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Generic Name: Ergocalciferol Capsules

Brand Name: Drisdol

Drisdol Drug and Medication User Reviews

The first 48 hours on this medication were such a relief! I had been tested and was D deficient--I did not realize how sick I was and how much pain I was experiencing. The second day after Drisdol I could literally feel the relief in my hands and feet, like they were 'knitting' or healing. The pain was fading. My health returned. It took me years to reach beyond a level of 30, and I have to take liquid supplements every day and get plenty of sun, but I am deeply grateful for this medication, which I took for a long time to get to a level of 30. I have been at level 54 for 2 years.

I took this for 4 weeks and was prescribed 12 weeks of the med, I was ok for the first 2 weeks and then really started to show signs of side effects and issues. I have been so unusually tired, my lower back hurts, I have very little appetite, my stomach hurts and I already have IBS and this has not helped any, my joints hurt as well. I will not be continuing to use this.

This D2 saved my life; I was having so many problems with my digestive issues; acids, bloating, constipation, IBS, nausea and pass-out feelings, fatigue-anemia symptoms, etc.. and now everything is gone. At first I was worried about 50,000iu pill for being too strong, but trust me, the first 24hrs of the very first pill was the best day of my life in 4 years; it was a good decision to take this pill and I recommend everyone to go for it. I am not an expert, but definitely there is a very good reason why our doctors prescribing D2 instead of over the counter D3 supplements, and I am enjoying it.

I was prescribed to take 50,000 iu 1x a week. The first time I took it I had such bad anxiety for over a week until it got out of my system. Not taking it again, may try a lower dose from the drugstore daily instead. It was a horrific experience!

I was recently diagnosed with an extremely low vitamin d level of 10 and prescribed 50,000 iu of Drisdol once a week for 12 weeks.I was reluctant to take such a high dose since every over the counter Vitamin D supplement I've ever taken has triggered my migraines. My doctor assured me that, since Drisol is Vitamin D2 NOT Vitamin D3, there would be no side effects. Yeah... famous last words... Within 24 hours after taking the first capsule of Drisdol I began having horrible pain in my knees as well as a vicious migraine that NONE of my usual migraine meds even made a dent in. I called my doctor to inform him that I was, indeed, experiencing side effects but the nurse didn't believe that drisdol was causing my problems and told me to finish the prescription. I then called my pharmacist who told me that severe joint pain and migraine headaches are common side effects of drisdol. Needless to say I stopped taking it. I know my doctor won't be happy with my decision but that's just the way it goes. If he had the reaction to Drisdol that I experienced I bet he would stop taking it too.

Over night of week one, no more pain in neck from spondylitis and no more pain in lower back or his. I have no idea why, but a wonderful surprise was in my feet which have always been so dry and cracked. It has softened my dry,hard, cracked heels. I never want to be off of my once a week pill again.

Hi blugrass587, I have the pain you described, but it worsened and got better, wax and wain.....I finally got a sacroiliac block and no longer have the pain, I highly recommend it, by a Pain Doctor, that is a Anesthesiologist! ;-). The Vitamin D has made me feel great, although I live in the south I cannot tolerate sun/heat, and I am no longer depressed, moody, and my body aches are much better. I still have bad days, but with my disease, it's still an improvement!!!

Can anyone give me symptoms or signs I can look for whole taking D-2??? My 7 year old daughter who's has hyperthyroidism, has started taking D2 once a week for next 8 weeks. She has not yet complained of anything other than thirst. Out of all the posts I have not found 1 that refers to children use:/

Was prescribed for low vitaimin D.I Noticed since i was taking it that my winter depression is not as bad. Weeks after I finished the 7 pills I was prescribed that my depression came back as family members notice a change in my mood also. I will be making an appointment with my doctor to discuss going back on it at least until March. I live in Pittsburgh, Pa and this time of year is always depressing for me

Before I was diagnosed with Vit D deficiency, I had severe aches and pains in my joints. It was so bad that I had to use a walker and couldn't drive my car. I also suffered severe depression. I went to the dr and didn't get a diagnosis but he gave me an antibiotic and it seemed to improve my situation. When it was time for my pap exam, my ob/gyn did tests and called me saying I needed Vitamin D and prescribed 50,000 IU once a week. I have to say that pill saved my life. I haven't had any aches and pains and it was like someone lifted a veil off my head and the depression was gone. Everything seemed to look brighter to me, I can't praise this vitamin enough. I'm so thankful to my dr. for doing the blood test and finding out I was vitamin d deficient. I go back for blood tests every 3 months and I've been on this dosage for over a year. My doctor said I'm good to take it as long as my levels are good. Honestly, I'm afraid to go off this vitamin. I don't ever want to go back to the way I felt before!!

I've been on Drisdol 50000U once weekly for over six months now. I've had bone and joint pain in both legs but attributed it to my arthritis. Now after reading all the comments, I wonder if some of the pain has been caused by this supplementation. Interesting.

I have taken it for 3 weeks now and I have had severe stomache aches, change in bowel habits and yellowing of the eyes

Only been on it 3 weeks and having bad mood changes. Horrible chest and loss of appetite. I will not be taking it anymore..

Been taking Drisdol 50,000 iu 1 per week for 3 months due to a low Vit D level of 12. My doctor suggested this to help with my winter time seasonal depression. But the real benefit for me has been losing my chronic low back pain that has lasted over 24 years-and no more seasonal depression either-this drug/vitamin has saved my life enabling me to do things that I have not done in decades. It took 1 month of the dose above to begin feeling improvement - I am now able to run again and play on the floor with my 5 year old son. Who knew Vitamin D. I go back again in 3 months to recheck my D levels.. I love my DR.

I am on week 6 (out of 20 week) of Vit D2, taking it 1x week. 50,000 units. I have been ok up until now. I am experiencing aches and bone pain from waist down. Especially in both knees. Is anyone else having any of this? I am currently using heating pad for the pain. Will be calling Dr. in am.

Can't tell any difference, but have experienced a rash.

My initial doses were to take the Rx daily. Oh my goodness. I've been experiencing spasms on the inside of my rib cage. The ribs actually prevented me from rubbing/soothing the spasm. Now, I'm only taking Rx once a month but still experience spasms within my ribs for the following seven to ten days.

I took this medication for 8 months(once a week for 8 weeks than once a month for 6 months) I started at 14 and went up th 39 during this time. I had a good experience with it and would recommend it to anyone who needs to bring their number up. I am no longer taking it. My doctor says as long as my number stays up I can stay off it.

I am 62 and just got "prescribed" Drisdol (Ergocalcifer 50000units twice a week.I do not take any "drugs" just vitamins and after reading all the horror stories about this vitamin that is prescribed I am petrified to take it! Any thoughts??? Thank you!

Have only been on 50000unt/once a wk for 3 wks. Am pleased with the return of energy,but not pleased at all with the mood change, and lack of concentration. Am thinking about discontinuing because of moods(almost mild paranoia). I did not know I had low Vit. D, had no complaints, found in bloodwork.I do have hypothyroidism and take synthroid, but this has been under control for years. Has anyone else had mood changes with this med? Also some nauseau and increased amt. of urination,. May stop prescription and just take ovc Vit D.