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Generic Name: Fesoterodine for Urinary Incontinence (fesoterodine)

Fesoterodine for Urinary Incontinence Reviews

Toviaz (fesoterodine) "I have been on Toviaz since before Christmas for incontinence problems. I was anxious to try it because I tried 2 other medications which did absolutely nothing at all. I have to be honest and say I do not believe Toviaz is working for me. I get up once or twice during the night and my adult diaper is so full, my nightgown is wet, and my pee pad on the bed is wet. I change my diaper, nightgown, and pee pad, go back to bed, and two or three hours later, I am up again changing. I have to wear a Poise #6 pad all day long, having to change at least 3 times per day. I am a pensioner who is having great difficulty paying for the pads and diapers. I cannot get any financial assistance for these. I wish so much that Pfizer could please come up with better medication than Toviaz. I am at my wits' end and only see one way out of this horrible situation I am in. No one, absolutely no one, understands how devastating this condition really is. Because of it, I rarely leave the house."

Toviaz (fesoterodine) "I've been taking Toviaz 8mg for the past 3 weeks, and it's been a lifesaver for me. Not being able to control urination had been getting worse and worse over the past 3 years. I was given a 2-week sample of the 8mg after I had a urodynamic study done. It found that my bladder functioned perfectly normal - no spasms. The next day, I didn't make it to work, I had to go home and change clothes. So, I've been taking the Toviaz since that day, and BAM, the sudden urges are gone! I do have chronic dry mouth and mild tiredness and found that taking it during the day versus at night was the better solution. Waking up with cotton mouth in the middle of the night was a big problem. I suggest trying it, it's worth it!"

Toviaz (fesoterodine) "I have been suffering with incontinence, continuing to get worse over the past 10 years, which was about the same time I have had severe fibromyalgia (which was confirmed by a doctor specialist in East Canton, Ohio). Should I leave my house (rarely), my bladder will begin to leak when I am about 2 houses away. At home, when the faucet is turned on or the toilet flushes, I leak so badly I fill my #5 Poise pad completely. Life is not great. Two months ago, my specialist recommended I try Toviaz. He gave me a 3-week sample. It worked right away! Yes, I had dry mouth, which I started treating with Biotene dry mouth rinse. It worked wonders! I took the script called in by the doctor but was shocked and saddened that my Medicare and supplemental insurance left me the obligation of $350.00 out-of-pocket. I've been searching for a coupon or something that would allow me to purchase this drug. Otherwise, it is not possible that I purchase it. Any ideas on how I might go about securing it?"

Toviaz (fesoterodine) "I was put on Toviaz after a serious back injury caused nerve damage to my bladder. At first, I was getting 5-6 hours of sleep a night when first prescribed the 4 mg, but I'm back to waking at least twice, and it's awful sitting on the toilet, having the urge to go but not being able to produce anything without going through the rigmarole of putting on taps, kneading my bladder, etc. I suffered from dry mouth, but after 10 weeks of use, it seems to be subsiding. The other thing I have noticed (hard not to!!) is the severe weight gain... 11 lbs in 2 months!! I have reduced mobility with the back injury, so it would be difficult for me to continue on Toviaz and not be able to lose the extra pounds. I've been on Oxybutynin and Vesicare, both with side effects."

Toviaz (fesoterodine) "Wow. I've been reading these reviews. I've been on Toviaz for 6 months. I started off with 4mg, now 8mg. I had colon cancer in 2017, radiation treatments, now my bladder only holds 6oz. Of urine, terrible. I can't tell you how every night I was soaked!!! Went thru sooo many incontinence products, crazy. It's no way to live. My Urologist put me on this when nothing else could b done. Perhaps Botox every 6 months, driving 2 hours. Anyway, Yes, there's dry mouth and etc but I found in time it lessened. I have no constipation. Low side effects, anyway, I'm smiling again. Headaches went away overtime. You're not going to get overnight success with this Med. Give it time. I was told at least 6 weeks to 2 months to notice. Yes, it's expensive but I'm not crying anymore. I will be on this rest of my life. :)"

Toviaz (fesoterodine) "I have a history of having to go NOW when I first feel the urge to urinate. Also, I'm the same as another patient who said, when her mind sees the toilet, she can't wait to pull her pants down to sit. She had to go right away. I'm the same way. It's strange. But I've been put on Toviaz 8 mg for about 2 weeks. Day one, I didn't think I could handle the dry mouth, but it's gotten better. The only thing that concerns me is I'm on a low carb diet and was losing weight until I started Toviaz. Now my weight has gone up a little and I can't seem to get it back down. Otherwise, this drug is awesome! It works great for me. I would recommend it!"

Toviaz (fesoterodine) "I have suffered urinary incontinence for quite a few years, but have been taking Toviaz for over 5 years and it has certainly helped me. It has changed my life and I have not suffered any bad side effects. But then perhaps I have been lucky. As far as dry mouth is concerned, I suffer from Sjögren Syndrome and a dry mouth is part of that condition."

Toviaz (fesoterodine) "I've been on Toviaz 2-3 years and so far is the most effective for incontinence & frequency. Over the years I've tried: Detrol LA (rubbish), Ditropan XL (not effective), Vesicare (very blurry vision), Enablex (worked for a while but not enough control), and now on Toviaz 8mg. It really cuts down on frequency. I only get up once in the night and can go 3-4 hrs without urinating (daytime). The incontinence is much better. Toviaz is expensive so I've been taking 1/2 pill/day. My problem is my brain sees the toilet and doesn't want hold off until I can get my belt and jeans down, and my ass on the throne (about 2-3 times/wk). My insurance won't cover Toviaz now I'll have to switch again. I've heard Myrbetriq works well? Probably can't afford it :("

Toviaz (fesoterodine) "I started Toviaz 4 mg about a month ago. It seemed to work a lot better than the other medications but caused severe dry mouth. With time, the dry mouth subsided but then I started the 8 mg dose. I have been on it for about a month and I find I have dry mouth and insomnia but the medication works so well I am going to see if side effects improve with a little more time."

Toviaz (fesoterodine) "Had to come off Toviaz due to side effects. Referred to Consultant and she has represcribed again to work in conjunction with another ‘wee stopper’. Headaches back again! Not sure that Consultant listened to me when I reported initial side effects? Will persevere for a fortnight but again, I do not want to take this medication for the rest of my life."

Toviaz (fesoterodine) "On Toviaz almost 2 weeks, had sharp pain on left side around top of breast and terrible belching and burping then headaches that I never get and neck pain felt terrible and new something was not right went to have a EKG done on heart looked good, looked online and saw the severe side effects of Toviaz I stopped immediately and within a day or two I was feeling almost back to normal"

Toviaz (fesoterodine) "I have OAB with urinary incontinence and have had nothing work for me. I started taking this in combination with Gemtesa and it works!! I am dry for most of the day but I do think it wears off around 5pm or so. I highly recommend trying it if nothing is working for you! I do have bad dry mouth and harder stool but I’ll take that over incontinence any day"

"I decided to try this medicine after trying a Pesi device. It worked immediately but left me broke and feeling like I was dying of thirst. I solved one problem by ordering it from Canada and it is less than half the price. Wish it did not make me so thirsty. I am next trying the Myrbetriq and will leave a review once trying it."

Toviaz (fesoterodine) "50.00 out of pocket for nightmares, Dizziness. Constipation, Weight Gain. Yes it works, but I just do not like the side effects."

Toviaz (fesoterodine) "I started taking Toviaz and I couldn’t stop coughing and my mouth was so dry. Horrible side effects. Came off of the Toviaz and no coughing or dry mouth."

Toviaz (fesoterodine) "Side effects so far constipation, I'm weak and more bleeding while urinating"

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: urinary antispasmodics
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Fesoterodine drug information
  • Fesoterodine (Advanced Reading)

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Professional resources

  • Fesoterodine monograph

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Related treatment guides

  • Urinary Frequency
  • Overactive Bladder
  • Urinary Incontinence