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Generic Name: Simvastatin

Brand Name: Zocor

Zocor Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was on Zocor for 3 months. It worked great lowering my cholesterol. That said, I developed horrible pain in my hip and knee. It was hard to sit, stand or walk. I would get up at 3:00 am to sit on a heating pad. Bending over to wash my face was agonizing. I went to an ortho doctor who said it was severe muscle strain. Iâ??ve been off Zocor for 2 months now and feel much better. I will never take Zocor ever again. If you have severe muscle pain and are on Zocor, it might be a problem for you too.

I have lipo protine "a". Dr's want my good cholesterols very high. They put me on Zocor after several months on it I landed in the hospital with liver enzymesoff the charts. They got the good cholesterol number they wanted took over 3 years to get liver enzymes back in check.

Been on Zocor for 3 weeks, started having severe pain in both legs. After reading previous reviews I am stopping this drug.

pain in back and legs arms

Muscle aches started after years of use - 20mG. Prior I had unexplained peripheral neuropathy which several neurological tests and MRI/MRAs couldn't explain. Off the drug and feeling better.

This drug is poison! I was on it for years and develop a host of debilitating conditions. Chronic fatigue, memory loss, cognitive issue, muscle pain and weakness, joint pain and stiffness. Visit my clinician for all these condition and not once did she suggest or discuss with me that these could be side effects of this drug...so much for talking to you doctor first before stopping the drug!!! Take control of your own health! I stopped on my own the fatigue was gone in less than 24 hrs. Told her about it and she still wanted me to get back on the drug if my cholesterol was elevated. I told her I would not put this poison back in my body and that my side effects greatly outweighed any benefit this drug may have. It's not fit for human consumption! I don't believe the low numbers presented of patients with side effects. Now it's time for me to consult with legal counsel.

brought my total numbers down 100 points in 6 months, since starting this medication, my numbers have lowered to a normal level.

I started taking this for elevated cholesteral levels, and didn't notice anything at first. After about a year I started to notice increasing pain in my muscles and joints. I'm not young anymore, but try to remain quite active, and assumed it was just age catching up to me. After about a week of restless broken sleep, I thought the problem was my sleeping on a mattress that needed replacing. Only after suffering a day of debilitating diarea did I seek medical advise. My doctor asked me who was authorizing the use of Simvastatin, and was suprised it was him. The online pharmacy my insurance was using was auto-authourizing the writing of the presciption, without retesting me. The doctor said my liver values were out of whack and has sent them out for tests. It's been 3 days now,the muscle/bone pains subsided within a day, but the diarea is still with me. I'm scared shi##ess what it's done to my liver. I think I need to stop relying on my doctor to manage my healthcare.

I was put on a low dose of Simvastatin due to high Cholesterol in 2013. It did reduce my cholesterol 70 points, however, it caused severe damage to the muscles in my legs, arms, shoulders and back. I couldn't lift myself out of chairs, couldn't get up the stairs and spent most of my time in bed. I also had a few minor memory problems which have greatly improved since stopping the statin. I was a very active 50 year old and at 52 I am still working with several specialist to resolve muscle pain and neuropathy in my extremities. I have been told it was MS, then fibromyalgia, finally a neurologist after reviewing all my records, including full CAT Scans and MRI's had diagnosed it as statin induced muscle myopathy & neuropathy. I have been supplementing with Ubiquinol CoQ10 and a ketogenic diet. I am making progress but still have a ways to go. Please do your own research before taking any cholesterol reducing medication. I trusted my doctor and failed to research the side effects.

I started taking Simvastatin back in February 2014 due to high cholesterol. I was very overweight at the time and that is what my doctor recommended. I did not read research any side effects which I normally do when taking any new medication. About a month into taking it, I started noticing that I had flu like symptoms when I got up in the morning. My bones, joints, even my feet hurt to walk on them. Furthermore, I could not believe that I actually looked sick in the face. I then felt the need to have to take several naps during the day and I would still get my 8 hours sleep at night. I have never felt the need to take a nap during the day before taking this medication. It wasn't until I spoke to my pharmacist and asked him are these the symptoms of me getting older in age or could it be something else. He informed me that the "statin" family of drugs are notorious for making people feel ill, bone and muscle aches, joint pain, fatigue and the list goes on. I informed my doctor I was going to quit the medication to see if it made a difference. I can't tell you how much better I felt. I feel normal, no aches and pains, feet stopped hurting, no need to take naps during the day etc. I have never felt better and I mean that with all sincerity! I do not recommend anybody using this drug. If you have high cholesterol ask your doctor for an alternative. Looking back on this experience it blows my mind how one little pill could make someone feel like I felt. I will never take another medication in the "statin" family ever again.

I have been taking it 3 yrs cholesterol has not come down

Side effects of musle pain and fatige

My husband is 83, a survivor of polio but with major muscle damage. He took Lipitor from its beginning, with constant leg pain (assumed post polio syndrome). Two days after stopping pain did, too. Doctor put him on Simvistatin for past 8 years. He has been severly tired for last 3 or so years. In May of 2014 suffering major leg pain which grew constantly worse, could barely walk, used electric scooter to move around. Medical world could find nothing wrong. He stopped Simvistatin 7 weeks ago. Saw little change for 5 weeks and then remarkable improvement on a daily basis. He is walking without aid, rested, feeling better than he has for years. How many older people are suffering from these statins and thinking it is because they are old and have arthritis? I used Crestor for 3 days and couldn't function. Stopped it. Then I was put on Simvistatin about 5 years ago. Muscle and joint pain and lack of mobility followed - chalked up to old age and arthritis. I stopped the drug in June, against doctor's advice, and am doing much better. In my opinion the "statin syndrome" is a cleverly orchestrated hoax costing users mega bucks while dispensing dangerous health issues and major pain. We have had very caring physicians, just wish they would give consideration to the potential harm these drugs can and are doing.

unsure if i should continue. My doctor says to stay on it indefinitely.If I lose some weight and eat right I don't think i will need it. I understand it depletes CO Q 10 and messes up memory among a lot more side effects

Took for 11 months. Started having pain in upper arm. Couldn't lift over head. Then one day had pain in my left thigh worse than a toothache! Pained sitting, standing,laying down. Couldn't sleep. Checked med side effects. Found out this was side effect of simvastatin. Checked with pharmacist and told to stop taking them. Told by nurse practicioner with cardiologist we know to stop them. Pharmacist said that in a week it would be out of system. she was right! felt better. at the same time I developed 4 trigger fingers and an eye floater. Use to walk 45 minutes 6 days a week. Took almost 3 months before I could do 30 minutes at 3 days a week. Floater is going away but fingers are painful still. Doctor said to go off for 2 weeks and then drop from 40mg to 20mg but I quit altogether. I will not take a statin again. Pain was too bad. Only taking cause of having diabetes.

Two weeks after starting this drug I got severe neck pain. The pain went in two directions; up the back of my head and down into my shoulders and upper back and chest. I was exhausted, living in a fog and I was losing the ability to simply comprehend things. Stopped taking it and in two days the pain traveling up my head stopped, the exhaustion left me and comprehension came back. It took a few more days for the pain in my shoulders, chest and back to fade. I don't recommend this drug to anyone.

husband has been taking zocor with amlodpine together for quite a few years. doc retired and new doc took him off immediatly and put him on pravastatin and HCTZ. he had no problems whatsoever with the zocor and now after only 7 days with new meds...severe pain in ankles, hip legs and feet. he said it wss so bad that it felt like his ankles were broken!!! called doc and told him we were going back to zocor and amlodpine...as info said any of these side affects contact doc asap! he is not due to see doc again until Sept. so for now we are going back to zocor. also had severe coughing and itching from the new meds. any comments truly welcomed. my husband is 63 years old and still working. all the years of zocor and amlodpine he went every 3 months for blood work and to see how he was doing. nothing ever showed up as to his liver being damaged. I think sometimes these "medical pros" jump on something that may have had a bad experience with certain drugs and first thing they do is change meds at the drop of a hat!!!!! can't seem to make up their minds at the expense of their patient...as all are different..what works for one does not work for all. please...anyone comment!!!! thank you!

I have only been on the simvastatin for two weeks and already noticed my hair falling out, terrible headaches and muscle pain in neck and shoulder. I will go back to red yeast rice and COQ10,which is a statin but I think it is safer, at least I still had all my hair.

Developed liver failure