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Generic Name: Saxagliptin Tablets

Brand Name: Onglyza

Onglyza Drug and Medication User Reviews

my blood sugar goes very very low

I'm a type 2 diabetic for going on 10 years. I've tried lantus injections and Novolog injections with metformin with some positive results. Then I was prescribed onglyza 2.5 mg and had fantastic results. Just wanted to say Thank you for what I think is the best drug I've tried.

No noticeable difference in BS readings. Headaches, 15 lb weight gain in 6 months, because you are hungry all the time. Added 2 miles a day of walking, or would have gained even more. Headaches, sore throat for months. Expensive...how did this one get by the FDA ?

A1C 7.8 Added this medication PLUS 3 miles of walking. A1C 5 weeks later: 7.7 Absolutely ineffective. Probably RAISED blood sugar, as I would expect 3 miles of walking to reduce blood sugar more than .1 Not only does not work, but very expensive and dangerous side effects if you read the patient info leaflet.

Terrible Confusion, continuous runny nose, sore throat, headache, arthritis pain became worst Miserable time trying to sleep. I stopped taking after 2 weeks.

Actually made my blood glucose readings go UP an average of 20 to 30 points. Expensive ($10 a pill at this time) AND WORSE than useless.

have been taking the drug 2 weeks. Killer headache every day, not effective lowering blood sugar...actually a little higher than before I started taking it. Price is outrageous...$10 a day. (my insurance pays for it, but for that price I expect it to work better without side effects).

I am currently taking Onglyza for my type 2 diabetes once a day. My levels have not really decreased. I am still in the range of 7.5 to 8...My diet is right on target and so are my exercise routines....I can't inject or test monitor/lancet. I am not going to continue to increase my pill intake by another pill form medication. What does one do?

my sex drive returned. this is the best dam drug ever. i poop regularly too! it has brought my sugar levels down to a normal level. Plus what most people dont realize is they also have to change their diet. you can't just take a pill and keep eating Junk food and expect your sugar levels to be Normal.. I have read most of the reviews and see that most diabetics are very stupid people!

It worked well at getting my numbers down but I had severe dry mouth and my feet were swollen to the point of not being able to wear some shoes. My doctor took me off.

i have gained 10 lbs in 5 months taking this medication. I as of today am not taking it anymore. I have also had dry eyes, never had that before.

Have taken this drug for almost a year. Now it is not working, also having headaches. BS have gotten higher and have gain some weight.

my wife was taking onglyza and months later was diagnose with pancreatic cancer.please watch for signs of body pain when taking this medicine.

Have been on it for almost 2 years. My A1C has gone up. I recently stopped taking it and my bloog sugars have actually come down. With all the bad press surrounding this drug, I do not find it to be worth the risk in continuing to take.

This little pill works wonderful for me. I do get the headaches and leg pains but the fact that my blood sugar is no longer in the 300's is awesome! I don't even have to use my insulin!! It is a GREAT pill.

Worked really good for 6 Months ,Then nothing , The Headaches were debilitating ..

I have experienced leg pain, and skin rashes on my legs. Blood sugar really hasn't improved that much. Anyone else scared to take Onglyza?

ok so far

it works fine but insurance co. won't cover so now have to use tradjenta good luck everyone.