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Generic Name: Bosentan

Brand Name: Tracleer

Tracleer Drug and Medication User Reviews

only on it for 6 days and cannot deal with the side effects: headaches,more shortness of breath. stuffed up nose so i cannot breath well thru cannula. achy all over. wake up with nausea. very agressive towards everyone. stopped taking it and a couple of days later shortness of breath is back. to normal copd short of breath And very little aggression.

I 32 on bosentan for 4 months feel better breathing and activity

do not take this pill it is not worth it it cost 6300 dollars a month it caused me not to be able to go out in the sun for very long it feals like fiberglass iching spells from head to toe

It seems as if I am breathing a little better . I seem to have regressed after taking 125mg. for a year and 1/2 now. At first I fainted while walking around my yard and had like little head rushes. I had had some nausea. And mush joint pain all over. I feel like I am trading one problem for many others. Overall what R U going to do...........Sure wish there was a better resolution to this disease.... :)

Have been on med for second time. First time med was started day one out of hospital after open lung biopsy. My chest tube site started to drain profusely. I stopped med. Chest tube site now infected but not leaking. Started med again, day 3 and Im so full of fluid. Call into dr office.

This medication has allowed increased stamina, and allows me to feel the energy I had before PAH

I am in my third month. I am taking 125 mgs.Started at 62.5 mgs. I have been on oxygen for 12 yrs. Am now at 6 liters - 24/7. I'm in my third year of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. I believe the medication has helped me. I can walk more and longer. I've had headaches, flushing, fever like feelings, coughing, sinus like problems. I have my liver tested every month,so far so good. I also have asthma and am on allergy shots. Some of my problems could be related to the asthma. Over all I beleive this medication will prolong my life span.

I've been on this medication for about 5 going on 6 months now in the first month i had headaches but they stopped. about half way thru the second month i started getting head rushes every time i stood up and if going from sitting on the floor to standing i would have to do it in stages or i would have fainted however this has now also stopped. Was reading another post that mentioned heartburn...I too have been getting way more heartburn then before and also a lot more gas causing burps. The pills seemed to be doing more for my breathing in the the first 2 or 3 months and i feel as though they have lost some effectiveness however i could have just forgotten how much worse my breathing really was before am still hopeful for a bit more improvement of symptoms as the Doc said it may take up to 8+ months for full effectiveness of this treatment. overall i have to say its has made activities easier to accomplish.

not sure if related to medication but this person has had pancreatitis twice so far less than 3 months apart.Does anyone know of this problem with tracleer? 3 yrs.of age and not sure if it's even helping the pulmonary hypertension.

Headacheas are terribble and my back is killing me..

I did not want to take this medication because I did not feel I was that bad and I did not like the side effects. My doctors convinced me I needed to take it. After about two months, I feel much stronger over all, and I do not get short of breath as quickly. I can do things it was very hard to do before.

Within a year I felt 100% better

I am having a lot of headaches, throat irration, coughing but I am walking better and able to stand without feeling like I am going to faint.

I have been on tracleer for 90 days my last liver function test came back abnormal will repeat it.

Hi there.. I was diagnosed with Primary Pulmonary Hypertension in 2006. I am 22. Side effects: Weight gain, but im back to normal. Overall: Lowered pressures in lungs, right side of heart back to normal size, rarely get chest pains, Slowed down leakage of valve. Still on medication but It saved my life!

easy to take and so far no side effects