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Generic Name: Atomoxetine HCl

Brand Name: Strattera

Strattera Drug and Medication User Reviews

I’m still forgetting things all the time and then I’m actually just following asleep and tired nonstop out of nowhere and I have things I have to get done and can’t get anything done I’m extremely frustrated and disappointed with this medication

I received no benefits with this medication. First and foremost it gave me headaches. The worst side effect however was erectile dysfunction. I could get an erection but it only lasted a minute and went away no matter the stimulation. Needless to say my wife was also unhappy.

Worse side effects ever for me. The 3rd month it was terrible. I couldn't sleep, when I did sleep i'd wake up sweating and frozen to death. Be tired all the time, depression was worse than ever. Felt paranoid all the time. Mood swings were bad. Some days I felt like I was drunk. Light would bother my eyes. Had no desire to eat. Would start shaking sometimes.

I was put on Strattera at around 7 years old. It started out okay, but I really didn't notice any differences. My mom and doctor did though, apparently. After a few weeks things just kept getting worse and worse. It started with loss of appetite and constantly being tired, then the nausea and complete lack of mood hit, and then after a few more weeks I was literally suicidal at 7 years old. I would BEG my mom to not make me take it but she'd force it down my throat. I'd be hours late to school. I'd spend the whole day feeling completely numb and like I was constantly about to throw up. Everything made me absolutely furious too. Every emotion was either non existent or ramped up to 100. I'm 16 now, and am on Vyvanse (it's amazing idk why it took them like 5 tries to put me on this), and I STILL can't take pills without having a full blown panic attack. Even the sight of a pill will make me want to cry. For the love of God do NOT put your kid ok Strattera, and more importantly, IF YOUR KID SAYS THEY DONT LIKE A MEDICATION, DONT FORCE THEM TO TAKE IT. PLEASE. I can't even take the tiniest pill. I have to use the chewable version of Vyvanse and I still gag on it because the thought of medication has been engraved into my brain to mean feeling absolutely awful. Any other medication ffs don't use Strattera.

I seem calmer after taking it but it’s only been five days I also seem so have stopped fidgeting my feet and hands my body is like ok but my brain is still going a mile a min for no reason The cons: goosebumps all over body, which leads to itching, and hot and cold flashes. I sweat in my hands and fall asleep randomly all day. Not the umph I was looking for at all. Dry mouth and no appetite but I’ve never had a big one. All in all it’s not worth it but hey don’t knock it till you try it. Everyone’s different

I started taking Strattera when I was around 14 for about 2 years I am 17 now. Before taking Strattera I was on Concerta, but felt that it was losing its effectiveness. My doctor said we should try Strattera and I was open to anything that would help. For the first year I felt fine nothing extraordinary about the medication and I was passing my classes. I still struggled with focusing but that's just how it it for me. By the second year I didn't realize but I was becoming depressed. So we tried uping the dose. This only made it worse and I started struggling with suicidal thoughts. I didn't want to do anything anymore, I wanted to give up. I was very numb at that time. My parents and I decided that I needed help and that's when I went off Strattera. I have never thought I would miss having all of my racing thoughts back. Yes it was overwhelming, but it's was so much better than focusing on one thing and not being able to move on. Soon after I got back on Concerta and increased the dose and it has increased my mood significantly and I feel like I'm get to be myself again. I'm would never tell anyone not to take Strattera because not everyone will have the same reaction. Please do what is best for your health and peace of mind. This is just a information that I hope can be useful and informative.

I just started this treatment 2 weeks ago. So far the files that were once a mess in my head are now organized. I can finally focus on tasks and not be so distracted by my ADHD.

I'm taking 120mg of this stuff and the side effects are horrible. If I don't eat when I take it I get sick. If I wait too long between doses I get very disoriented. Dizziness is bad but other than the side effects the drug works. The pills are hard to swallow but that may just be me. I can tell when the stuff wears away pretty easily.

So I’ve only taken 1 dose. However, the side effects were significant enough for me to decide to never take it again. I took 40mg around 5pm with dinner. I began feeling agitated by 7pm, couldn’t stand any of the sounds happening at my house by the kids and the dogs. My kids also have ADHD so it’s difficult for them to “calm and be quiet” so I felt awful being so snappy and asking them to be quiet so many times when all they were doing was talking amongst themselves and being silly. By 9pm I was flat out angry if anyone accidentally brushed my arm when they walked by. I felt enraged and thankfully my kids were in bed by this time so I didn’t yell in front of them. 9:30, my scalp starts itching like I have bugs in my hair. Not just here and there, but I wanted to peel my scalp back to stop the itch and was afraid I was going to make my head bleed. My eyes itched and I rubbed them all night long, especially during the intense wake up’s where my eyes felt as big as the moon. What did it for me was starting to urinate in my sleep. I ran to the bathroom and it was just dribbling out, like the muscles didn’t work. Woke up this morning with a terrible headache, nausea and sweating. To me, that’s flat out poison. I don’t listen to the “just hang in there, the effects will subside”. I’m sure we could all begin to tolerate small doses of a lot of things, but that doesn’t mean we should.

So I have been on this medication a week and the side effects are killing me! I feel like I frequently need to urinate since starting this but cannot. I am bloated, constipated and nauseous. And I am not pregnant not on my mentstral cycle I spoke to my dr who said things will even out as time progresses but it literally hurts to urinate like I can’t! I am considering stopping after a week due to the side effects anyone else have this problem?

The higher end dosages of this medication are up at the 60 mg and 80 mg range. These are a VERY HIGH dosage. I was put on 60mg dosage when I was only 14 years old, because I had behavior issues that my parents blamed entirely on my ADHD and not family issues, how I was raised etc. The 60mg made me nauseous, constantly tired, and foggy. I wasn't hyper cus I wasn't anything anymore. I stopped taking medication at 14, and now that I am 18 I returned back to being on a much lower dosage of 18mg. I feel much better and am testing out the 25 mg soon to see if thats where I should cap my dosage at, but I am definitely feeling the benefits of the medication without the brain fog.

Horrible, just horrible. I can’t take Strattera in the morning because it makes me very sleepy, and if I take it at night then I get insomnia from 2-3AM until I have to get up to start my day. The main side effect I have is Raynaud’s syndrome, which is TERRIBLE! My feet go numb throughout the day and the only thing that helps is direct heat. Because of the raynaud’s syndrome, my skin gets very cold which results in extreme goosebumps that feel like a million little ingrown hairs. This doesn’t even actually really help my ADHD. Hate it hate it hate it. Can’t wait to go on something else.

I’ve tried all meds trying to figure out my obsessive ruminating thoughts and ADHD symptoms and this med hit all my problems on the head. Highly recommend it saved my life

Stimulant adhd medication gave me really bad aniexty. Doctor prescribed me stattera. It has helped my moods and over thinking. I stopped taking it because I thought I didn’t need it and after a week or so I was back to my moody, angry self. So back on it now. Side effects for me is dry mouth, also when I’m rooting I ejaculate before I actually orgasm, it’s weird lol. Sometimes takes longer then usual to get hard but it works for me. It started working straight away for me, I feel doey most of the time on it. I’m on 120mg a day.

I experienced most of the side. I had numbness in fee. Sometimes when i drove i couldn't feel my feet. I was so scared. Also the left side of my face felt numb and i felt like my face was dropping. My head was shaking and the right side of my body shaking and my heart was beating fast. I thought i was either having mini stroke or a seizure. I would not recommend strattera. Also do your research.

I am a 26 y/o high functioning ADHD Female. I was not diagnosed until my freshman year of college by university psychiatrists. I have always had to try 10X harder than my peers to study, retain information and received little to no help from teachers. They criticized me for " asking too many questions," when in fact I had trouble processing. I even remember walking by the teacher's lounge and the teachers were talking about me and laughing at me. I clearly needed help.. but because I had good grades, was an athlete, and was involved in many student organizations. I was brushed off by teachers and mocked. As a child, I had severe emotional irregularities. My emotions felt out of control and It was a constant roller coaster. I felt that my emotions were too big for my body and I truly felt crazy. I would also cope with impulsive behavior, specifically impulsive shopping. Once I started taking Strattera I was nauseous for about two weeks and almost stopped the medication. I am so glad I didn't I am now on 80 mg once a day in the morning, it still makes me a little nauseous even when taking it with food. However, the benefits of this medication greatly outweigh the cons. The pill outer shell is sometimes hard to swallow but I finally feel like myself, I am no longer feeling like I am living outside myself, my emotions don't control me anymore. I can multi-task without getting overwhelmed. Change has become easier to handle, previously it was the end of the world. I am currently working full time and attending graduate school full time and I still have hard days but overall I would not be where I am today without this medication in my personal and professional life. I have been on this medication since 2014 and can't imagine my life without it. My warning would be to not drink on the medication. It counteracts the medication from my experience and I don't enjoy reverting to my emotional and impulsive behavior.

I was diagnosed with ADHD at young age (16-17 yr old) and was prescribed Concerta which at first was extremely similar to taking amphetamines. That was bad for me, because I am a recovering alcoholic and cocaine addict. The overall anxiety that this medication caused to me was overwhelming. I was sweating constantly, had to wash my hands under water every 20 minutes because they were so sweaty. My heart was palpitating and I had minor auditory and visual hallucinations. Although I think the hallucinations were due to my past psychosis, amphetamines tend to trigger it. My doctor switched me to Straterra not too long ago. I've been on it for 6 months and my overall satisfaction with this drug is very poor. Straterra helps with ADD in the early stages of taking the medication, but then the positive symptoms fade and serious side effects happen. To be fair, my sexual life has been poor, I've been experiencing impotency and I'm 20 yr old ! Which makes me very ashamed when comes time to perform. My hands and feet are constantly cold, i'm also starting to feel my heart pumping in irregular cycles, which is concerning. I have a lot of trouble eating and to stick to a strict schedule and if I wake up too late or too early and dont eat at my usual times, I will feel my stomach being upset and feel nausea. Sleep has been okay, but to be honest even on stimulants I was able to sleep. I sometimes have to smoke weed to regulate the nausea and to help me eat. I am 6'1 and only weigh 133 pounds... When i go trough rough patches in my life, it is very hard to keep a positive attitude on this drug. Sometimes, I feel like this medication is the reason I feel terrible.

Made me moody, tired, and anxious. Did nothing for my ADHD. Noticed an immediate positive change in mood when I stopped taking it.

I was prescribed this medicine for my severe ADHD (late dx). First time ever taking a medication for ADHD. I took 40mg in the morning and thank god my partner was home from work today to care for our kids, because within an hour I was vomiting horribly, super nauseous and extremely tired and dizzy. I laid down at 11am and it’s currently 4am the next day and I’m just waking up now. I slept for 15 hours straight! I have two young kids to care for so I can’t continue with a drug that makes me this tired, dizzy and sick.

Does not provide any benefit.