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Generic Name: Belladonna Alkaloids, Phenobarbital

Brand Name: Donnatal Extentabs

Donnatal Drug and Medication User Reviews

I started out at 1 pill 3-4 x per day and before sleep if needed. Have tried all the new prescriptions and it none have taken away the pain of the cramps from IBS. After many years I needed more and so dr increased to 2 tabs 3-4 x per day. This worked but eventually I built up a tolerance to it. So I know that it’s a gradual process until u r done but like my dr says I will most likely still need it, so I don’t know what to do, any suggestions appreciated.

Stops my esophageal spasms - wh are quite painful. When hospitalized, none of the residents ever heard of it! Had to get mine from home - not on hospital formulary. Liquid & pills very effective. No side effects unless I’m already sleepy or tired.

works great for stomach and throat spasms, I order mine through a Pharmacy in Florida. It's hard to find. FloraPharm maybe?

I had taken this medication for years and now haven't been able to find it anywhere. I've had IBS and bleeding ulcers. This was the only medicine that helped me. Is there any place in the USA that continues to carry it?? Thank you.

This seems to work the best for me.

I have tried many medications and this one is the best by far! My doctor gave me a sample after my 100th colonoscopy to rediagnose my ICS and I went running back for a prescription! I only take it when I have a flair up and it is amazing how It works within 2 hours. Thanks Donnatal

When needed the generic form of Donnatal is used to combat spasms due to a flare up of diverticulosis irritation. This really does the trick. There is a little drowsiness involved but nothing that stops daily actions.

it has helped with my diarrhea, when I take the pill it sure helps me for hours

I am withdrawing from opiates and Donnatal works great to reduce my GI problems associated from opiate withdrawals.

I've tried several medications in the past 40 years and donnatol is by far the most helpful

good for 40 years, now costs $4.66 a pill. Why?

helps with abd pain from ibs

relaxed the colon

I have been diagnosed with ibs and also spastic colon..when put on generic donnatal, it worked ok.. But last year i was placed on donnatal extentabs.. No problems at all! And now.. The manufacturer or drug co.. Isnt making..or either its on back order? Why is it, when you finally find a medicine that works.. You cant get it anymore! It isnt fair!

I am allowed to take this three times a day as needed. I only take it a few days a month, but it is becoming more difficult for my pharmacist to acquire. I suppose the pharmacies don't want to sell something that is both cheap and effective!

was given this in Vietnam for treatment of Malaria, had issues with kidney and enlarged prostate

No longer being manufactured?

This medication is wonderful for treating irritable bowel and as an RN we gave it mixed with Mylanta for upset stomach. It will show up as a barbituate in a drug screen.