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Generic Name: Amethia (ethinyl-estradiol-levonorgestrel)

Amethia Reviews

For Birth Control "I honestly don't know how to review this Amethia pack this is my first time on a 3 monthly pack without periods. I've been on other pills before but I've never ever experienced anything like this. I got greedy and I thought that maybe only having 4 periods a year would have been awesome I should have just went with the monthly. This is my first pack that I'm on and I have been on my period for 3 weeks now! When it's not supposed to happen on the 3 pack/month. I have been moody, I have been depressed, I've been snapping at everybody, my heart has been doing all kinds of crazy somersaults, getting some wicked cramps, feeling dizzy at times. I have went through a pack and a half of pads. I'm going to give it the benefit of the doubt but if this does not stop by the third pack when I'm SUPPOSED TO GET MY PERIOD. I will stop completely and I will let nature take its course on its own and not alter it anymore."

"I have been on Amethia contraceptive pill for about a month in a half. At first everything was going great with no side effects. Now for the last 2 weeks I have had nothing but heavy spotting that seems more like a light flow period. The blood is dark brown almost blackish in color with a lot of blood clots and the cramping is terrible. I'm really trying to stick it out but I don't know how much longer I can take it. I switched from Generess FE to this because that pill was starting to give me month long periods. I really hope things don't end up being the same with this new one. I'm also super moody and cranky. Has anyone else had any success? Does the spotting last for much longer?"

For Birth Control "This one is a 10 for me. It dramatically cleared up my skin, and I had NO spotting when I started this medication. Occasionally I will start spotting about a week before placebo week, which seems to be my body saying that it's ready for a period. But apart from that, there is no spotting. No weight gain or depression or other side effects for me."

For Birth Control "I do not recommend this pill. I’m officially getting off it today. I have had nothing but issues with it. The first THREE MONTHS, I was experiencing “spotting” although I’m not sure what they consider spotting because this was a lot. Then it ended for about 3 weeks, then spotting reoccurred. So I was told to go off the pill for a week to let my body do it’s things and then go back on. Did that and was fine for about 3 weeks and now I’m back to spotting. It’s like instead of getting my period once a month it’s like I’m not getting my period once a month. Every 3 weeks I get a break and then it’s back to bleeding. It’s not fair and it’s not something I recommend."

For Birth Control "My mail prescription pharmacy switched me twice in 6 months from Seasonique to Camresse to this, saying my insurance. But anyways my side effects started the 1st week in the first pack. Just ended my period the week before- this one was back with a vengeance. Flow was so heavy I went through a pack of pads in less than 5 days and none of my natural remedies worked. Cramps were unbearable and made me legs go numb. Period goes away after a week. No spotting in week 2. Spotting comes back to the point of a light period week 3 with cramps. Just finished out week 4, still spotting after attempting some sexual activity where that got ruined too. Got the night sweats like I have menopause too. DO NOT take this especially after you originally have been on seasonique or camresse- it will ruin everything!!!"

For Birth Control "I have been on Amethia for 2 years now (I am 24 years old). The first 3 months were tough, as your body gets used to it, you will have spotting for about half of that time. After that, it seemed to be working as expected. Do not ever forget a pill in the first 6 months or you will have another period. Once I hit the 9 month mark, if I missed a day or two then I would be fine to continue taking them without issue. It is worth the rough patch in the beginning. Going 3 months without a period is amazing; I get to enjoy my entire summer without dealing with one. I never had a problem with mood swings, acne (what I did have went away after taking this), or weight gain."

For Birth Control "So I have been on Amethia for almost a month now and I absolutely hate it. I was extremely nauseous for the first 3 weeks. I take Zoloft for anxiety and I had to up my dose because the birth control was making me so anxious. Previous to starting Amethia, my Zoloft made me mostly lose my appetite but now the birth control is making me so hungry all the time and it’s horrible. I’m on my fourth week of the first pack and I’ve had a mostly light period for about 8 days. They’ve stopped for the most part now but for the first several days I was having the most painful cramps in the morning and nighttime. I’ve noticed I’ve also become more tired. I realize I need to give it more time for my body to adjust but right now the threat of weight gain is really stressing me out and I’m also worried my period will continue for weeks."

For Birth Control "I've recently switched from Trinessa (taken for 18 years) to Amethia (taken for 6 months). I discontinued Amethia mostly due to mood change & weight gain. Pros: Effective in preventing pregnancy, normal periods lasted 4-5 days once every 3 months. Cons: Severe moodiness and impatience in first 1 1/2 months which turned to moderate depression for remaining months and overall general unhappiness. Increased appetite which led to increase weight gain in the belly (5-7 lbs in 6 months). Extreme bloating in belly area in the 2nd & 3rd month in each cycle. Mild monthly cramping during times when period normally comes. Bone & muscle pain - mostly in knees & legs & teeth. Cost of medication was high (based on my insurance coverage)"

For Birth Control "I have taken Amethia for about 10 years and had the best experience out of any pill. Yes, mood swings around period time, but my period flow wasn't as bad as before, plus no random spotting. They have been discontinuing it where I live, and I'm sad to not have it anymore."

For Birth Control "Started this mid January. I am on my third week (02/04/2020). Thought it would be spotting but feels like a light period. My legs feel heavy , breasts are tender , every day around the time to take the pill I feel pressure on my ovaries. I will keep going but if my body doesn’t adjust I’m going to have to find a way to get back on the nuva ring, without insurance."

For Birth Control "I’ve been on Amethia for about 3 weeks now and so far I’ve actually lost 10 pounds. My appetite has definitely gotten smaller and I find it hard to eat at times, although this is kind of a good thing for me. No big problems with my skin or mood."

For Birth Control "I've taken other generic versions of this before. Camrese made me gain weight and while I was okay in the short term, I began experiencing depression in the long term. I've just finished my first 3 month cycle and overall I am happy with Amethia. One big pro: it cleared up my skin A LOT, more than any acne medication I have ever tried. For that reason alone I'd probably keep taking it. The first month I had more intense mood swings than I normally do, but by the end of the 2nd month everything seemed back to normal. I did experience spotting and slight cramping my 3rd month, but not nearly as severely as I usually cramp and it went away. I'm hoping my next 3 month cycle the spotting and mood swings will go away completely."

For Birth Control "My gyno prescribed this pill to help with my menstrual cramps. My gyno warned that spotting was the most common side effect of this pill. The first four weeks there was nothing, all was well other than a little nausea while adjusting to the new pill. I started week 5, the first week in the second container and instantly started spotting. At first it was nothing serious, nothing a panty liner couldn't handle. About a week goes by and the bleeding became much heavier. I'm now going through 3-4 tampons a day. Called the DR and he said it's just my body getting used to it and to stick it out for the rest of the 3 month pack and after that my body should be adjusted. Wish me luck, the cramps & bleeding are worse now than before."

For Birth Control "The first 3 months of this Amethia pill were rough. I'm on it to control acne, cramps, breakthrough bleeds, skipping periods (while I'm the copper IUD) I started a whole new regimen of vitamins and various other things because I felt nauseous every moment of the day. It felt like I was pregnant. Going into the second pack, I started to even out and enjoy the benefits that I was hoping for- cramp prevention. I have a copper IUD and it sometimes throws a random huge cramp at me out of nowhere. This pill put a stop to it and not having to juggle picking up a new pack every 3-4 was nice- everything neatly tucked into one big pack. However, by the time my nausea subsided, I started breaking out a bit and gaining weight. I've just finished my third pack, and I've certainly put on several pounds since I started. I haven't changed eating habits (other than eating less of everything). I honestly would stay on this drug if it weren't for the weight gain, because cramping and breakthrough bleeds have become a very distant headache."

For Birth Control "Everything was great then towards the end of a pack, I started getting this really uncomfortable pressure pain in my pelvis and been discharging brown, black, and a little mix of red for about 5 days now. No over the counter pain relievers help the pain, so I’m guessing my best bet is to stop it immediately and let my doctor know."

For Birth Control "I was prescribed Amethia when my go-to birth control for at least 5 years wasn’t available (Amethyst). I started taking it as prescribed and 5 days in I started experiencing menstrual cramps. They slowly started coming on more often and by day 7 I was rudely awakened by profuse sweating and extreme cramping for 30 or so minutes. I am not one to easily feel nauseated, but this pain drew me to near vomitting. I was miserable and sitting on the floor waiting to throw up into the toilet when I finally the cramp released and I was covered in sweat. I admit, I have not tried many BC pills and have not strayed far from Lybrel/Amethyst in all the years I’ve taken the pill so I have no idea if I was just sensitive or if anyone else experienced this. Needless to say, I quit taking this med and have been off hormonal BC for 4 months."

For Birth Control "I started taking Amethia in September 2020. This was my first time taking birth control in 5 years. My first month on it I had no symptoms other than spotting. My doctor recommended I go ahead and start my period early, so I did and my spotting was not an issue anymore. Now I am 5 months in on the birth control and I love it! I don’t seem to have any symptoms. All my symptoms were just in the first month of taking Amethia. I don’t notice any change in my skin, I don’t get headaches, and I don’t get nausea. I feel just like I did before I started taking birth control with the extra benefit of not having periods."

For Birth Control "I'm halfway through week nine on this medication and have no complaints at all. I've had absolutely no spotting or cramping. I had bad hormonal acne before starting this pill (I was not on any birth control prior to taking Amethia) but now I rarely break out except for a few stress related pimples in the past couple of weeks. I haven't had a period on this yet, but so far my body has taken to this medication very well. No weight gain or mood changes either that I have noticed!"

For Birth Control "This birth control was the best thing for me because I'd bleed for a month straight before the pill. This was difficult since I play sports . Now I only get my period once every three months . My period comes right when it should (on the sugar pill). The only bad effects I've had is weight gain, bloating, and increase in appetite. I've read many reviews and weight gain is an issue but if you workout regularly you should see decrease in bloating"

For Birth Control "I did not get pregnant while on this pill so in that matter it was effective. However, each quarter I would have a month long period which was terrible. At the end of the 3rd set of packages I had a 12 week long period that stopped on the 4th set. At the end of the 4th set I finished the 12 week period in week two of the last package. I had no bleeding on week three, but started up again on week four. That period only lasted two weeks. My doctor is now checking for various conditions that could have caused the prolonged bleeding, but believes it was the pills."

For Birth Control "I am new to birth control. I first took it when I was 19 and turn 20 shortly after. My first three months were hell. My nausea was terrible that I could not eat anything, engage in sexual activities without the urge of vomiting and be dizzy. My period was very off. My body was almost on a whole month of just my menstrual cycle. It was nasty. HOWEVER, I decided to stay on it because those side effects are normal. On my second pack (4-6 months) my ACNE CLEARED UP!!! Since I had gone through puberty at 11,and had acne since then and now my skin is like a baby again. My period is officially 2 weeks long (I begin spotting and gradually have a heavier flow). I have gained about 17 pounds but I think that's because I stopped exercising rigorously since graduating high school."

For Birth Control "I’ve been taking amethia lo three month pack . The first month of taking the birth control I got the common side effect of depression but kept taking it. It got better with time and I thought it was actually working pretty well with my body . Boy was I wrong ; once I started my second month I started to spot I have never spotted in my entire life so I didn’t know what was going on by the time my period was supposed to happen I just kept spotting not getting my period. I was freaking out thinking I was pregnant because I was experiencing the 1st trimester symptoms. Not pregnant just still spotting . I got woken up in the morning with the worst stomach pain of my entire life felt like I was getting stabbed and punched in my lower abdomin . I have been spotting for 8 days now and I just want it to stop"

For Birth Control "I started Jan 2018; I never got a period the first 3 months. Also not sexually active at that time so I knew I was fine. My body balanced out, I started getting a little period once a month, 4-5 days. If you miss two days, you will spot, sometimes multiple days like a period so carry it with you... I did put on a few pounds with this pill, my doctor told me to just workout more haha it's the price we pay with BC: extra hormones, cravings etc. But overall my mental and emotional health is balanced."

For Birth Control "Before starting Amethia Lo three month packs, I was on Esthinyl estradiol and drospironone for 4 years. I switched due to increasingly worsened acne/PMS symptoms. I switched in August, it’s now November! At first, my acne got worse and my face was very greasy for a couple weeks, but now my skin is clearer than ever, which is a HUGE plus! In the second & third month, I spotted for three weeks straight, then nothing during the placebo week. I haven’t been sleeping as well as I used to, with waking up during the night and having issues falling asleep. Now in the first week of the fourth month, I have been mildly-moderately nauseous 24/7, I’m hoping this goes away!! Otherwise I’ll start taking it during the night rather than the morning as I’ve read that can help. I plan to continue using Amethia Lo, but I’m really hoping this nausea goes away!"

For Birth Control "So the first pack is absolutely the hardest but I had trouble for 3 packs and was ready to give up. I stuck to it for 3 packs (9 months) and I finally have gotten my body adjusted to it. Bloating always happens at the end of the pack and it’s extremely uncomfortable. I have gained at least 10 pounds while taking these pills but then again I skip the placebo pills and go straight to another pack so I don’t get any periods at all."

More about Amethia (ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: contraceptives
  • En español

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  • Amethia extended-cycle drug information
  • Amethia (Advanced Reading)

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  • Birth Control