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Generic Name: Duloxetine Hcl

Brand Name: Cymbalta

Cymbalta Drug and Medication User Reviews

This medication should be taken of the market I went into serotonin syndrome. It may have helped with pain, but I was so impaired I had to call off work. I took 30mg at 8am and felt high, tingly, shivering, erratic, shaking, drunk, impaired judgement, heart rate increase and decrease, its been 24 hours and im still coming off of one pill its terrible.

I added Cymbalta 30 mg to Remeron 45 mg and Seroquel 50 mg 2x/day. The Remeron and Seroquel had my depression and some of my anxiety in check, but my OCD was off the charts. For me, Cymbalta has been a game changer. For the first time in 20 years (most of it spent on a Lexapro/Wellbutrin combination), I reel like my OCD is in check. I have not had much by way of side effects, except that adding the Cymbalta to the other two medications has made me really photo sensitive, and I need to be really careful in the sun. The one down side is the really short half-life. If I miss a dose, then by about 1:00 that day, I can feel it and I am really down for the day. So far that has only happened twice. Overall adding the Cymbalta has been a great move.

My psychiatrist, bless his heart, has tried SSRI's, TCA's, lithium, Spravato, and other meds to dial back my anxiety and depression. Nothing worked. I asked my PCP what he would recommend, and he asked if I've ever tried an SNRI. I haven't, so he put me on Cymbalta. Within the first week, I felt better. Anxiety virtually gone, depression still present but not crushing. He told me to take it in the morning, but it makes me a little sleepy, so I take it at night before bed. I've been on it a couple of weeks and feel so much better. The only side effects so far are dry mouth. I can't believe how much better I feel. Three thumbs up! lol

Guess it worked somewhat. Like all theses drugs difficult to evaluate vs the ridiculous 1-10 pain level thing. Have C2-T2 lamenectomy and fusion with typical rods and screws. Obvious chronic pain issues. Would never take this med again due to difficulty stopping. Even weaning off had dizziness and brain zaps for months. Definitely debilitating. Really this shouldn't be on the market. Easier coming off Opioid. NOT WORTH IT was my experience.

I started Duloxitine 30 mg. Generic of Cymbalta 5 weeks ago. I started on 30 mg for two weeks upped to 60 mg daily. One at bedtime and one in the AM. At first I had a little disorentation and I was unable to fall asleep at night. Now 6 weeks later it is a miracle drug for me. I have suffered with fibromaalgia for 30 yrs with severe pain all over. Flairups that left me unable to manage. Not only has the pain level gone from a a 10 with 10 being unbearable to a 1 and some days zero. I also have lost 30 lbs since starting this med. No other medication has given me relief. I highly recommend this medication. Only side effect I can think of would be mild constipation!! This med gave me my life back!!

I was on 60MG of Cymbalta BID for years for Chronic Pain,Neuropathy,RLS and Depression,worked very well....except the Nightmare of trying to get off it.....Hyperhydrosis,Dry Mouth were the only side effects I can recall and they were so severe I had to stop the drug after many years,3,4,5 years of Withdrawal or more I would Stop weeks later go back on as my life was a living hell without it until finally going "Cold Turkey" which I will never forget.Anyone and Everyone I see get a Prescripton at my Neurologist office I take aside and tell them my experience,several have torn up the Rx in front of me and I praised them and feel ive saved them from the living hell I went through.I always reccomended asking the Doctor for an alternative med.

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and depression. I took ONE 30mg dose and felt like I was tripping on acid. I took it before bedtime as told by my doctor and in the morning I had to call in sick to work because my vision was blurry, pupils were huge, I had to urinate every 20 minutes, my heart was racing, I was dizzy and nauseous. It was the single most horrifying experience from one tiny pill and it lasted over 24 hours.

I feel like ti did the bare minimum by keeping me from killing myself, but was it that helpful for my depression? Not so much. It made me feel sick all the time, nauseous, and i would have headaches. Also, the withdrawals are terrible. SEVERE headache, vomiting, nausea, and nightmares.

I am finally trying to discontinue using this after 15 yrs and I feel terrible. It has been 7 days so far and I'm wondering how long it will take before I'm leveled off emotionally. I am happy to be able to feel my feelings again, just not so much. I'm 69 yrs old... No choice for older than 19.

Started this two weeks ago for anxiety after trying lexapro which I found out wasn’t not for me after my gene-site test results came back, I was surprised to hear it helps with back pain since mine has hurt me ever since my epidural was given. I’ve noticed it helps a lot with that , and after a long day of work I don’t feel like my body is so beat up. In the beginning it does make you feel a little more tired / foggy headed and I couldn’t take it without eating and an occasional zofran for the nausea. That went away soon after I started taking it around 5pm instead of 8am. The only other side affects I’ve had is a slight dry mouth, loss of appetite, and sometimes I seem to have a little insomnia ( helped taking it at night). Not every medication is for every one so don’t let the bad reviews scare you away.

I started taking cymbals about one year ago and I was doing find. Taking it at night and it was helping me sleep. If you think your stomach is getting bigger well it is. I am a 65 year old black female snd I question my dr and she told me to lose weight. My weight was not the problem. Cymbals side effects is what made my stomach feels swollen. You are not crazy. I stop taking the 60 mill and went back to a 30 mill. Be careful.

Since 1995 I have taken 23 different meds for MDD. Mood stabilizers, anti-convulsants, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and benzos. None of them had any significant impact. Now I'm trying Radical Acceptance. Cymbalta? I took one 20mg dose 3 days ago. The first 4-5 hrs, I thought, "Wonderful! No side effects." That changed. Radically! First of all, severe diarrhea and stomach cramps. Plus extreme dry mouth, then the weird thoughts began -- it felt like my skull was empty. Cognitive impairment -- like every thought was at the bottom of a deep ocean and I had to swim down to grab them and drag them to the top. By about 6pm I was just staring into space, unable to think and not caring whether I moved. I put soft soap in the pill bottle with the capsules and threw them away. When I called my doctor and told her, she said, "Then I am re-prescribing it for you to pick up tomorrow. I want you to stay on it for at least 6 weeks because sometimes it takes that long for side effects to ease up. Then maybe we can get you some relief." Relief will be NOT taking it. I would honestly rather switch doctors than ever take another dose of Cymbalta. And depression is not so bad after all, in comparison.

Suffering PTSD, anxiety, panic, psoriatic arthritis, neuropathy from lumbar and cervical stenosis and I'm still hyper and active. This seems to keep me on an even keel and helps me not deal with roller coaster emotions as much. No major side effects. No major issues when I forget to take it. Just this and cannabis and zero other meds, period and I feel the best I have in years.

This stuff is a complete life or death gamble -- either it works for you or it ruins your health and your quality of life. Chances are overwhelmingly high that you'll fall into the latter category. Proof? There is a Facebook group of around 32k people who are supporting each other in the tapering process, tapering off this poison. The comments on this group speak for themselves: tapering is a 3 - 5 year process, entailing that each week you have to sit down and carefully count the beads in your tablets (takes around 2-3 hours) with a pair of tweezers, reducing by a bead every 2 weeks. You'll be doing this for 3-5 years. If you decide that counting beads is a waste of your time and heroically decide to quit cold turkey, you risk strokes, brain zaps that put you on the floor, or permanent and extremely severe depression. Yet even during the tapering process, you will experience depression, nightmares, and a host of other symptoms. If your doctor prescribes this to you, it's time to change GPs.

This has been literal HELL. I developed violent outbursts, increased anxiety, increased depression, increased my thoughts on suicide. I was CONSTANTLY nauseous. I would literally throw up EVERYDAY after a meal, and has now caused me liver damage. Would NOT recommend. Be careful!

I have been on Cymbalta for 14 years for Fibromyalgia. It is my miracle drug.

I was prescribed Cymbalta at the age of 14 after trying Buspar which had zero effect on my depression and anxiety. I had to stop taking this medication after about a week because of the extreme and dangerous side effects it caused for me. I quite literally became a monster while taking Cymbalta. I was having violent outburst of rage multiple times a day and prior to taking this medication I had never experienced problems with rage or anger. My depression and anxiety got 100x worse and I became suicidal as well. My week on Cymbalta was the worst week of life I've experienced.

Worked good at first. Eventually after about a year on it developed Non-Epleptic Seizures. Do not recommend it to anyone.

Cymbalta changed a lot for me. Fibromyalgia disabled me to the point that my doctor told me I was on the path to a wheelchair. Everything hurt, I was tired and in pain. It takes a few weeks to really kick in and the starting side effects are rough. They quiet down though. Additionally, it also helps with the extreme panic disorder I struggled with through high school. You really do need to take it every day though. If you forget, you get these brain zaps that you only understand if you've had them. This medication will NOT work for everyone. My sister was prescribed it for her anxiety and it wasn't good at ALL. Overall, try it. Its about what works best for you and finding a balance and what the right dose is. I'm so grateful for this med though because it gave me back my life- I'm applying to nursing school right now. 4 years ago I could barely walk.

I like it. I have tried quite a bit considering I have been diagnosed for 15 years. I haven't found anything I liked other than this. I've always preferred Valium. But it's addictive and it's a hassle to even get in the first place. Cymbalta is really great. More awakening rather than sedating. It took me a while to figure that out because I like to take all my meds before bed. But since I switched to taking it in the AM I have noticed my energy going more towards useful and enjoyable things rather than just feeling so overwhelmed I don't move all day. Which I think is the main reason to my little weightloss. It didn't happen rapidly or anything and I don't think my appetite has changed much. The reason I didn't give it the best rating is because we'll no medicine is PERFECT. I still get minor dry mouth and have night sweats. (Not sure if these are from this medicine or birth control) and I did have a uncomfortable adjustment period for about 3 weeks starting this medicine. Just nausea and a little mood swingy..