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Generic Name: Astelin for Allergic Rhinitis (azelastine-nasal)

Astelin for Allergic Rhinitis Reviews

"As a pharmacist, I tried everything I knew for chronic postnasal drip and dry (usually non-productive) cough. No oral meds and/or steroidal products rendered relief. I tried everything from older tried-and-true decongestant and antihistamine meds to the newer generation antihistamines and steroidal sprays. Antigen skin testing from my allergist was negative. No itchy eyes or throat. It appeared to be non-allergic (vasomotor rhinitis) that is often misdiagnosed by GPs but common in millions of patients in the U.S. The result was immediate. Two sprays in each nostril twice daily was like a miracle cure. Educate yourself about this condition that exhibits itself in a similar fashion to allergic rhinitis but is treated completely differently due to a completely different mechanism. You may want to see an allergist for the antigen skin tests like I did to rule out allergic rhinitis. Hope this helps. I have absolutely no financial stake in this product."

"'Year-round congestion, sneezing, runny nose, and sinus infections lead my complaints. I began Azelastine per my ENT's strong suggestion, and am now in my tenth month of use and feel virtually allergy-free. Most surprising for me has been the dramatically reduced congestion, something no antihistamine has ever done for me. And no side effects for me—a first among the most effective allergy meds I've tried—and no steroid worries. Actually makes me a bit worse for 5-10 minutes right after spraying, then rapidly better and hitting full stride for hours 2-10, sometimes longer. Mildly bitter taste until I improved my spray technique. I have rarely thanked a doctor so sincerely for recommending a med. I'll likely be using this spray and technique (1 spray/side, twice daily) every day for many years to come. How nice to breathe fresh air again, without drowsiness.'"

"After the CT scan that revealed no internal issues, he knew it was allergies and ordered an allergy test which showed severe allergies. He prescribed this! The moment I took this, I could breathe within 15 minutes. The taste can take some getting used to, but so what? Your doctor prescribes things because the pros outweigh the cons, and you can't judge a medication just because of using it a time or two! I would rather adjust to the unpleasant taste a million times again as long as I never have to deal with sinus misery again. With that being said, I hate relying on meds in general, and here's to hoping my 5 years' worth of allergy shots he ordered me to will eliminate them all!"

"I was prescribed this for allergies. I find it works really well and does not make me drowsy. I have used Claritin, Allegra, and Zyrtec but find that Astelin works faster and takes care of my seasonal allergies, especially the sinus congestion. It works fast and provides me all-day relief I was not getting from other medications. I do not use it daily, only when my symptoms are occurring. The taste is bitter, I keep Altoid mints with me to get rid of the aftertaste."

"My response to Astelin at first was great. Stopped post-nasal drip within hours. I suffer from allergies to trees and grasses, and I love the outdoors. For many years, I had about 4 sinus infections a year. I lived on steroids and antibiotics, and when I was in my 50s, I got steroid-induced diabetes. This medicine was very helpful, and along with a steroid spray and allergy shots, I got better control. Unfortunately, in my sixties, I am having more side effects to a lot of meds, and I can't take it anymore because it's giving me blurred vision and aggravating my asthma. But it was helpful, and it's worth a try."

"I've suffered for years with allergies both seasonal/environmental and chemical. I carried Benadryl and hydrocortisone in my purse for years. I recently had issues with my right ear with vibration and popping as well as hearing my inhalation through my nose in my ear. I also had awful postnasal drip year-round for as long as I could remember. I went to an ENT doc, and he prescribed me Astelin. I take one spray in each nostril in the morning and again at bedtime. I've been on it for about a month now, and I have never felt better. The hives have decreased, my swollen hands have gone down, and my ear is like new! I highly recommend this antihistamine nasal spray. Inquire with your doctor about it!"

"This spray is a 'Godsend' for me. It provided immediate relief to my severe case of vasomotor rhinitis. I suffered from severe nose congestion, (so much so I almost could not breathe), and post-nasal drip which was immediately relieved."

"Astelin has been a miracle drug for me. After months of severe post-nasal drip resulting in a constant sore, irritated throat, this medication provided almost immediate relief. Flonase, Zyrtec, and nasal rinses did nothing to resolve my symptoms. I'm so thankful to the nurse practitioner who prescribed this for me."

"I had misdiagnosed pneumonia that led to chronic coughing and an eventual bleeding stroke. I spent 5 months in the hospital. I had a cough so bad I could clear a room. Finally, an orderly suggested Astelin. I take Flonase and Zyrtec already, but within a week, the cough, rattle, and pain were gone. It was a 'life saver!'"

"I can breathe! No post nasal drip, no sticky eyes and no sinus pressure! An urgent care Dr told me to try it and I am so happy. I've been prescribed everything and frustrated with allergies and sinusitis, but this fixed all the symptoms."

"I have had Restless Legs since I was a teenager. All antihistamines aggravate this condition. Not Astelin. This is a dream come true to take care of my non-allergenic rhinitis while not exacerbating my Restless Legs. Thank you so much."

"Azelastine nasal spray has finally ended the stuffy nose and coughing that I've been dealing with forever. Taste isn't an issue if used correctly. It's much easier to wake up in the mornings without the never ending drowsiness that comes with some of the other antihistamines."

"I woke up, for several months, with bizarre facial pressure; my sinus membranes "in" my eyes, my maxillaries, etc... felt inflamed and throbbed, subsiding only with the next night's sleep.... I don't think that I had bonafide, bacterial-based sinusitis, since flare ups tended to abate within twenty four hours and seemed to follow strenuous physical exertion (e.g., running) and menstrual cycally driven hormonal fluctuations. I found minimal relief, for these episodes, through saline rinses (which seem to work well for standard congestion) and had already been prescribed other nasal sprays, including fluticasone. 90% reduction in monthly symptom days. 2 bad days per month, max. I've never written a product review."

"Astelin is the only prescription antihistamine nasal spray approved to treat symptoms caused by both seasonal allergens and environmental irritants. Astelin provides relief from bothersome nasal symptoms such as congestion, itchy/runny nose, sneezing, and postnasal drip due to seasonal allergens or environmental irritants. Astelin is steroid-free and does not contain pseudoephedrine."

"I have been on various nasal sprays and antihistamines every spring and fall for years. I kept getting sinus infections, severe sore throats, and having problems with my ears. Nothing was very effective until my doctor prescribed Astelin. It has been wonderful! The bitter taste I get if I sniff too hard is well worth the relief it gives me."

"I have developed a severe allergy problem this year. I've been put on several different antihistamines, and Astelin is by far the most effective. Since it is a nasal spray, it's instant relief! I'm so glad my doctor put me on this. I can finally breathe again. If you have problems with congestion from allergies, I would strongly recommend talking to your doctor about Astelin."

"I've been using Astelin almost daily for almost 10 years. 2x each nostril, morning and night. No concern if I miss a day. It is the best! I've been taking antihistamines for over 50 years. I will stick with Astelin as long as I can. I usually irrigate my nostrils first by rinsing them with water from my palm in the shower. Then Astelin goes straight into the clean nasal tissue and goes to work."

"I was recently prescribed this when I went to the doctor for a SEVERE (migraine-like) sinus headache. It is expensive but totally worth every penny! It works right away - you can feel the congestion/stuffiness breaking up immediately! I take this 2 times per day along with Allegra D-24 hour 1 time a day. I went from having the severe sinus headaches every single day to getting one maybe once per month. I also posted under the Allegra category - that works wonders!"

"My Asthma and Allergist, prescribed this for me when continued use of Flonase was giving me nose bleeds. I took it the next day and never have again. I could not get the taste out of my mouth for half an hour no matter I ate or drank to get it to go away. I have a bad cold right now and the Flonase isn't doing very well, I'm considering trying the Astelin again but I don't know if the taste is worth it."

"I was prescribed Astelin for my allergies per my Allergist - used it one time and never again. It burned my nose and throat. Now, my ENT provider switched me to a different drug."

More about Astelin (azelastine nasal)

  • Check interactions
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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: nasal antihistamines and decongestants
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Astelin drug information
  • Astelin Ready-Spray (Advanced Reading)

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Professional resources

  • Astelin prescribing information

Other brands

Astepro, Astepro Allergy

Related treatment guides

  • Allergic Rhinitis