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Generic Name: Kapidex (dexlansoprazole)

Kapidex Reviews

For GERD "I currently have been diagnosed with GERD, chronic gastritis, and esophagitis. I have been taking 2 Protonix 40 mg a day for 2 years and started taking Zantac 150 mg twice a day for 2 months now. That is 4 pills daily. My gastroenterologist put me on Kapidex for a month now. I have not had any problems so far. I cannot see inside my body to see if it works, but hey, if it can take me from 4 pills a day to only 1, I will take it. The only thing is the cost."

For GERD "After finally getting around to reading about the possible side effects, I now know why I am having a major acne breakout, also nausea and very loose stools. I don't know what else I can do, but this medicine is not for me."

For Erosive Esophagitis "Had acid reflux. I lost my voice from it for 6 weeks, went to ear-nose-throat doctor. Got Nexium, which gave extreme headaches as a side effect. Another doctor gave me 30 free samples of KAPIDEX 60MG. I got no headaches. Took 1 pill and my voice is returning to normal. Good product. Doctor may give Pepcid AC or 300 mg of Zantac if your insurance doesn't cover it. "

For Barrett's Esophagus "When diagnosed several years ago with GERD,I tried Prevacid. It helped shortly then break through. Then diagnosed with Barretts, Nexium 2x a day...same thing. I felt really bad and was getting worse. I was then prescribed Kapidex. WOW... what a difference! I feel great and have gained some weight. This stuff is AWESOME! Finally!! Thank you"

For GERD "I was diagnosed with severe GERD and Barrett's Disease several months ago. I tried everything and nothing seemed to work until now. Kapidex has been amazing. I have had no side-effects and at my last gastroscope, everything was looking A LOT better. Kapidex, along with following GERD food guidelines has made me feel 100% better."

For Erosive Esophagitis "In case folks weren't aware, "KAPIDEX" is now called "DEXILANT". I have had Acid Reflux/GERD for about five years. Protonix was the first medicine tried. I don't think it did much. Nexium worked very well. Doctor thought Dexilant would work better since it gives two releases of medication. I have used it for over a year with switching back to Nexium a couple of times. I will say that Dexilant seems to work about the same as Nexium. Recently I stopped taking any medication for about 4 days. That was a mistake. I felt fine for about three days. On the fourth, the painful heartburn came back with a vengeance."

For GERD "I was taking 2 Prevacid every day for really bad heartburn. My doctor switched me to Nexium and I still found myself taking 2 pills a day to avoid waking up at night with a horrible taste in my mouth and pain in my chest. Next, my doctor told me to try Kapidex and she said I would only have to take it once a day. I didn't believe her until I tried it. I didn't wake up at night wanting another heartburn pill! It works so much better than Nexium and Prevacid and my doctor told me those two were the best. My doctor and I now think Kapidex is the best."

For Erosive Esophagitis "I felt relief the very first day I started taking Kapidex for erosive esophagus and GERD. It is the only drug that has worked for me. I have had absolutely no side effects. It's wonderful to be able to eat again."

For Barrett's Esophagus "Everyone is different but Kapidex does nothing for me. I was on 60 mg for 2 weeks and am now on 120 mg. No side effects but then it doesn't help either. I had the same experience with Prevacid so it probably should be expected. I hope it works for you but I would ask for samples before spending a lot of money on something that may not work."

For GERD "It is my first day on Kapidex and I must say I have never felt better. I have been on Nexium and Aciphex with side effects. It is just my first day so I can't say I won't have side effects but I have had a completely normal day and I forgot what it felt like to feel normal. Right now, today, life is very good."

For Barrett's Esophagus "I've had severe heartburn since I was a teen. Tried everything from Tums, Rolaids, Zantac, Prilosec, Prevacid, etc. Prilosec was the only drug that seemed to work, but I had to keep increasing the dosage. My doctor recommended Kapidex and what a difference! I take one pill each morning and haven't had heartburn since. It's been almost a year now so I won't find out if it has improved Barrett's for another month or so, but at least the heartburn is long gone. I can actually eat anything now, jalepeno's, pizza, etc. without getting heartburn. Now I just worry about the long term negative side effects on bone density. I do take a calcium supplement every morning as well just in case."

For GERD "Have taken Prevacid, Protonix, Prilosec up to 2 times a day along with having taken Tagamet, Zantac in between with up to 15 tums a day and still daily severe burning and pain in chest. Then took this pill. Now it's the only thing I take and no more pain. Its great, no side effects noted yet."

For GERD "I suffer from migraines, and although this drug significantly reduced my acid, it seemed to trigger my migraines for four consecutive days. I am disappointed that I had to get off it, am trying Prilosec now."

For GERD "I have had severe GERD for over 11 years and have taken prescription Prilosec and it worked great. However, all of a sudden it stopped working and I was miserable and couldn't sleep, eat, or think about anything other than how much my stomach and esophagus hurt. The doctor prescribed Kapidex and the GERD totally went away; however terrible intestinal pain, gas, and watery loose stools began. I tried for 2 weeks in hopes the side effects would go away but they didn't so now I am back to Prilosec and pain but at least I can leave the bathroom."

For GERD "While taking Kapidex I had severe itching all over my body. Palms of my hands, ears, throat and groin area.I was completely miserable while on this medication. As far as for helping my GERD I had to take OTC Prilosec along with the Kapidex to completely get rid of the GERD. This is not for me."

For GERD "Great medicine, I find it works best when I take it everyday around the same time. Also, I went to the Kapidex website, registered there and got a coupon for $25 for 30. I'll gladly pay $25 per month for the relief this medicine brings."

For GERD "Was given this to substitute for Protonix due to insurance conflicts and price. This works better than anything before as long as you keep it regular in your system. I have only experienced minor side effects while on it thus far, including minor cramps, loose stools and an occasional rash on my neck or face (which is common)."

For GERD "I took this medicine for 2 months. It took the heartburn completely away, however, I did have loose stool for a while but it went away. The only thing is when I went to get my 3rd bottle, the pharmacist said my doctor would have to call my insurance and have them override that I could take more than 60 a year...strange. I haven't done it yet because that just don't sound right to me. My heartburn is worse now before taking the medicine and have to take something over the counter for it then it comes right back."

For GERD "Kapidex has been the best drug I've been on for GERD. I can eat pretty much all foods now and not deal with chest tightness or nausea that comes with having a hiatial hernia and GERD. I would give this medicine a 10, but the side effects....They are not major or bad, but they are there. Since taking the medicine I haven't had diarrhea, but have been constipated on some days. I have had the stomach pains which feel like really bad cramps. But, the worst has been I'm now recovering from a common cold which is a side effect. I wasn't around anyone sick and my allergies are over, so I pinpointed the medicines. Other than that, great medicine!"

For Erosive Esophagitis "I have been taking Kapidex for about 3 weeks now and it is a strange medication. I seem to have less ulcer pain now but my stomach acid is higher than when I was taking Prilosec OTC. Also since taking the medication I have needed to use antacids which I never did with the Prilosec or the Prevacid 30 mg. The studies show this works long term (8 weeks) but I can't wait that long to find out."

For GERD "I had a severe allergic reaction to this medication. Hives on the trunk of my body. The palms of my hands and the soles of my feet had severe itching. The itching was also in my throat and ears."

For GERD "Definitely I recommend Kapidex. My digestion is normal and my life have been improved. Nexium works for me but too slow."

For Barrett's Esophagus "Only drug that has truly worked for me. I have a very large hiatal hernia, as well as severe acid reflux. I never slept through an entire night for years, until I started taking Kapidex."

For GERD "Kapidex has worked better than Nexium, Protonix, Zegerid, Prevacid, and Aciphex in controlling my GERD symptoms. It is great because you only take one per day."

For GERD "3 months of Protonix did nothing, after taking Kapidex, I noticed improvement within 2 weeks and most symptoms gone after 5 weeks."

More about Kapidex (dexlansoprazole)

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: proton pump inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Kapidex drug information

Other brands

Dexilant, Dexilant SoluTab

Professional resources

  • Dexlansoprazole monograph
  • Dexlansoprazole Delayed Release (FDA)

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Related treatment guides

  • Barrett's Esophagus
  • Erosive Esophagitis
  • GERD