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Generic Name: Option 2 (levonorgestrel)

Option 2 Reviews

For Emergency Contraception "So I had unprotected sex on the 11th of November and he came inside me. My pharmacy had run out of Postinor 2 so they recommended Option 2 instead. I took it around 3-4 hours after having sex. I’m pretty sure I had already ovulated and I read on the internet that emergency contraceptive pills don’t work if you’ve already ovulated and I was so stressed. I was convinced that I was pregnant also because I was having unusual cramps, felt bloated, constipated and also didn’t bleed yet. I couldn’t deal with the stress so I took a pregnancy test today (23rd of November) and it’s negative. I’m so relieved. Don’t panic if your period does not arrive on the expected date. This pill just messes up your cycle :)"

For Emergency Contraception "So I had unprotected sex about four days before ovulation so supposedly on one of the days I’m supposed to be fertile and I took Option 2 about a couple hours late (about 9 to 10). A couple days later I started bleeding that resemble my period (enough to fill up pads and it was a dark brown color and sometimes became a light red color) it lasted about along as my normal period. So it was like I was getting my period super early. Now it’s my period week and it’s three days late. I’m going to take a pregnancy test now and see if I’m pregnant or not but has anyone else experienced this heavy bleeding? If so, were you pregnant or not?"

For Emergency Contraception "I did it 13 days before my period and did it on my most fertile day I got scared and 15 mins later took the pill the symptoms were feeling nauseous , but that’s it my symptoms weren’t bad just that and then afterwards I was stressing out thinking it might not have worked . A week went by and then as I got closer to my period date I got more worried . 2 weeks went by and August 26 came around and my period didn’t come I started to get worried then I said ok I’m not going to stress it and give it a few days. Then the next day I didn’t get my period in the afternoon then 8pm rolls around I feel a drip go to the bathroom and got my period . I’m so grateful it worked !!! Just don’t stress it , the pill messes up your cycle ."

"Let me start off by saying I was 100 % convinced I was pregnant. 10 days after taking the pill I had a light period that looked like implantation bleeding. It only lasted 2 days. Shortly after that pregnancy symptoms followed. Very sensative breast , fatigue , lower back aches. All these symptoms lasted about 20 days. I didn't believe these symptoms were from the pill, but they were! I'm not pregnant! That's all I could hope for."

For Emergency Contraception "I had unprotected sex with someone who I don’t even like. I was desperate. And on top of that, the sex was horrible!!!! The next day I went to rite aid and purchased option 2 and took it right then and there. About 8 hours after unprotected sex. I was scared and nervous. I had unprotected sex about 4 days before my period so the pill pushed it like 2 days from expected time. Then when it was over about two weeks later I spotted between cycles that’s pretty much everything I experienced besides all the anxiety then my next period came on time! A situation where you find yourself having to take an emergency contraceptive can be scary but the sooner you take it, the better it works!!! Everything will be fine!!! I don’t think your weight matters, I weighed 189lbs when I took it."

For Emergency Contraception "I had unprotected sex TWICE with a “one night stand”. Forget about me feeling guilty, I was scared that I would be pregnant. While it was happening, I wasn’t thinking correctly, until I got home and paranoia started to settle in. He pulled out both times but there’s so many horror stories you hear about the pull out method that you want to be careful. I took Option 2 about a day after. I just got my period (today), which is about 2 weeks later. I feel so relieved now."

For Emergency Contraception "So the day I got option 2, it was my first time taking this one. I usually get plan b, but they didn’t have any. So I instantly got on the internet to look at the reviews. Most of them said it didn’t work. So I was scared for my life lol. I had a low chance of getting pregnant that day too. So I think the girls that did get pregnant had a high chance to get pregnant. Anywho it works for me."

For Emergency Contraception "I’ve never gotten pregnant before and I usually take a Plan B at least once a year. My Rite Aid ran out of Plan B so the cashier suggested option 2. WORST DECISION EVER! I’m currently pregnant and I don’t believe in abortion or anything. But I’m not prepared for this. Not sure what I’ll do ."

For Emergency Contraception "Both times I’ve taken this pill I got pregnant this pill is horrible!! I took it on the 10th of August and I was waiting for my period and nothing came so I went to take a pregnancy test and it’s positive like what??!! Do not buy"

For Emergency Contraception "I took this pill within 24-48 and still got pregnant! The second time I took the pill less than 25 hours and still got pregnant!! It’s like they have an ingredient to increase your chances of getting pregnant!! I will never use this again! Please use the original Plan B Pill!!"

For Emergency Contraception "I'm 5 days late for my period. I took a pregnancy test it came out negative, a while ago I used a plan b after having unprotected sex & had some brown discharge and bleeding a week later. Will I get my period this month & was that discharge my period or side effects?"

For Emergency Contraception "This feels horrible. I had unprotected sex 4 days before my ovulation day. When ovulation day came I had brown discharge and thought it was nothing then bled through 4 tampons and in less than 3 hours and TMI but it was really dark and then bright red. I’ve had horrible cramping ever since and really bad back pain to the point that it hurts to do anything. It’s been 8 days since I took the pill and I still just feel horrible. I had never taken one before this so I didn’t know what to expect. I’ll give an update when my period decides to come or not."

For Emergency Contraception "Option 2 is the best emergency contraceptive I have ever taken. I am one of those women that have terrible side effects on all regular birth control pills and Option 2 is a peace of mind relief. I have tried plan B before and had terrible nausea and bleeding. With Option 2 I have had zero nausea and a little diarrhea but not much did not last long.. somewhat heavier periods but normal length and barely noticeable unless thinking hard about subtle changes. "

For Emergency Contraception "I spent some time with someone that I wasn't sure about having sex with. We got close and it accidentally slipped in. We didn't continue, but I was worried so I took an Option 2 about a day and a half later. Mind you, this slip was 2 weeks before my projected ovulation, but I wanted to be safer than I was that night. So I took it. I wound up having actual sex approximately 2 weeks after taking the pill. I started weird bleeding a day after for 2 days and also some brownish type discharge. It's now over a month since taking the pill. I'm 10 days late. I did take a test, but it was negative. I have had some weird cramping and bloating periodically. I don't think I am pregnant, but I will check again in a week. I think I will get my period. May be a while. I am stressing it just a wee bit. Also I did begin a workout regimen 2 weeks ago so I will update. I have used this pill once about a year ago and it worked. So, I just have to have patience. Fingers crossed for me"

For Emergency Contraception "Pretty much 2 days after my expected ovulation day, I had unprotected sex and he came in me one time. 10 minutes later he got me this emergency contraceptive, and we tend to go for the cheaper ones since they work the same. This one however I have not used, and my regular pharmacy I got my regular contraceptive one from was closed. He went to rite aid, bought it, and came back. Of course, we had more sex unprotected before I took the pill and he made sure to pull out. After we were finished, I took the pill, and that was it. A week and 3 days later I got my period! I was so anxious it may not have worked since I had already ovulated, but I have had experiences like these where I have already ovulated and my contraceptive usually works. Will purchase again, also don’t worry if you have any symptoms, it’s normal. My symptoms were: Headache, Mood Swings, Cramping, and a tad bit of nausea but not bad nausea at all."

For Emergency Contraception "I had unprotected sex on the second day of my ovulation I used option 2 after 6 hours. Then after 12 days I had bleeding that looked like my period and lasted like my period it’s like 6 days after I’m having spotting but light what does that mean"

For Emergency Contraception "I bought this for my first time, protected, and took it a day later just to be extra cautious. I'm lucky to have a pretty painless cycle and never experienced any side effects like spotting, nausea, irregular discharge, or, you know, pregnancy. I do understand that's not the case for everyone though, so still take precaution and read other reviews."

For Emergency Contraception "This pill is recommended by riteaid because they had no Plan B. However I took based off of pharmacy tech recommendations. My breast are soooo tender. I'm not pregnant but this sensation alone leaves me to not recommend this be taken by others."

For Emergency Contraception "After unprotected sex with my boyfriend we got option 2 since it was a bit cheaper than plan B. A few hours later I get hit with the worst cramps and constantly need to go the bathroom I’m praying this pill works unlike half these reviews say."

For Emergency Contraception "I had sex the day after ovulation on Oct 21st. I took the pill Oct 23rd, kinda late in the day. I started my period yesterday though Oct 30 so good I’m not pregnant hopefully! The reviews had be soooooo scared, it works thankfully, maybe the other women were ovulating. Idk but I’ll probably use it again IF I ever have to."

For Emergency Contraception "I don't like how it’s so hard to open the package It hurts my hand trying to open it even with scissors-.- definitely needs to change that"

For Emergency Contraception "I took it the morning after unprotected sex and still got pregnant"

For Emergency Contraception "An hour and a half after taking this Option 2 pill I felt very nauseous. Spent the next 25 minutes on the toilet with diarrhea and feeling like I was going to throw up as well. Would. Not. Recommend."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: contraceptives
  • En español

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  • Levonorgestrel Emergency Contraceptive prescribing information

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  • Emergency Contraception