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Generic Name: Aprepitant Capsules

Brand Name: Emend Capsules

Emend Drug and Medication User Reviews

Emend was administered via IV before chemo. I had a horrific allergic reaction. I experienced chest tightness and severe pain in my lower back. This reaction caused my blood pressure to shoot up into stroke range (100+ over 200+). I seldom experience allergic reactions to medication, so beware of this one.

Unfortunately I experienced anaphylaxis immediately when they started administering Emend. I had to be switched to Compazine, which made me very lethargic.

This drug has made all the difference. My daughter's cancer has returned and going through chemo again. This drug has made such a difference compared to last time. I am so thankful.

This medication was so helpful, I am so grateful my oncologist prescribed this for me.

I usually have severe PONV after anesthesia. This time I had a lumpectomy and was given Emend. No nausea at all. Worked perfectly for me.

Treated for coloc cancer with colon resection. I started chemo and tried Phenergan for nausea with no relief. I tried Zofran and about 75% abatement, but Emend provided 100% relief of nausea. I agree thank goodness for Emend.

Best drug ever created. I had not been nausea free for years. Then along came Emend. Thank you, thank you!!!!!

After combined with Zolfram my vomiting stopped and nausea dropped significantly as beforehand Zolfram itself was only partially effective with delayed nausea and vomiting

An expensice med but WELL WORTH THE PRICE. I expereienced absolutely no nausea and did not vomit once during my entire 6 month ciurse of treatment.

Have not had any side affects at all since taking it.

sorry i am going to take it tomorrow,i don,t know the effect yet.

I used this medication for help with nausea for chemo for colon cancer. I also used it prior to the surgery to remove the tumor since being put to sleep always made me sick. I did not get sick at all after surgery and it made the chemo tolerable. The nausea was one of my minor side effects.

My husband had his first round of chemo today for bladder cancer. It was Cisplatin/Gemzar. Th Emend worked great. No nausea at all.

I am a 1 yr breast cancer survivor. I definitely recommend Emend. I would ususally have my treatment on Wed, go to work on Thu and rest on Fri,Sat,Sun and return to work on Mon. I could not have done that without Emend. I never had any nausea or vomiting episode. I had the Zofran as a backup but never used it.

I am very satisfied with Emend. It has given me total relief from nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy for rectal cancer.

Nothing short of a miracle! I have had several surgeries because of two mastectomies and breast reconstruction. I literally would throw up for hours because of the anesthesia despite Zofran and other meds. I took Emend on my last surgery and for the very first time I only had a wave of nausea that the Zofran took care of.

Thank God that you have produced this drug

I had my first adriamycin/cytoxan chemo treatment yesterday. I was given Emend shortly before my infusion and took another one when I got up this morning. Other than VERY mild queezy feelings every now and then ... Emend is working wonderfully!!