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Generic Name: fosinopril

Brand Name: Monopril oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been on monopril for 30 years. Started during pregnancy. It has controlled my HBP consistently with no side effects.

I have been using Monopril for 25years and have found no side effects.

Works very well, however some sideefefcts occur. Mainly persistent cough and some constipations create a chalange.

Taking Fosinopril for over 3 years with no problems. No side effects at all.

works well.

Previously took Lisinopril (HCTZ) for months and experienced tingling in my arms and hands. Doctor replaced HCTZ with Monopril and that did the trick. No longer have tingling feeling and my blood pressure is down and manageable.

Taken for many years with no side effects