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Generic Name: Clonazepam

Brand Name: Klonopin

Klonopin Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been on .50mg of Klonopin since about 2009. From 2009, for 1.5 years I had to split the pill to make it .25mg - I am so drug sensitive that it took me that long to adjust the full .50. From 2011(?) until mid 2015, I continued to take .50mg, once a day, at night. Mid-2015 I went off the drug but NOT because it was not working. My then life conditions changed and I was able to exist without it. From 2018 through 2019, I went back on it at .50mg, once a day, at night. I managed to acquire a different medical condition which was being affected by stress and generalized anxiety, so to improve the medical condition, I went back on this drug. Near the very end of 2019, I read a Harvard (?) study suggesting long term use could impact you as far as Alzheimer's or Dementia. I decided to go back off it. I would still be off it if not for Covid! The Covid 19 lockdown affected my life so much, that by May 2020, I did need to go back on Klonopin. IMPORTANT: Although indicated as an addictive drug and I personally DO HAVE an addictive personality type, I have never since 2009 gone over .50mg a day, taken at night. Regarding other side affects, other than the initial dose in 2009 which did make me wobbly and I had to reduce to .25, I have not had a single side affect from this drug! I do some really intense work with numbers, formulas, all sorts of minutiae, and I am fully functional at 6 hours after taking my .50mg. I am really sorry this drug gets such a bad rap because for me it really works. It was ultimately decided by MULTIPLE doctors and PAs, that at the very low dosage I am on I am not likely to encounter the negative long-term issues normally associated with any drug in the benzodiazapine family.

Klonopin or clonazepam is the only medication yhat has controlled my debilitating panic attacks without feeling like I am on any "drugs". I take 1 mg 2-3 times daily. If home all day only 1 mg. This medicine is a life saver. Do not listen to the fools who talk bad about its reputation. Ssris and anti psychotic have worse side effects and what happens to a diabetic when they stop their insulin? They're diabetes comes back. Same thing with people getting "scared off of benzodiazepines" they end up living a bad quality of life out of some false conception that it's wrong to take a medication for a MEDICAL CONDITION because you might have to take it for life. Does a chronic pain patient considered an addict if he takes his prescribed vicodin without abusing it? No he is not. Neither are people who suffer from anxiety or panic disorder that find LIFE SAVING RELIEF from Klonopin.

Hello , I was taking clonazepam and stopped. The only drug that can destroy the effects of clonazepam is carbamazepine. So if you have panic attacks and seizures, tell your doctor to prescribe carbamazepine. Do you sad and worry about the future? Do not worry about the future because we are unaware of our future. If something goes wrong, we should worry, not worry about the problem. Remember, when we die, should the moments of death was worries or our love and affection? In the shelter of God.

I take 1 mg klonopin for anxiety and to help with sleep. I have always been on same dose. If I run out of pills i cannot sleep at all and feel like I am having a heart attack. Over time the pills are not as effective but will not up dose bc I am already addicted. Also I am experiencing memory loss. At first I thought these pills were the greatest but not so much now. The pills should not be used every day bc of addiction and tolerance. Personally I need to also find an effective anti depressant.

Klonopin destroyed my life and damaged my whole family especially my young daughters. It was given to me for panic to take as needed. It does calm you quickly but at the highest price. Very real side effects include paranoia, fatigue, confusion, and impaired judgement. I made several terrible terrible business decisions while taking it. But the worst side effects come when you stop it. For me zero sleep insomnia, chest pain, fatigue, muscle loss, emotional emptiness, and SUICIDAL thoughts/acts that go on and on. It has been four months since my last dose and all I do is lay in bed. My body is mush. My daughters are watching their once vibrant dad erode to nothing and I am helpless.

I have been as far to he'll and back any Aussie can get and I'm talking horrors you don't even see in movies I suffer SEVERE ANXIETY in fact my blood is on fire right now from anxiety. Also agoraphobia I DO NOT leave my 3 x 4 m home being raped and gang raped and abducted and beaten by your mother and used as a sex toy by my grandfather for 8 years as a child all of this on seperate occasions along with domestic violence having a $600,000.00 lotto ticket stolen by my so called best friend losing a partner in death and many other things besides. Do you think I can get a dr in Sydney after moving from western Australia to write me a script for rivotril (clonezapam) it helped me function I could leave the house I stopped having seizures bought on by a motor vehicle accident MVA even. Instead they filled me with seroqual an anti psychotic that made me put on 60kg and feel like a zombie I stopped caring how I looked and felt I felt like a robot. Now I have fatty liver diabetes and less confidence than a sloth. Way to go text book Drs. Someone help me please.

I had od on Xanax, and then sent over too a behavioral health hospital and well there for a 8 days I was talking klonopin twice a day this drug would give me nightmares and I thought it was because of the place I was in but my first day out of the behavior health Hospital I found out that is one of the side effects

I have found this to be exponentially better for my situation than something like xanax, because of the longer duration. However, I highly recommend taking it on days when interaction is necessary. If taken every day, it doesn't seem to be *quite* as beneficial.

In 1997, Age 55, male, occasional low levels of hypomania. My doc was testing for an effective Rx regimen and prescribed Klonipin. I had an intense, horrible allergic reaction beginning within about 20 minutes and lasting about 24 hours. The reaction was neurological, an intense itching over my entire skin surface. It seemed almost unbearable, couldn't releive it by scratching, bathing, laying down, standing up, using creams, ointments, etc. It felt like every nerve in/on my skin was afire/'screaming'. Nothing releived it. Never again. All from one little pill. Now 78 and the only other extreme alergy reactions I've ever had are to statins.

I have used Klonopin for the past 10 years for insomnia and anxiety/panic attacks. It is THE single most effective thing that works everytime for me. I never abuse it. If I was tired, I only took 1mg at night and, only if started to have a panic attack, would I take 1mg during the day. I worked a high stress job for 18 years (over six figures+). Much better than self medicating with alcohol. Been down that slippery slope once and I would take Klonopin every day of the week versus Ambien/Lunesta/Trazadone/SSRIs/TCIs because, for me it always works. The ONLY reason I stopped taking it was because my new job (Health care field) FREAKs if Benzos show up in your urinalysis. I cut it cold turkey from about 3mg per to zero. A bit of an anxious 5 days but nothing like trying to quit hard alcohol use where for 3-5 days you feel like you have the worst flu ever (too cold then sweating through all of your clothes, the shakes/tremors, etc.) I did these "detoxes" at home with no supporting meds to ease into a detox. Klonopin was my friend. Klonopin had less side affects, worked as predicted all the time and, cutting it off cold turkey after a 10 years run, was not 1/5th as bad as quitting a heavy use of alcohol for a couple of years. Everyone is different, talk to your doctor about what is right for you. HINT, heavy drinking is NOT your friend - almost everything you will regret during this time frame is when you were drunk - trust me.

This med helps but I don't like the long term effect on the brain especially short term memory loss. I'm taking a med for ADHD which helps my mind stay sharp and a low dose of Zyprexa Zydis to control irritability and panic attacks while getting off this medication. It does the job to stop panic attacks but not everyone responds to this med in the same way. Over several years I went from taking 6mg of klonopin to 1.5mg of klonopin. It is a very difficult med to get off of but I only recommend you take it if you are in constant state of panic and terror. My life went from having panic attacks which led to depression and eventually led to bipolar disorder. I'm tapering off the medication slowly but I don't know if I like the way I'm feeling. While tapering off of it, I've noticed that I am more antisocial(nonviolent) but I think this is temporary till Klonopin leaves my system. Be careful and choose your medications wisely. I hope you find peace in your life.

My fiance killed himself, because of this drug. NOT WORTH THE RISK!!

An incompetent GP prescribed 3 mg per day for ten months. I became unable to function in any way. Stay away from benzos, push for CBT, DBT, etc. DO NOT use drugs to control anxiety, they are poison.

This medication saved my life. I suffer from crippling arthritis and failed spinal fusion. I was taking diazepam on and on for 20 years with opioid therapy. I was stable on them. Suddenly my pain doctor did not look at my medical history and see that I could not take SRI SSRI having tried them all. The fentanyl insert states benzodiazepine therapy is reserved for people that cannot take SRI drugs. A more knowledgeable pain doctor recognized this an put me on clonazepam. I had been off the valium for 5 months and nearly died. The CDC opioid prescribing guidelines are actually Guidelies.

Immediate elimination of my anxiety and panic. I spent every waking hour with racing thoughts. One dose and they are gone! I use them with fentanyl patches because I cannot take any SRI, SSRI because they cause serotonin syndrome and clonus.

Run away from a benzo. Klonopin is Satan's drug. It will cure anxiety and panic attacks but it will destroy your life because the addiction to this drug happens before you know it. When you don't have it, you are in hell. Read what Stevie Nicks said about this drug. You have been warned. She said it destroyed eight years of her life and it did the same for me. I had to hold to rehab and my withdrawal symptoms we're worse than herion addicts. As soon as I got out of rehab,, I went psychiatrist shopping to get a prescription back bcz I was a zombie without it. I lied and never told the psychiatrist that I was in rehab for this drug. It will help you at first but then destroy you in the end. Run away from Benzos.

I have been on 0.5 mg for panic attacks for about 10 years now. This has been the most effective drug for me, no side effects like drowsiness. I have cut down to about 0.25 mg fairly easily , so don't get scared by those who write crazy stories about withdrawal symptoms! Just go slowly.

I took this medication for aout 10 yrs (.5 mg tid). Then my psychiatrist changed to Valium because he was concerned about Alzheimers. After several months, I started having panic attacks again, and Valium was no help. He put me back on Klonopin (same dose as before) with no mention of Alzheimers, Klonopin has made it possible for me to keep on living and to WANT to live. I can't be worrying about withdrawals or Alzheimers -- I'm happy to be alive. Main side effect: hair loss.

This has produced all the same symptoms cited in the literature. Why is it legal to prescribe? It is cited to be potentially fatal and there seems to be no benefit to it for anything, a drug that's listed as harmful.

I first was prescribed this when I was 20. I had ocd issues however could not handle any ssri's so doctor prescribed this. It worked wonderful. Took 2mg 2x a day along with perphenazine 2mg 2x a day. Had no side effects except for sex drive declining. Even drank beer with no issues. After 25 years of this the pills just stopped working and I fell in withdrawal. Now I try to take them but I get the reverse effects and all the side effects My world is crashing and been homebound ever since Jan. All my original disorders are back as well. Hopefully diazepam can take it's place. Better than hoping too grab a lucky pill out of the bottle which doesn't work. I had no clue this was an additive drug but need something after 2 months being off it. Wondering if I should take anything at all at this point however, the panic I am experiencing is really bad to the point becoming dizzy every day I wish it worked again. Be careful with this drug but it really is spectacular when it does work