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Generic Name: Bupropion Hydrochloride Sustained-Release

Brand Name: Wellbutrin SR

Wellbutrin SR Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have major depression along with ADD. Was on Effexor along with Adderall until I landed in the hospital with a blood pressure reading above 180/100. I was taken off both meds and put on generic Wellbutrin SR 150 mg twice a day. I've been on this for about 6 weeks. Depression has gotten much worse. Crying many times every day (especially when I first wake up), down on myself & not caring about anything (including getting dressed each day). As for the ADD, all symptoms have returned. I feel terrible and plan on asking to be taken off this medication at dr's appointment scheduled for next week. Do not recommend this medication!!!

I took Wellbutrin to help with my depression, and it did not work out at all. The side effects were quick and severe (nausea, increased depression, dissociation/depersonalization). I almost immediately stopped taking it, as it was making me so miserable and prone to mood swings that my family was afraid to leave me alone in the house. It may work for others, but I had a terrible time taking it.

I've been on this medication for almost a week now, and I realize it's early in the process but I have noticed instant results and already feel an immense difference. I am diagnosed with ADHD, anxiety, and Bipolar depression. This medication has made me feel incredibly balanced and overall better. A lot of my symptoms such as panic attacks, mania and depressed mood have all subsided. I also feel very focused and feel very similar effects that I felt when I was on Adderall, without the horrible comedown and jitters... I've also eliminated any cravings for nicotine. This medication doesn't change my personality or my mood too much, really just adds an element of calmness and more balance. Incredibly grateful for how this process is going so far, understandably its early on in the game but the instant results inspired me to inform anyone looking into this medication for relief. No current side effects as of now except slight sore throat and headache the first few days.

Background: I’ve experienced depression on and off since I was 14. In university, I was a physics major, which was challenging and engaging, but could also be soul-crushingly hard. Even getting slightly behind would leave me completely overwhelmed struggling to catch up. Multiple times I fell into a hole of deep depression, binging/bulimia. Despite all this, I got hired to do my dream job the summer before senior year. When I got back to school however, I started slipping back into depression. Everything in my life was good, so I couldn’t understand why I was still depressed. At this point I had tried every non-medication treatment under the sun: therapy, meditation, journaling, etc. There are so many things they say you should do when you’re depressed (get out of the house, exercise, challenge negative thoughts, engage your mind in a task, etc.), but for me it was almost impossible to do these things when my brain was telling me I couldn’t even get out of bed. I decided to see a psychiatrist. Experience on medication: I I got lucky that Wellbutrin was the first thing my clinician prescribed me — bc I genuinely felt a difference within the first day. Tasks no longer seem insurmountable, and I can easily challenge my negative thoughts or lack of motivation. I take 150mg and have actually been able to overcome lifelong insomnia with the help of a very consistent bedtime routine (dim lights, shower, make tea, do a couple Duolingo lessons, put meds on my bedside table, and watch an ASMR video). My alcohol tolerance is somewhat lower than before, but it’s not bothersome. The most interesting side effect is that while in most situations it keeps my emotions quite even-keeled, when I am watching a show, concert, movie, or other art form, I can become moved to tears by it — in a good way! Maybe this sounds silly, but I actually feel like I get to more fully experience what it means to be human now. Anyway, I can’t recommend Wellbutrin highly enough.

I was prescribed this medication to help with the quit smoking thing. Its amazing. No withdrawals no headaches, I took two doses and by the second dose I couldn't stand the taste of cigs. This is a easy way to quite and even after I did the full round I guess the nicotine was out of my system totally cause I didn't want to go back at all! The only side effect my boyfriend noticed I did not was that he said I was a little more aggressive and short with him.

I just started taking Bupropion SR 150. Today was my first day. Changing from 75 mg effexor xr. I have been taking it for about 20 years because it suppressed my desires 100% which is the reason I took it. However, I now have major depression and my doctor changed my med to Bupropion. I am hoping it will have the same effect effexor had for me.

I could tell a difference on day three when I woke up. it was great I felt normal and I didn't know the added benefit it helped me stop smoking. I don't even crave one.

I've now been on generic Wellbutrin for 3 weeks and feel no different. I did experience some side effects at first; no appetite and nauseous for a week and a lot of dreams when sleeping. Now I'm experiencing nothing, no positives or negatives. Not sure why? I have some anxiety and depression but mainly depersonalization so maybe this isn't the right drug for me.

I started taking this medicine 1 week ago. I started hearing buzzing in my ear and ringing. And then it began to feel like I was under water. I started feeling dizzy. I would spill drinks accidentally or miss steps walking down the stairs. I generally feel as if I am not on the ground. Needless to say I threw the prescription out. If you have sensitive ears, eyes, throat or family history of seizures of other history of imbalance, ear infection, even from swimming, do not take this medicine. I thought I was going to lose my hearing today the ringing and loud noises were unbearable. That said I don't know what caused these symptoms. I liked the evenness that I felt. The health problems this medicine caused me in one week far outwiegh any benefit.

I've been on 100mg Wellbutrin SR for 3 days and I am absolutely amazed at the difference in how I feel. I have energy and ambition to do things I haven't had interest in for years. So far no side effects. Before taking it, when I would get up in the morning, it would take me hours to get going. Now I feel good when I get up. If I feel this good after only 3 days, I can imagine how I'll feel after a month or so. I took Celexa for years and actually think it made me worse. Needless to say it flat lined my libedo. Sure hope the wellbutrin helps with that.

I have been wanting to write this for a few months because I have seen so many questions about side effects/interactions. I started taking SR on a friday, I was fine, Saturday - fine, Sunday - fine, on Monday I went to work, by lunch, all He** broke loose, the dreaded diarrhea. All day Monday was horrible, Tuesday, same thing, by Wednesday I could not take it anymore, so I started researching and found that Wellbutrin (Bedepprion) interacts with caffeine. So Wednesday- no coffee, no diarrhea, Thursday- no coffee, no diarrhea. So I have only drank decaf coffee since, and have had no diarrhea.

I tried to stop smoking several times I the past but never could. Taking this drug made it very easy to stop and not have those cravings. Quitting was actually easy. As my Dr. suggested I took the drug for 6 weeks before attempting to stop. At the 4 week point I picked a day (2 weeks out) that I would stop. I quit on the day picked and never looked back.

More energy, less pain, mood improved!

I first was on the generic for 4 months an it didnt work my Dr place me on the brand name Wellbutrin SR 150 mg 2x day. After 2 weeks major difference from the genaric . No side effects what so ever . Much more energized an happier . Im finally feeling like my old self . This medication is a wonder drug for happiness . Thank you GlaxoSmithKline for such a wonderful medication.


I've taken Wellbutrin before. I'm taking it for severe depression this time. I've only taken it a few days now but I'm suffering from severe dry mouth and I'm drinking lots and lots of water. At least, my depression isn't so bad now, and that is the main idea.

This medication has changed my life!! I have been smoking meth for 25 years , and smoking a pack of cigarettes daily. I had a stroke and wanted to quit cigarettes and method. My dr told me this should help. Within 3 days, I quit cigarettes and meth . I didn't think it was going to help, but I had decided to try it. I didn't have any days of a come down ( side effects of quitting method. Usually when someone quits using meth they sleep for a couple of weeks and only waking up to eat and use the restroom. And with that usually comes depression. And that's what made it hard to quit for me . I didn't want to go through that. Well this medication is great!!! I wake up earlier , haven't been tempted to smoke anything at all. My family is so happy.. I've even lost 10lbs. I did experience depression for about 2 weeks. As long as I had someone to talk to I was OK. But the effects started working immediately to stop smoking meth and cigarettes.

i am on this medication for hormone replacement since having total hysterectomy in 2009. no hot flashes and no mood swings thus far. only problem is having some insomnia.

I was given this in place of my prozac so i could have something to control my depression and help with smoking cessation. Well, I have become very maximus, irritable, hostile, angry, explosive, sad, emotional, thought of survive, a strong desire to hurt someone else,to the point i almost got in an altercation in church, of all place and i am a very nice, peaceful person normally. Then someone said maybe it is a change in my meds and i locked it up and everything im EXPERIENCING is on the list. While this education works well for my son, it is not for everyone. Pay attention to mood changes.