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Generic Name: vancomycin

Brand Name: Vancocin intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

After 1 week, husband developed an allergic reaction from this drug. Face swelled up and he had red rashes on his arms, neck, all upper extremities. After starting this IV at home, if patient shows any signs of redness and itching take them to emergency room

My dad has had an open infected wound from a hip replacement for almost a year now and this is our last hope. So far it is working to keep the infection from spreading any more, but it has not an may not cure the infection . He has been on it for over a month now and do not know how much longer till it no longer in effective. He get get one IV doses once a day.

I have MRSA. Nobody tells you the truth about MRSA. I tell people to read as much as you can about this infection for your own health. Everyone is at risk for this. For your health & everyone around you, please read about this epidemic that can be prevented. I wish someone would have warned me.

Inability to eat, nausea

I did not take this medication but my dad did. Shortly after this drug was administered, his heart stopped. Has this happened t oanyone else??!?!!?!