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Generic Name: Benazepril

Brand Name: Lotensin

Lotensin Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been on this medicine for ten years with out any problems.

I'm questioning wheather this medication causes sever itching.

I was initially taking HCTZ with horrible side effects(I'm allergic to sulfur containing drugs), upon a doctor correcting this Lotensin works wonderful in comparison. It has brought me to a a normal range of 120/80 from 190/145. High blood pressure runs in my family. Most are all on ace inhibitors. I do notice that I am lower on energy, but over all I feel fine. It has reduced my anxiety and I do occassionally experience vertigo if I am up to 6 hours late taking it. I also experienced vertigo often with the buildup. I do have a dry cough that is not bothersome, and gets more intense if I forget to take it. So I'd say at the optimum levels I feel normal and it works great.

this treatment is awsome. I love drugs.

I have been taking the Lotensin for about 2 months. My blood pressure has come down into the normal range (125/73 avg over the two months) It seems to be in the same general range everytime I take it. I have a VERY slight cough urge, that doesn't cause me to cough very often. I have not noticed any changes in mucous or salivary production. I do seem to have a slightly lower energy level, but am compensating well. I just try to keep myself moving, works for me. My blood pressure wasn't extremely high, but in the 140/100 range, high enough to cause organ damage over time and arterial damage fairly quickly. I am generally happy with this med. Seems very similar to the HCTZ I was previously taking.

It is hard to say if it helps very much. I lost weight and increased my exercise a lot, so how much effect the medicine has had in lowering my blood pressure is hard to determine.

Side effects

I was reffered to this physican(I'll call him Dr.Q for you readers),by an on-call physican which I was under his care for 24 hours observation. I was so impressed by his care into my well being, I wanted to become one of his patients but unfortunately, he could not take on new patients. Dr. Q never checked me out at all, relied on the doctor notes of a former physician or those physicians that I saw at the hospital and also spent approx. 5-8 mins with me, ending off with an "everything looks good",till one day I had a bad case of food poisioning from tainted fruit. I was not feeling well at all. My family took me to the doctors office and Dr.Q admitted me to the hospital. Dr. Q took me off my one bp medicine that was working for me for years and put me on a few medications,one of which was the Lotensin. my bp was extremely low the lowest 97 over 70 but my heart rate was 110. Since I left the hospital, I thought the symptoms that I was having from this was just me until my daughter happen upon this site. I also had the pounding racing heart and the dry hacking cough, the persistent often embarssing built-up saliva in my mouth and the agonizing post-nasal drip associated with it. I feel very light-headed where I move and talk extremely slow and 85% of my day is spent in bed because I cannot function the way I normally function. I live an independant, lively, engergetic, agressive, competitive lifestyle, that I want back not only for me but for my family as well. Needless to say, I insisted for him to take me off it and to put me back on my orignal bp medicine. He refused to put me back on and insisted that I follow his orders or find another physician and since the time Dr.Q made that comment he had already released me from his care leaving me to find someone else. Ask questions, find out by researching(medical professionals hate that)on the internet but go to reliable resources. Dr.Q's speciality is pill pushing and laptop carrying. Take control of your life

short of breath, chronic cough, feel bad alol the time, no energy.

Even though I had CABG-5 (5 bypass) surgery, I was given this drug along with Coreg 12.5mg bid. My bp was text-book perfect at 140/80 the entire time I took this. When I commented to my Family MD about the post-nasal drip, he told me this was so common they just refer to it as "Statin Syndrome" and changed me to Diovan. This was the biggest mistake I've ever made. My bp is all over the place, I'm sicker than I have been since before the surgery, or ever that I can remember. The worst stomach cramps I've ever had and cannot keep anything down. I've fallen twice required sutures/staples, so instead of returning to the Lotensin, they added HCTZ. My feet look like they're going to burst, I'm too weak to stand without help, terrible pain in my back (kidney area) on both sides. I have to go to the ER tomorrow to have the staples removed and I will insist on dropping the HCTZ and Diovan and return to Lotensin. After all, YOU have the final say in what treatment you receive. Your MD only sees you (if you're lucky) maybe 15-30 min./day while in the hospital. So far, with ER visits for falling, I've been given four different instructions regarding these bp med from four different doctors! What does one do, I suggest checking their qualifications, specialties, certifications, continuing education,etc. With the HCTZ, I was told to check my bp twice a day and if it was high, take one, if not, don't (!?!) Oh well, outstanding healthcare in the most wonderful country in the world with the best of everything, but only the MDs (and CRNP [MD-wannabe]) are handed a God complex along with their license in my experience.

This drug made me have a dry hacking cough that made me very very tired. Also my heart pounded and I could even feel my heart beating in my head which was disconcerting. I stood it about 4 months.