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Generic Name: butoconazole nitrate

Brand Name: Gynazole-1 vaginal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

This is the hardest medication to get ahold of. My drs didn’t think my insurance would cover, but they did. I called my insurance to confirm. Then, I had to get an authorization, that was annoying. Most pharmacies don’t even have this medication. I called so many places, but finally found one. To get this medication, you had to try every other medication for yeast. If non work, you get approved for this. I wish dr would tell more people about this. I randomly found this medication online. I am trying it out now, I hope I can update my review when done.

I have numerous UTI's that are always followed by Yeast Infections. It got to the point now that I have to take a double dose of Diflucan, some times triple and taking a toll on my confidence. I actually saw a pamphlet for list medication while waiting at the pharmacy and its the best thing happened to me!!! Yes, there is some (little) leakage, which I hate normally, but I'll take that any day over the effectiveness. Its more expensive and some pharmacy's have to order it in, but its SOOO worth it. I hope more women discover this drug because it's insanely effective.

I have had yeast infections in the past, but this was the first time the doctor recommended this medicine. It worked fairly well as it stopped the itching almost immediately, although the next day I leaked so much of it out I went through about 3 panty liners and I did apply it at bedtime as recommended. The leaking made me feel very uncomfortable and unclean. I am very active at my job so just sitting was not an option, which probably made the leaking more intense. I also had a little leaking two days after use. However, a few days later most of the symptoms were gone. I think I will ask for the diflucan next time though because the gynazole caused more initial discomfort and I really believe it was not any more effective than the diflucan.

For those that mentioned they had issues with leakage, this medication IS recommended to be used at BEDTIME to prevent leaking. I used this and my symptoms cleared up in a few days.

I was recently diagnosed with my 1st yeast infection. I got the prescription filled and inserted the cream. I was extremely nervous because I didnt know what to do once I took the meds. So, after I inserted the cream, it began leaking so I had to line my panties with a pad just in case. From there the itching instantly stopped and then it began itching around the spot where the cream was inserted. It's still itching but I only applied the cream a few hours ago but its working and I would recommend it and hope I never have to use it again. Good Luck ladies.

My doctor gave me the RX for gynazole over the diflucan. I have had the diflucan before but it only treats one type of yeast. The Gynazole treats many types. The diflucan takes up to 72 hours before it starts to work. I like diflucan because itss a pill but it sucks it takes so long to work if you even have the right type of infection. The gynazole is the way to go! Even though its a cream and some leaks out, I started to feel better in about 30 mins. My dr. told me it was ok that it leaked up to 50% in the first 8 hours because its ment to disolve and get the outside of your private parts. I would pick this over diflucan any day because it works so quickly.

No happy with the leaking after inserted. Symptoms did lessen without 1 hour. I have never experienced a Yeast Infection before so I really can't compare it to anything elso. Would recommend this medication.

My doctor proscribes this instead of diflucan because it treats more species of yeast (according to him). I have used it several times, and it has been effective. It relieves symptoms relatively quickly. It does have unfortunate side effects because it's a cream: it leaks out a bit after administration, particularly if it's administered during the day, and it also prohibits condom use for 72 hours after administration. However, it works. I would (and unfortunately will probably have to) take this medicine again, and I'd recommend it.

With in 30 minutes of my Dr. inserting the medication, it began to leak!! I am very unsure if enough is left in me to do any good. I feel it is ridiculous in this day and age that we are inserting a cream that isn't reliable. I prefer the diflucan tablet, but my Dr. claims it has liver toxicity??

Within 30 minutes of the application, I developed a SEVERE headache that lasted from around 10pm to 5:30am the next morning. Other than that, I haven't experienced any yeast infection symptoms today.