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Generic Name: Bexarotene

Brand Name: Targretin

Targretin Drug and Medication User Reviews

The first years were very hard because of the side-effect. I started 8*75mg daily. Had a light stroke after 5 years. After that event things got better. Now only 3*75 mg., I also had radiation therapy twice during the treatment.

i have MF-patches covering butt, breasts, between legs, R underarm. i took 7 pills for initial dose..though painful and 'icky cancer skin'...at 14 mos on 4 75mg i have Clear skin that looks a lil 'tanned'. drs call it "very pleasing progress"-- i call it a Miracle. i also take fenofibrate 160 to combat the 'higher' triglys. i have a life again. i took pictures of "before- during - and after"..i could be lying-- those pics aint!! if you have the option i would Strongly advise you to try it.

saw a little inprovement at first, about 3 months. Now 5 months into it my CTCL is getting worse.

has anyone used this drug for Alzheimers yet?

Started out helping condition for first three months, than condition became very bad.

This drug is awesome. I love drugs.

not working well