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Generic Name: Apremilast Tablets

Brand Name: Otezla

Otezla Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am on my second month of Otezla. It has worked great with most of the spots and redness. It has cleared most of my skin so far. I did have stomach issues for the first couple of weeks, but was tolerable. The one side effect that I am experiencing is hair thinning. I have always had super thick hair and now it feels so thin. Is anyone else experiencing this? It has worked so well and now may have to stop taking because I would prefer to keep my hair.

Unsure of effectiveness yet. Day 2 and it really makes me sick. I’m on the graduated dose, but I can’t imagine how bad the next few days will be. Hoping I get used to it.

Update 1. I'm going to update here as often as I can so I started taking this 3 days ago. Day 1. 10mg didn't notice anything no change to health no side effects Day 2. 20mg notices slight feeling of wanting to be sick nothing too bad. Did notice a little stomach churning. Day 3. 30mg feeling still a bit sick stomach cramps sligh uncomfortable went for a lay down and slept for a few hours. Woke up feeling a little more sick and cramping but not too bad. No change to psoriasis but did notice slightly small new patch.

I've been on this medication for four weeks now. No improvement as of yet. In fact I've had new spits show up on face face. Thank goodness it's paid by my gateway insurance.I was really hoping this medication would work. Maybe my Dr. Will put me back on an injectable.

I have been lucky with side effects, none only I must use the bathroom at least 4 or 5 times a day.

tomorrow will be 4 months on Otezla and I become more disappointed with this drug every day! At 60 days I saw some minor improvement in skin and some relief in joint pain. At 90 days the minor improvements started decreasing and at 120 days there is no reason to continue to take this over priced drug. The cost benefit is entirely out of wack for me!

I’ve been on otezla for 2 years now. My psoriasis has been the worst it’s ever been and I’ve been SO depressed. I’m not going to take it anymore and hoping my skin gets better.

Was recommended by my dermatologist for my PSA. I gave it a couple months but could not stick with it do to horrible side effects and not seeing any results. I know you are supposed to stay on it for a minimum of 3 months to see results but the side effects were not worth it. Side effects were daily diarrhea and upset stomach. Also depression. I’m pretty sure it blocks your serotonin production which is mainly produced in your gut which is why it leads to many users feeling depressed. After doing more research it says it only 20-30% effective in clinical studies. Way to expensive and not effective enough to put up with the side effects I got. 2 thumbs down on this one. I’m on a carnivore diet only now and seeing way better results with no bad side effects.

Considerable increase in depression, non-stop stomach pain which worsened when I over-ruled the pain and actually attempted to eat, followed by terrible diarrhea. Medicare insurance refused to cover without taking some other oral med (probly worse) prior to Otezla. Depression got quite bad at a couple points, not on the verge but a helluva lot more than normal level. Not in love with the thought of giving myself shots but it may become necessary. If you have Medicare, Otezla won't help w/cost. I hope this will help someone else see this drug is certainly NOT the miracle medicine the TV commercials put it out there as being. If you are reading this it's highly likely you are having some of these probs as well. Good luck to you, you're gonna need it...

I have tried this twice now for severe Psoriasis on my scalp (minor spots on body) - 1. After the third day of use, my skin felt like it was on fire. 2.I have never had a depressed day in my life, but was beginning to sleep all day. On the 3rd day of my boyfriend finding me sleeping all day - I told him I would be happy to just die, but then no one would be around for my dog. MY DOG KEPT ME ALIVE - OTEZLA almost KILLED me. Second time trying it months later, got doses in half to wean myself on it, see if I could get results. 1. Started with tremors - my arms and hands, got exceedingly worse. 2. While driving my tremors become almost seizure like. I had NO control of my body or car. Had to quickly pull over and almost killed someone because I could even think about looking, my hands would NOT stay on the sterring will. 3. Got home - driving 20 miles an hour - in case I had pull over again. At home, can't stop what my family calls full body shakes. Then about every twenty minutes go into an "Episode" (my family again) which was full on convulsions. No one would leave my side. 4. Stopped taking Otezla and flushed system with water - like 15-20 bottles a day for two days. Convulsions are almost gone. OTEZLA IS AN EVIL DRUG - SHOULD NOT BE ON THE MARKET

Works wonders very quickly. In a month I’m around 60% clear after over 10 years of nothing ever working for me. However, you need to be willing to suffer from moderate to severe GI issues and make sure you monitor your mental health closely. But the suffering through these side effects has been worth it to me.

I have been on this since October 2020. Dr started me with 3 starter packs to ease into full 30/30. I gave scalp psoriasis only. is My scalp at first felt less itchy, but now going on 4 months it is worse then itâ??s been in a long time. My scalp is actually painful. A patch by my ear is worse then ever. My stomach issues never subsided. If I wasnâ??t working from home, I could never take this due to the sudden and quick need to go to the bathroom. I am also very stuffy with ear ache for past few months and growing soreness in neck and shoulders and now wondering if this could be related. Seeing dermatologist this month but may just stop drug. I am so disappointed - I thought for sure this would help.

Use the medication for 1 month now and saw just a little improvement. The plaques have not cleared but the psoriasis has stabilized. The nauseas and stomach troubles occurred for about 2 weeks at the beginning but tolerable. Hopefully will see better results

I do not have insurance. My doctor suggest I bought the much cheaper generic Apremilast from an India Online pharmacy Named "BonHoa Pharmacy"(you can search on google). After 4 months 80% clear and I had psoriatic over 75% of my body. Now after 6 months on it I am 99% clear. Unbelievable!!! This med has worked for me and I take/use nothing else in conjunction. God bless all of you. God bless all of you.

My Gosh- do not take this if you h e any bowel issues or are even slightly depressed.

I am 95% clear with this product it did take almost a year to get clear but it was well worth it

I have taken Otezla for 7 months with no change in my plaque psoriasis. However, I have had no adverse side effects at any point.

Why not try a diet change? Might went away from my diet change to carnivore

I was hesitant on taking Otezla from some of the reviews on side effects. My Dermatologist however has much different data. He only had one patient it didn't work for and several who had issues with side effects but not like what I read on some online reviews. I'm happy to say I took his advice! Very little side effects, mostly loose stool (1 time) and some bloating (1 Time) but i can't attribute those to the medication. On week 3 and scales are gone, light redness is all that remains at this point. Scalp P is Gone! I am very pleased so far.

I went undiagnosed for almost 10 years. Upon diagnosis I started otezla and have been almost symptom free both psa and psoriasis for 10 months with no side affect