for 10 days, but missed 2 doses when I thought I was better. A couple of days later, I was sneezing like crazy and had a bad cough. Don't miss doses! Even when you think you're cured."

Biaxin (clarithromycin) "I have been on Biaxin for 3 days now. I have very loose bowel movements, a horrible taste in my mouth, and I can't sleep. I have been eating Tootsie Roll Pops to combat the bad taste in my mouth. I am going to stop Biaxin immediately and call my doctor first thing in the morning. Up at 2:00 a.m. now, wide awake with diarrhea and a Tootsie Roll Pop!"

Biaxin (clarithromycin) "My doctor gave this to me for my bronchitis, it seems to be working fairly well. The only thing is it seems to be making me really sleepy. I have done extensive research on this drug and can't find this as a possible side effect."

Biaxin (clarithromycin) "MedFast diagnosed me with just flu symptoms and was sent home with just an Albuterol prescription. My primary care doctor called me the same day and, from hearing my voice and telling him my symptoms, my doctor immediately prescribed me Biaxin 500 MG, 1 pill 2 x a day for 7 days. Within hours, fever and aches went away, and I remain this way. Obviously, a bacterial infection somewhere. Biaxin is a wonderful medicine."

"This is my third day taking this antibiotic. It gave me really bad body aches and nausea. The third day I literally felt like I was dying. I always eat before I take it. I had to make myself throw up. My body was just going numb. It was sending shocking pains throughout my body. I was going in and out of consciousness. I highly don't recommend this medication. Everyone's bodies is different though. It was definitely not worth it for me."

Biaxin (clarithromycin) "Been on Biaxin earlier in the year for a sinus infection, worked like a charm then, and the side effects were slight. (Just the metallic taste.) Got prescribed it for bronchitis a couple of days ago, and I've got the worst nausea, can't even look at or smell food."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: macrolides
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  • En español

Patient resources

  • Clarithromycin drug information
  • Clarithromycin Extended-Release Tablets
  • Clarithromycin Tablets
  • Clarithromycin Oral Suspension

Other brands

Biaxin, Biaxin XL

Professional resources

  • Clarithromycin monograph
  • Clarithromycin (FDA)
  • Clarithromycin ER (FDA)
  • Clarithromycin Suspension (FDA)

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  • Dental Abscess
  • Bronchitis
  • Bacterial Endocarditis Prevention
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