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Generic Name: Baricitinib Tablets

Brand Name: Olumiant

Olumiant Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was able to recover from very severe RA symptoms along with heavy bone destruction. Recovery took few months but was stable .

This medication did not work on my RA at all. I now need a cervical spine fusion. Be careful of the doctors forcing you to take this medication! My rheumatologist received it for free, made me pay 1500, he refused to change it when I complained of extreme cervical pain. Irreversible damage in multiple locations. Be aware!

Taking this medication lead to cervical instability, the growth of pannus against my spinal cord and additional damage in all affected joints. 4mg/day over a seven month period means I need surgery in multiple joints. It wasn’t helped by the fact that the treating physician refused to change the therapy as he got the medication for free and was charging it back to me. Be aware.

Whenever I would get a very small scratch or poke on my skin it would turn into a hole about the size of a dime. Very sore and I'm still trying to get them healed up. They take months and hurt so bad you can barely touch them. I've been on antibiotics and stopped olumiant. So far I still have the sores after a couple of months. I want my life back. Hopefully I can get on a different med but I have to wait until the infection goes away

Hello everyone, I'm 43 and had RA since I was 29. Been on all the meds you can relate to RA.Still on Plaquenil and Sulfasalazine. Started Olumiant 4mg 3 weeks ago,after 1 week started vomiting and got constipated. In week 3 I started getting severe upper abdominal pain and ended up in ED with severe Pancreatitis. WILL NEVER TAKE IT AGAIN. Take care everyone, hope it helps someone.If you gets upper abdominal pain to go straight to ED.

Mod-severe RA. Tried MTX, Plaquenil (no effect), moved to Lefunomide (some to medium effect) then combined with Olimiant which has reduced all symptoms to negligible. Have now ceased lefunomide completely and solely on Olumiant. Still some very minor flare ups/ associated aches but otherwise RA is diminished. Side effects for me are some loss of stamina when exercising and muscle stiffness (unsure of from RA or drug but more noticeable since taking Olumiant) and possible folliculits on back and buttocks. No nausea

Hi I am 38 years old was diagnosed a little over a year ago with RA, its gotten worse and worse and worse. I used to do yoga two almost everyday, I stopped to remodel my home and when I did after months of no yoga I suddenly started having all the symptoms. I am pretty sure I had RA (Moderate to Severe) while I was doing yoga, but was unaware, because my symptoms were being kept at bay unintentionally by the yoga. Since then I have gain over 40 pounds, sleep almost all day, am in pain all the time. So needed to try meds to kick start myself. I was on Plaquinil, then Methotrexate, then Humira, all failures. So far this drug is doing something, and NOT cause all of the horrendous side effects of the others, got Drug induced lupus from Humira, and violently ill with Metho and Plaquinil did nothing. This stuff is making me sleep literally ALL DAY, BUT no side effects other than that, thinking of taking it at night with my other meds. Also I am taking spironolactone 25mg for edema. Fingers crossed. Hope that helps others. There is literally NO information about this drug out there.

I used it for 11 days and ended up with nausea, a raging UTI, Sinus infection and my bowels were upset such that I also ended up with hemorrhoids. So I went off to take antibiotics to clear it all up and I am NOT going back on it. I was previously on Xeljanz XR and I'll go back on that.

Have only been on Olumiant for a couple weeks. So far the problem has been bouts of nausea and some vomiting. I haven’t eaten anything substantial since Christmas Eve and it’s now December 28, 2018. So currently all that comes up is water. I was on Humira so willbe interesting to see if there is a difference in pain levels. I am also on Methotrexate.Good luck to all