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Generic Name: Benazepril HCl and HCTZ

Brand Name: Lotensin Hct

Lotensin Hct Drug and Medication User Reviews

Lotensin HCT 20/12.5 my to replace Vasotec 20 mg MSD and Hydrochlorot 12.5 mg. My blood sugar rose from 98 to 119 with Lotensin, so doctor put me Glucophage to lower it. I wasn't having any issues with the previous medications, but the doctor said insurance requested the change to save money.

after 4 years of use I developed serious side effects skin rash ,heavy sweating, severe heat intollerance, vision changes, difficult swallowing, light headed, very fatigued, took about 8 weeks to get better, but still having mild skin issues.

I have been on this medication for years. I've had no side effects from the Brand medication--absolutely nothing at all. I did have a problem with swelling in my feet when I switched to a certain generic manufacturer, however. I do believe that I got a bad lot number because my side effects cleared right up when I switched to a different Rx manufacturer. Scary, scary stuff! And this review is coming from a 30 year registered medical technologist familiar with quality control.

I am taking Benazepril/HCTZ 20/12.5 mg Tablets. (Generic for Lotensin Hct) I also have the tickle in throat and have a need to cough on and off. My joints have started aching after a year and I also felt some numbness in 1 of my big toes comes and goes. The need to urniate often is annoying. I live in a high altitude area which I have to drink more water. My vision seems to be changing and may be a side effect from drug. I need to check it out with doctor.

I was prescribed Benazapril and the side effects were horrible. One minute I was dizzy, then I felt like fainting, couldn't drive, hardly could walk. Then I got all kinds of body rashes all over and was so tired I could sleep forever. Will never take this medication again.

Have been on generic for almost 7 years, after trying two others that were awful. This one has some side effects but nothing I cannot live with. The throat tickling in the am when taking I guess I have gotten used to, a few other minor things but nothing to stop using it. I did have to increase from 20 mgs once a day to twice a day less than two years ago. Dr thinks it might be because of alot of pre-menapausal issues I have though. Very inexpensive as generic too.

I have been expercing hair loss, joint pain in both arms, and sinus problems since i started 6 months ago. Anyone with these problems?

very effective for lowering my bp, but too many side effects. constant tickle in throat and cough since beginning medicine. also had severe muscle cramps and post nasal drip. stopped medicine after 6 weeks.

I have experienced several episodes of extreme swelling of the lips; my sinus doctor/surgeon, of Beckley, WV suggests that it could be the Lotensin I take for BP; am dealing with such today, keeping area moist with Aquaphor* lip repair and will take some benadryl recommended by local doctor. Any similar reports?

I am on the Benezepril/HCTZ 10/12.5 My blood pressure is running good. My only complaint after taking this a number of years is that on certain days I am feeling like I have to urinate 10 mins. after I have already gone. Some days are worse than others. I am almost afraid to take one when having to take any type of road trip. It gets uncomfortable when you feel like you have to go all of the time. It's almost like having a bladder infection.

heart pounding, finger tips numb.don't feel good

I have been having a tickly throat ever since I started this drug about 6 mos. ago. Anyone else experience this?

This is the only bp medication I have ever been on and it is working well for me.

Every bone in my body aches since I started taking this medicine--especially my BIG toe.

blood pressure remaining in 130/90 range where Norvasc kept it lower ..Extreme dizziness