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Generic Name: Anhydrous Morphine

Brand Name: Paregoric

Paregoric Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am 77 years old and have had ibs for the last 20 years. I'm allergic to Lomotil and other anti-diarrhea meds. My family physician used to give me a Rx for paregoric and only 1 (sometimes 2 doses) would take care of the flare-up. Now that they are not making paregoric anymore, I have to go without eating (just fluids) for a week-long flare-up. Losing weight that I don't need to lose, but no other alternative that works for me. It's frustrating to know that there's a medication out there that would help, but unable to get it.

I was so sick with the flu, that I couldn’t move a finger without severe pain. I was 23 years of age. Took it and was back at School in 30 minutes. Best medicine I’ve ever taken. Richard Blackwell of Hammond, La.

drug used to treat diarhea brought on by chemotherapy drugs. Very effective as well for nausea and increasing appetite.

I had been getting a prescription for this medication for the past 4 years and one prescription would last me for a year or more because i only took it when I really needed it an now that it is no longer available and I have severe stomach problems that it seems this is the only thing I've use to help my condition, now I dont know what I will do because I do not like taking a lot of other drugs for this problem and this is only one that really helped me that I could use periodically and very sparingly. Please help make it possible for people like me to get it to help because I feel when u can get a prescription filled and it lasts for a year, that is not abuse!

it is the only thing that works and it is no longer available. I have severe chronic irritable bowel syndrome

It is the only thing that works. I am desperate to see if anyone knows a compounding pharmacy that will make it for me.

had severe stomach aches,cramps.after taking paregoric the symptom went away.it helps diahrea too.quarter tea. in water does the trick.Always have on hand

I have Crohn's and an ileostomy, and as a result constant diarrhea. Paregoric was prescribed which does help most of the time. It is no longer manufactured BUT it can be compounded at a Pharmacy. Giant Genie is a compound pharmacy...and there are others. In other words they make it on site. It is more aggravating to get, but it is still available.

I have had 3 colin cancer surgeries and before I was given this medicine, I tried several other remedies. Paragoric, finally gave me a life and able to leave the house. I was told by my pharasist, that this was not made anymore, so my doctor gave me a prescription for something else, which put me back to before I started taking Paragoric. I don't know what to do now!

This works- a little drowsy but remarkable in how symptoms ease up in a short time

I had diarrhea for 18 months continuous. Saw a gastroenteritis(sp?) and he recommended paregoric. Worked very first time. What a relief! Clinical diagnosed with IBS. With change in diet, only need paregoric 2 to 3 times a month, single dose, some times i/2 dose is enough. I highly recommend if Dr Prescribes. Changed my life.

I had severe stomach cramps and used Paregoric in drops into aglass of water...the pain was gone instantly...and so was the diarrhea. I wish it could be used carefully again ....perhaps in a diluted form to help pain in stomaches.

I am a Vietnam Vet that returned to Vietnam 26 years after the war. After one week I became very ill from the food. High fever,throwing up (even water) and severe diarrhea and unbearable stomach pains. A Vietnamese friend brought some medicine that he purchased on the street. When I tasted the medicine I recognized the horrible taste and realized that this was paregoric like my grandmother gave me for stomach pains when I was a child. The paregoric stopped the pains in my stomach immediately and cured the diarrhea in about 24 hours. Too bad they took it off the street market.

I am wondering about long term use

I have crohns disease. Over 5 years ago and after my 3rd bowel resection I was left with 3 feet of small bowel and no large bowel. Of course an ileostomy. Paregoric is the only medicine that helped slow down the diarrhea so I can get enough nutrients from my food. Medicare is no longer covering it because it hasn't been tested by all these new up to date tests. Don't the years that it's been on the market count for anything. No doctor knows what to give me that will work as well. Smells great but tastes nasty.

This is the most effective treatment for fever blisters I have ever seen. Just 1 or 2 applications will eliminate the problem. I use a cotton swab for application.

I have suffered from nocturnal diarrhea for 18 years. I take OTC medications to ease my symptoms but it doesn't always work. Paregoric is the best medication when I have a lot of trouble and need to sleep. I do have to be careful because of it lowering blood pressure because I already have an abnormally low BP so the day after I use the Paregoric I usually have to stay in bed.