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Generic Name: Ginkgo for Herbal Supplementation (ginkgo)

Ginkgo for Herbal Supplementation Reviews

Ginkgo Biloba (ginkgo) "I was having sounds in my left ear like a heartbeat. I read about the possible help from Ginkgo. I asked my doctor about taking it and was told that it could affect blood clotting. However, when I started taking it, in two days the noise was gone. I don't know if it will work for anyone else, but my heartbeat in my ear is gone!"

Ginkgo Biloba (ginkgo) "I took it to reduce my dizziness, and guess what? It transformed it into vertigo, so I stopped taking it (I was not taking any drugs, so no interactions). I forgot about that episode, and I took it months later for migraine and brain fog, but I woke up with bad vertigo the next day... So! It doesn't suit everyone, and it's not a miracle cure as it's pretended on the web. Go slowly if you want to try it."

Ginkgo Biloba (ginkgo) "Taken for treatment of cold hands and feet. Noticeable difference in my ability to retain information in my studies and get through papers more quickly, which I became aware of 2-3 weeks after commencement. I had no noticeable side effects."

Ginkgo Biloba (ginkgo) "I took this on recommendation it would help my memory. Had racing thoughts and much mental activity when it started to kick in. Was kind of pleasant, but was unaccustomed to the mental excitation and acuity. Wasn't dreadful, but couldn't sleep until it wore off. More than a cup of coffee which wakes up the body, woke my mind and haven't tried it since in such potency, though now I'm reconsidering my decision because I feel dead to the world."

Ginkgo Biloba (ginkgo) "This Ginkgo Biloba caused vertigo when I took it. It may work well for others but, as for me, the side effect was too great for me to notice any of its beneficial effects. Be careful when taking especially if you drive or operate machinery."

Ginkgo Biloba (ginkgo) "Seems to increase capacity for recalling short-term information Vs. mid-term. Noticeably easier to learn during use. There seems to be complications with taking this herb/extract. It may be causing: Increased light sensitivity; car headlights, transitioning from indoors to outdoors and any focused light i.e. lasers. The effects are described as a searing pain near my retina or ocular nerves. Possible interaction with smoked cannabis in the evening, only when lying down for sleep with internal sensations of cranial and neural pulsating. Possibly caused uncomfortable ringing in the ears, more frequent with cannabis use. The latter was non-specific to left or right. Likely best taken in isolation (with food) in the pre-dawn hours - (not sure)"

Ginkgo Biloba (ginkgo) "I began taking an organic cold-pressed leaf extract (500mg) in decaffeinated black tea each morning three months ago. Approximately, one month ago drinking an herbal tea containing apple skin, sage, and Ginkgo biloba leaf (200mg) each afternoon in addition to the aforementioned tincture. I'm in my forties and began taking the Ginkgo supplements in response to a perceived decrease in memory function, mostly recall. Since starting the supplement regime I'm noticing a moderate improvement in recall and perhaps a slight improvement in storing new information. I've experienced no side effects despite a severe allergy to poison ivy. I'm in good health, eat a healthy diet, get regular exercise, etc."

Ginkgo Biloba (ginkgo) "I have started taking it the extract capsules and have in last couple weeks been agitated and getting upset easier as I never did before. It did help somewhat my mental clarity but the side effects are not worth it. I do take a blood thinner so maybe its reacting with that too. So I am stopping it."

Ginkgo Biloba (ginkgo) "I you have Epilepsy DO NOT take this supplement after taking it for a week it caused me to have many seizures."

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  • Drug class: herbal products
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

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  • Ginkgo drug information

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Ginkgo Biloba

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Ginkgo Biloba

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  • Herbal Supplementation