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Generic Name: hylan g-f 20

Brand Name: Synvisc-One intra-articular

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am 76 years young. I got my TKR on left knee in 2012. I started my marathon run 3 years back. My right knee started giving pain about an year back. I had taken the injection 2 days back. It was very smooth, walked without any problem. Put ice bags. So far so good. I will update my status after one month.

I had the injection less than 3 weeks ago. The injection did not feel good. It hurt even though I was numbed. The pressure hurt. I had to limp to my car. Terrible. BUT after about 2 hours I was ways better and within a week I was walking like I did years ago. I am so much better now! Glad I got it. I will get it again if needed however Ill bring a cane or something with me.

Received one shot of Synvisc-one in both knees. The treatment worked well, no issues. My knees felt better. The treatment wore off about 6 months later, so went in for another treatment about 7 months after the first. Had the treatment in both knees. 2 days later my knees started swelling, and 4 days later my knees were locked into place, could not bend at all. My orthopedic surgeon said i had a pseudo-sepsis reaction, which oddly occurs in people with the second or more treatment, not with the first. This is not an allergic reaction. I was treated for this pseudo septic reaction and recovered fully after about two weeks. I’m a healthy active female in my early 50’s, so this reaction could occur to anyone. It is not known who or why various people have this reaction, but when it happens, it is scary.

I suffered a rare side effect to this drug and I will never use it again. I went from painful knees to horrific pain from my hip to ankle in both legs. I lost my ability to walk and had chills, fever, headaches and nothing would help. The doctor prescribed a prednisone pack and it is helping but I still have a long way to go and not sure I will ever be the same. Almost 3 weeks later and I still have to use a walker and still taking prednisone. My energy level is as low as it can get and my immune system keeps trying to rid my body of synvisc. If I could only go back. Be very careful taking these injections and stop immediately if something doesnâ??t feel right at any time in the process.

At 56 years old I run 8 mikes every day and 26 on Saturday. My knees hurt and I thought I would never run again. Three runners on my team had this injection and said it works. I had it 8 years ago. Immediate relief and still today I run pain free.

I had the 2nd of 3 injections in my knee the Monday before Thanksgiving 2019 and by Thanksgiving I could no longer walk. As of 1/18/2020 I still can't walk!! This Drug should be off the market before it hurts someone else!! There are other injections that work that don't have issues like this one does!!

Had my first synviscone shot over two years ago and lost about 15 pounds over a year ago. Feel like my knee is brand new. I was in extreme pain 24/7 and my ortho recommended we try this before knee replacement. It’s been a total game changer for me! I recommend having an ortho do the shot to avoid potential issues with improper injection placement. It was less painful than a cortisone shot. It took about 2 months to feel the full relief, but my goodness, what a difference. It’s worth a try! I’ll keep doing them as long as I can to avoid knee replacement.

Have been suffering 5+ yrs with both knees, medial (inside) meniscus tears frm osteoarthritis. Am 49 yo white female active overweight 5’2” 210lb suburban housewife. These injections hurt on first wk but didn’t feel lik anything wks 2 & 3. Aftr 6wks knee pain completely gone! Was forgetting even had knee injuries and was taking stairs normally first time in yrs! Unfortunately effects have worn off 60-70% by 4mos. Am looking fwd to going for 2nd round at 6mo mark nxt mo. My mother-in-law has had no pain since these injections in 3or4 yrs amazingly. Have Aunt who had similar results to me. She had recommended SynVisc to me stating that it is “wonderful!” No side effects. Definitely recommend trying.

Have severe knee pain, this did not work at all

Beware, I'm on Medicare and still had to pay $560. of the $3000.00 bill. 8 Weeks not even 1% of relief. VERY disappointed, BIG waste of $$ The Doctor told me I would benefit from this medication. She was WRONG and wasted my $$.

Wife, 74, has Bilateral primary osteoarthritis of knees She has been on Euflexxa, three shots over three weeks, every six months, for the past few years with excellent results. We switched insurance and the new insurance insisted on Synvisc or Synvisc One. She went into Cleveland Clinic this morning to get her Synvisc One injection. The Physicians Assistant (PA) had a trainee with her and explained that you have to feel for the soft spot adjacent to the knee cap to determine where to inject. My wife felt more pressure than she had experienced with the Euflexxa, and a little soreness, but almost no pain. She felt better after the injection and was able to walk out of the hospital and return home no more than the normal discomfort. She is currently icing her knees and, so far, is very pleased! I know it is early, but it went really well and gives us hope that the osteoarthritis in her knees won't get progressively worse. Her diagnosis: ====== Right knee: Moderate narrowing of the medial (inside) and lateral (outside) compartment with small osteophytes (bone growths due to loss of cartilage). There is mild to moderate narrowing of the patellofemoral (under the kneecap) compartment. (caused by loss of cartilage) Demineralization (loss of bone) consistent with osteopenia or osteoporosis. ===== Left knee: Mild medial (inside) and severe lateral (outside) compartment narrowing with small osteophytes. (bone growths due to loss of cartilage). Mild patellofemoral (under the kneecap) compartment narrowing with osteophytes. (bone growths due to loss of cartilage). Demineralization (loss of bone) consistent with osteopenia or osteoporosis.

I am a 53 yr. old female and have been a 5-6 day a week runner/hiker since the 1970s. I had the Synvisc injection due to pain from left knee OA. The injection was not painful and I left the doctors office without any problem. That evening and every day since (for the last 2 weeks) I have had excruciating knee pain that makes it painful to walk or function. I have iced my knee, taken anti inflammatory meds and narcotics, and elevated my left knee and rested with no improvement. Synvisc works great for some individuals but it has been a nightmare for me. I would not wish this pain on my worst enemy.

I had my injection 2 weeks ago and have been in constant pain since the freezing used during the injection has worn off. The pain I am experiencing is far worse than what I was experiencing prior to the injection. I have to take pain killers just to be able to walk whereas before the injection I only needed to take them occasionally when my knee was sore. I definitely will not be getting any further injections.

he froze the sight first - so I did feel relief for the first day - afterwards - it was painful-this did not last too long - told me to expect it to take about a month to see results -so far so good - happy with results - says 6 months to 2 years relief - I'm optimistic - took some fluid out before injection to relive some existing pain and swelling - fingers crossed lots of pressure while getting injection

in 2013 I had one injection of Synvisc in my knee (osteoarthritis) and felt almost immediate relief! When I left the Dr's office it was like I had a new knee! So now, 5 years later (!!), I finally need like I need another one. Yesterday I did have another injection: Different technique with a different Dr! 1st Dr took almost 5 minutes to inject the Synvisc (gave me immediate relief) yesterday new Dr. (1st one has retired) did the injection in less then a minute. Almost severe pain! Couldn't even put my weight on that let and literally limped out to my car with my leg locked because I couldn't bend that knee. Lasted for a couple of hours! Until I got home and applied ice to my knee. So, advice to everyone, when getting an injection of Synvisc ask (or tell) the person administrating it to do it S-L-O-W-L-Y! It made a huge difference to me! I realize 5 years is very unusual for Synvisc to last but that has been my experience. Both the 1st and the 2nd Orthopedic Surgeon that administered it told me I could get 3 mos, 6 mos and possibly even a year of relief and the 2nd Dr. yesterday said that the result I had with the 1st injection was highly unusual. Finger's crossed this 2nd one will go as well. . .

A 100% disaster. After a full month after the injection in both knees, I'm in massive pain. My knees "pop

3 weeks since synvisc one injection. Significant improvement; less pain at night, less pain when walking and less swelling except after exercise. Have undergone three times a week exercise regimen that has significantly strengthened the muscles around the knee. I believe the combination of knee muscle (VMO) strengthening and the injection have greatly sped along the improvement to date.

Just got the shot today. Have about 5 millimeters of medial meniscus missing in knee. Shot was relatively painless after numbing agent. Knee has little to no swelling. Still same pain level but I don't expect any relief for a few days. Will update after a week to report on progress with pain. Age 54, male,fit (5'9 and 160 lbs).

Was in pain for months and nothing worked. Had SYNVISC-ONE single injection in each knee. Shots were not painful and no bad experience. Slight full feeling in knees after shot. Had both knees done at the same time. Left knee was worst but it is even responding and feeling better. This is only my second day and it is positive. Let's see how long it will last. Dr Daniel Chan in Hollywood FL was excellent and the whole team was very kind.