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Generic Name: Armodafinil

Brand Name: Nuvigil

Nuvigil Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have Narcolepsy Type 1 and I started this medication sometime last year after my father died. I try to regularly take a day on the weekend when I don't take my Armodafinil but otherwise take it daily. I suffer from excessive sleepiness, poor sleep regardless of environmental factors, insomnia, a-motivation, poor mental health in general, and brain malfunctions. I'm average for activity but never exercise. I have eaten poorly about 90% of the time I've been on the meds. That being said, my dose of 250 mg has been nowhere near as many side effects as its predecessor. I sweat too much, and that's the only side effect. I remember the first two weeks being emotional and thinking, "this is it. This is how I'm supposed to feel". Then it faded away but I can still wake up when I never can without my meds or sometimes intense anxiety. I appreciate it for what it is. Just leaves me longing for more.

Makes me jittery,angry, extremely sleepy and headaches.

been using it for a month now. 150g/2day. Drugs performance seems good and reliable. Noticed that emotionally not really stable. easily triggered when someone interupt anything im doing. started having minor headache on 4th week, 3 days in a row now. Oh and anyway this study conducted by a heavy pot smoker-

I have been on Nuvigil highest strength for at least 5 years. Initially it helped a lot. This past 12-18 months it has been no help at all. Speaking with doctor about alternatives

Brand nave Nuvigil works better for me than generics. Usually I don’t care if I do anything at all during the day but with Nuvigil I’m just up and about within 15 minutes. No motivation ended. The generics however seem to not kick in as heavy making them noticeable and easy to fight off. The generics also wear off sooner leaving me in a warm fuzzy feeling.

Hello. I have only taken the nuvigil 2 times now. Both times i have taken it i have felt anxious, sweaty, and anxiety. I have read and been told that all of that will pass. Its just worry some. I will say i dont feel as sleepy as i use to. And dont feel like im about to fall asleep after being up a short while. Does anyone else here have or have had these side affects while taking nuvilgil the firts few days.

Been using one daily, however I started having heart palpitations, chest tightness shortness of breath. Went through a full cardiology work up due to a family history of heart disease. When I looked up the side effects all that I was experiencing was related to this medication. Now I only take it when really needed and my chest problems went away. Really scared for a time. Be careful.

Expensive but worth it

I take it 30 min before my night shift, and I am able to stay alert for all of my shift.

pro- keeps me awake during the day!!! =) con- horrible headaches. random periods throughout the day to be a chatterbox. by the end of the day i feel like i was hit by a bus. hard to fall asleep at night.

Nuvigil has changed my life! This medication has given me back my real life! I have taken it for almost a year and my daytime tiredness and crankiness are gone. I wish I had this drug years ago when I was raising children, it would have been a godsend! The only side effect I have had is dry mouth but I have learned to live with that because the benefits outweigh the dry mouth! I take my 250 mg. every morning and my days are much better than they have been in years and years. I hope this helps. I am 56.

I drive very early in the mornings at different times during the week. This drug has been a live saver, literally by keeping me awake and alert at the wheel. I have experienced no adverse side effects. I have been taking Nuvigol for over a year. Also, my sleep patterns have improved dramatically.

This med has worked fine for me. I truly believe it does help. It is very easy to remember to take one in the morning before the day really starts. I have not had any significant side effects from this drug. It will nto fix nightime sleep problems, but it surely helps during the day.

I'm extremely sensitive to stimulants, even caffeine. I get palpitations. Nuvigil does not give me any palpitations or nervousness. It just makes me more awake, more energy, especially in the evening, when I would be the most fatigued.

I have been taking Nuvigil for about 3 months now, and have experienced some unexpected side effects, specifically related to memory loss and an inability to concentrate. At the end of every conversation I have (or lecture I attend) I am not able to remember anything that the other person said and, even when I am speaking, I feel foggy and disconnected to myself. Also, this drug has helped only minimally with narcolepsy; I am still able to fall asleep anywhere within 5 minutes at any point throughout the day. And the dry mouth is extreme.

I take Nuvigil 250. I take 1/2 when I wake up and 1/2 around 11:00 am which gets me through the day. It is most clear that this medication works on the days I do not take it and sleep most of the day.

Recently diagnosed with Shift Work Disorder. Nuvigil does the job, however, the side effects seem to be very common. Nervousness, dizziness, spaghetti brain, headaches...I've discontinued it for 3 reasons. 1. Most insurances don't cover it and the retail price is approx. $799. The company does give you a prescription card to help with the costs. You can apply through their website 2. Strong side effects. Pre Nuvigil I already suffered migraines and low blood pressure. This aggravated both conditions. 3. Took this 1 hour before the start of my shift (11:30 p.m.) as directed. Problem was I was still WIDE AWAKE at the end of my shift (7:30 a.m.) which means I also had to take sleep aids. After having gone 48 with NO sleep, I decided this medication wasn't for me.

The first two days of this medication were amazing; after this, I suffered from massive migraines, dizziness, trouble breathing (chest tightness), heart pounding like it was going to jump out and do circles around me. Needless to say, after only a week, I will be stopping this medication.